Scrictionary Pro (v. 0.3.0)
Разработано Citizen B
Growing old waiting for those word lookups to finish? Sick of those irritating ads, but still need to stick it to your Scrabble(tm) buddies? Now you can, in 60 milliseconds or less! All it takes is the latest Pro edition of Scrictionary, for the low, low, Ultra-Low price of $1.49. Still not $3.49, not $2.49, not even $1.99...just $1.49! No hidden fees, no monthly charges, just endless(*) Scrabble(tm) lookup action (using TWL-6 and SOWPODS dictionaries).
* Internet permission is only for (anonymous!) Google Analytics tracking to see which features are used, and how performant (or not) they are.
* External storage is for caching dictionaries in a speedier format
Please email me any (constructive) feedback or problems, and don't forget to rate and comment, thanks!
In particular, if anyone experiences any perceptible delay in lookup
after the first few words, I am very interested in hearing about it.
* ISC for the word lists
* mi******ke@gmail.com and lu*****z@gmail.com for very helpful feedback.
* David Gunnells <earth*****@gmail.com> for the perfect troubleshooting screenshots.
* http://code.google.com/p/acra/ for automatic crash reporting (not that this app ever crashes, of course...)
* scala, sbt, sbt-android-plugin.
(*) Scrabble(tm) action not actually endless; the laws of thermodynamics are bound to put an end to it eventually.