RhymasaurusRex (v. 1.04) Разработано PROD4ever |
Are you a songwriter? Ever needed just the right rhyme to complete your masterpiece? Let the T-Rex hook you up. Rhymasurusrex is the perfect pocket rhyme dictionary. A funky rhyming dinosaur that spits fresh fire.
[2011-11-14] Jenny: So cool and cute. Love love love it |
[2011-10-16] Sarah: It's great |
[2011-07-20] Elise: Sucks. Get rid of the adds on the bottom or at least move them to a different spot. Covers up the list of words. |
[2011-07-09] vance: Has potential to be great. Needs a few more features though. Like a dictionary, text to speech, and ability to disable audio. |
[2011-06-25] Lee: I like the simple interface. Needs option to disable sound, result dictionary, and broader rhyme dictionary. |
[2011-06-11] Sinistar83: Needs voice recognition and text to speech |
[2011-06-02] danielle: I really want to use this app but it always forces close right before it loads up. Please do something about this :( |
[2011-05-20] Chantal: Awesome! Love the dinosaur's authentic sounds. |
[2011-05-13] Greg: Great App! Especially love the sound when Rex is getting suggestions. |