Pic Bubbler в Android Market

Icon for Pic Bubbler 1.25 Pic Bubbler (v. 1.25)
Разработано Wertago

Pic Bubbler is a simple and fun way to make pics more exciting.  Turn pics of your favorite guy or girl into titillating memories.  Edit pics of your favorite models.  Sometimes it's what you don't see that makes all the difference.  Try it out now and see what all the buzz is about!


Категория: Развлечения
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 689.1 KB
Опубликовано: 2010-11-28
Обновлено: 2011-09-21

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для Pic Bubbler
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 2 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.wertago.bubble.lite

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана pic-bubbler
Снимок экрана pic-bubbler

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Pic Bubbler

[2011-03-26] Shailee:
Not bad.
[2011-03-05] Jack:
Great! haha, totally works
[2011-01-26] Adam:
[2011-01-03] Emil:
Simply impossible to use. Perhaps only the placement of the circles should be done on the pic, and the scaling through a slider? Needs work!
[2010-11-15] piper:
Not worth it. Uninstalled
[2010-11-14] Aracely:
Its alriqht, it keeps forceclosin thouqh
[2010-10-29] Rob:
Awesome but worth upgrading to the pro version. I use this on pics all the time.
[2010-10-29] rcs:
Awesome but worth upgrading to the pro version. I use this on pics all the time.
[2010-10-28] Anonymous:
Does what it say but not user friendly or easy to use at all but at least its free.
[2010-10-06] Primal:
Terribly fiddly controls and unresponsive screen sensitivity detract from what could have been a great app. (Used on Softbank HTC Desire)
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