This Joke-App contains thousands of jokes in many different categories.
For each category the last seen joke is saved, so you can continue reading the jokes later at the actual position.
You can send the jokes by SMS or Email to a friend.
Thousands of jokes in many different categories:
- Animal jokes
- At Work jokes
- Bar jokes
- Blonde jokes
- Celebrity jokes
- Classic jokes
- Clean jokes
- Computer jokes
- Crude Sex jokes
- Dirty jokes
- Funny articles
- Kids jokes
- Lawyer jokes
- Little Johnny jokes
- Marriage and Relationships jokes
- Men jokes
- Naughty jokes
- Nerd jokes
- Police jokes
- Political jokes
- Racial jokes
- Redneck jokes
- Religious jokes
- Stupid jokes
- Tasteless jokes
- Woman jokes
- Yo Momma jokes
New jokes will be added soon.