The Dance of Death Movie (v. 2.1)
Разработано EZ Takes
This overlooked gem is a combo horror film and crime film, filled with atmospheric scenes in and around an eerie mansion and a spooky, overgrown cemetery. Unknown killers threaten a millionaire with death. A posh detective comes to his lonely country estate to protect him. Within the mansion s walls are many suspicious characters, including three vampish bombshells (one resembles Barbara Steele), along with two odd servants: one tall, dark and gruesome, the other a small Peter Lorre-type. Terrifying things happen. The sinister shadow of an unknown killer is seen prowling the grounds in the black of the night. A guard dog is found dead-poisoned. The chauffeur is found, his head jammed into the blades of a car's cooling fan-the motor still running! Things finally end up in a local graveyard where our hero is sealed up in a tomb! A neat, twist ending finishes off this fine, obscure Euro-thriller....more at www.eztakes.com. (Duration: 84 minutes)