Mood Uplift в Android Market

Icon for Mood Uplift 1.0 Mood Uplift (v. 1.0)
Разработано Spiritual Nuggets

This App will help you to quickly and enjoyably refocus your attention in directions that will uplift your spirit, wake up your creativity, boost your empathy, and in general keep you operating at top performance and pleasure.

The thoughts that you allow to dominate your mind determine not only your inner mood but everything that happens in your life. It's true that you get what you focus on ... and the 12 Focus Phrases you learn in this Application will effortlessly refocus your attention in uplifting, rewarding and enlightening directions.

At work or at play, pause for just a minute or two - and receive video and audio guidance that will help you let go of stress and worries, tap your deeper creative potential, and fully wake up the real you.

This App is based on the new book "Expand  This Moment" by John Selby. John is a well-known psychologist, teacher and author specializing in the development of new approaches to mood expansion and mind management. In order to bring his methods to the mainstream market, John has compressed his core psychological and spiritual insights and methodology into unique 90-second and 3-minute Mood Uplift video experiences.

It's a well-proven fact: your prevailing mood each day determines your enjoyment and success in life. With this new App, you can take charge of your mood swings and transform your life for the better.


Категория: Развлечения
Закачек: <50
Размер: 2.2 MB
Опубликовано: 2011-12-10
Обновлено: 2011-12-10

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Системное имя пакета: com.evansappwriter.instantuplift

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