Syntax Records ADW Theme (v. 0.7.0) Разработано Quality Junk |
Making Smart Phones Smarter since 1997!
[2011-11-16] Fitzy: So simple and lite. |
[2011-07-26] Nick: Basic theme. Nicely done no drills theme. |
[2011-06-11] Julius: Good colour scheme, very mod. But... not enough icons, ultra sigh! |
[2011-02-09] Jeremiah: More icons.. otherwise amazing |
[2011-01-18] Conrad Haupt: Love the idea and theme but lack of icons makes it not a fully fledged theme. Besides that, brilliant. |
[2011-01-15] Erik: Barely any icons |
[2011-01-11] jonathan: If you add more icons would be a good theme. Needs work :). |
[2011-01-07] Marvis: Where's the icons at??? |
[2011-01-07] Timothy: I love the icons! More please! |