GlennBeckisms (v. 4.4) Разработано VirtualTechs |
GlennBeckisms is an app where you can be mystified by that hot cup of fair and blanaced crazy on Fox News, Glenn Beck.
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To load up a different quote, either press the 'Next quote' button or shake your phone.
[2012-06-26] Jerry in Mexico: Crap app By a moron dev. |
[2011-09-07] Seven: Not sure if the developer intended to bolster Glenn, but he succeeded nonetheless. Well done, unwitting servant of justice. |
[2011-07-06] pickles: Funny stuff! |
[2011-06-15] Martha: Don't bother downloading this one. This app attempts to lampoon Beck by taking some of his sarcastic comments out of context. |
[2011-06-04] Duane: This makes Beck look better. You did nothing to hurt this man by creating this app. |
[2011-05-23] T-Bubbles: This app is crap!! Glenn is the last of a dying breed called true Americans founded on Godly biblical principals just ask your grandparents.Fox net |
[2011-04-06] Rich: If you are trying to make glenn beck look bad you sure did an epic fail on that one you just made him look better |
[2011-02-02] Anthony Tyler: This app only made Glenn look better. Better luck next time, Lefty. Also, the structure of this app is quite honestly terrible. Go back to HTML... |
[2010-11-25] robert: I think this ap makes him look bad |
[2010-11-23] Richard: G.B. this app. sucks too!!!!!!! |
[2010-11-07] Jeff: These are fake quotes |
[2010-11-07] Rick: It would have been much easier for the creator of this app to have just focused on something more at his level, like Sponge Bob. Grow up you idiot. |
[2010-10-04] Robert : Thomas...u are an idiot, waste of life, & should go hang yourself immediately. |
[2010-09-07] Joseph: Glenn is my hero. Funniest guy ever. |
[2010-09-07] Anonymous: Wish he would just be our President for one term to get our country back in the hands of the people. Good app, thank you. |
[2010-08-28] Thomas: Glenn Beck is racist and evil. He thinks free markets work when they have destroyed America. Free markets are a dinosaur. We must have govt regulation |
[2010-08-16] Philip: Horrible app, glitchy, and fake quotes. Leave this one be. |
[2010-08-05] zach: Hey guys all you have to do is change the name from glenn to obama it works great |
[2010-08-04] K: Beck says what were feeling. Hes our voice...wish this had more quotes. Soso app...beck rocks! |
[2010-07-27] David: Beck is awesome. App sucks...uninststall |
[2010-07-24] codey: Glenn beck is the definition of a true patriot. He believes in the principles this country was founded. So let's demonize him. Uninstall. |
[2010-07-24] codey : Glenn beck is the definition of a true patriot. He believes in the principles this country was founded. So let's demonize him. Uninstall. |
[2010-07-15] zachary: It amazes me everday how correct he is at analyzing our countries history and matching it up with the way our gov runs wants to run us. |
[2010-07-10] Alex: The sad thing is the left wing idiot who made this app to make Glenn Beck look bad..actualy just proved that beck is friggin awesome. |
[2010-06-12] Daryl: If everyone understood what America is, and the significance of what America represents, as beck does, than this country would be a better place! |
[2010-06-02] thomas: Every quote here is absolutely right. Beck is a smart man who doesnt sugar coat anything and lie to you. Most of these are just taken out of context |
[2010-05-23] Jeff: Beck says insane stuff on tv ... no problem. Anyone pointing out how insane the stuff Beck says is ... major problem. How bout don't say insane stuff |
[2010-05-23] scott: I knew glenn beck was crazy but i didnt think he had the balls to plagiarize the great george carlin. Download carlinism app to see |
[2010-05-22] Jeremy: This app is a prime example of the left's hate. They'd rather create stuff like this than have a rational debate. |
[2010-05-22] Firethorne: This app is a prime example of the left's hate. They'd rather create stuff like this than have a rational debate. |
[2010-05-21] Leon: Who ever made this doesn't have much nice to say about Glenn Beck. Unfortunately. |
[2010-05-17] hollie: This app sucks. Couldnt of used any of his positive quotes? Gee, I wonder if a Liberal Democrat made up this app? Hmmm |
[2010-05-16] Thomas: Fox News is bias! Same goes for MSNBC (most of the time; morning joe is a notable exception) |
[2010-05-15] Christopher: FOX News and Glenn Beck: fair and overly biased news, voice of the republican party! |
[2010-05-05] Jessica: Glenn fan. I have read many of his quotes and found them entirely accurate. Nice large font on the droid, not the eris. I would recommend to Glen fans |
[2010-05-05] jessica: Glenn fan. I have read many of his quotes and found them entirely accurate. Nice large font on the droid, not the eris. I would recommend to Glen fans |
[2010-04-30] tyson: Neither pro nor anti Beck. Just a useless application. |
[2010-04-30] brad: some quotes are ok but too many are taken out of context and there are few quotes |
[2010-04-29] Geoff: If you read the quotes, you might actually learn that he's says some pretty intelligent and truthful things. Good app, apparently pro Beck. :) |
[2010-04-26] Marty: LOL only liberals would make an app like this... yes beck is wacky but if you listen to what hes saying you would be a lot smarter. |
[2010-04-26] Mark: LOL only liberals would make an app like this... yes beck is wacky but if you listen to what hes saying you would be a lot smarter. |
[2010-04-26] Coach G: It's funny. I know the context for these quotes and they are refreshing for the educated. This is a pro-Beck app. If you can't tell, you're ignorant. |
[2010-04-26] xep5k: LOL only liberals would make an app like this... yes beck is wacky but if you listen to what hes saying you would be a lot smarter. |
[2010-04-25] Justin: This app is great! And in what context are death threats good? |
[2010-04-20] jack: This sucks Glenn. Ur da Man |
[2010-04-14] Clayton: Crap..... out of stars |
[2010-04-13] Devin: Basically a hit piece against Beck. Most quotes are taken out of context. See you at the El Cajon tea party!!! Go Beck!!!! |
[2010-04-13] shangus: Beck is a paid puppet from the government! Alex Jones is the real deal!! your eyes people! |
[2010-04-11] Jessica: I'm a Beck fan...quotes are eh. Updated app.....text font shrunk & now VERY difficult to read! TRIED EVERYTHING TO ZOOM- NOTHING WORKED! Uninstalling. |
[2010-04-04] Robert: Charlamane- "this is not for beck fans". I'm a fan of beck! I'm a fan of him getting smacked in the head with a bat |
[2010-04-03] Charmaine: I love Glenn Beck, but this ap was made by libs. Just flipping through 10 quotes, many have been out of context. This is not for Beck fans. |
[2010-04-01] alan: Why would any rational human being care what a muck racking idiot like this says. Uninstalling made my day. |
[2010-04-01] kurt: I love both his radio and TV show. Keep up the great work Beck :) |
[2010-03-31] Monkeyshine: Wow! Between this and my 'Hitlerisms' app, I have all the hate and lies I could ever want! Thank u and thank the TV for telling me how to think. |
[2010-03-31] aaron: Wow! Between this and my 'Hitlerisms' app, I have all the hate and lies I could ever want! Thank u and thank the TV for telling me how to think. |
[2010-03-25] adam: I apsolutly love it! |
[2010-03-23] dustyn: Glen Beck is crazy and this app is great. It just goes to show how dumb people follow anybody |
[2010-03-22] robert: Some people just can't handle the truth, and that's what makes Beck so awesome, he tells like it is. |
[2010-03-20] Greg: I think he is the only honest news person left. Everyone needs to stop hatin on him. At least he is standing for what he believes in. Great APP though |
[2010-03-19] David: Wow... talk about haters... why arent the quotes in context? |
[2010-03-19] David W: Wow... talk about haters... why arent the quotes in context? |
[2010-03-17] Bakagami: sucks that so many quotes sound so terrible taken outta context. |
[2010-03-17] Kevin: sucks that so many quotes sound so terrible taken outta context. |
[2010-03-17] chris: I am a conservative but I must agree, Glenn Beck is an idiot. Its people like him that give us a bad name. |
[2010-03-03] John: Most quotes are taken completely out of context |
[2010-02-25] james: Excellent! A lot to learn from this |