The official application of I Love Techno 2011 presented by Proximus powered by Appmiral.
Log in with your Facebook account to connect with your Facebook friends within the application.
By connecting you can compare your favorite artists with those of your friends.
Of course there's much more like more detailed artist info, a schedule, more practical information,...
And that's not all, we keep adding features, keep an eye on the "Extra" page!
Read the Facebook and Twitter streams to keep yourself up to date. Post your own comments, tweets, messages to participate in the interaction yourself.
Read about your favorite artists or discover new things using to the artist profile pages which contain images, a bio and links to more information.
Share your favorite band through Facebook, Twitter or email.
You can also mark an artist as favorite in order to follow him upclose.
There are 4 different ways to go through the line-up:
* Stage view: get an easy overview of all artists per stage per day
* Alphabetical view: a simple list of all artists
* Favorites view: this list displays all your favorite artists, sorted by starting time of the performance once this is announced.
* Schedule: a handy overview of who's playing at what time
For all information lovers there's also a full practical guide aboard!
...and there's much more! Go discover for yourself!