Популярные бесплатные развлекательные приложения в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
5191-5200 из 33280
Иконка для 華娛衛視 1.1.8

華娛衛視 (v. 1.1.8)

CETV опубликовал приложение 2012-09-02
(обновлено 2012-09-02)

華娛衛視 CETV,整合頻道眾多精品節目,致力為廣大觀眾提供全新、多元的互動娛樂資訊。

Иконка для Droid Soundboard 5.0

Droid Soundboard (v. 5.0)

Techno-Update опубликовал приложение 2012-09-02
(обновлено 2012-09-02)

Want all those droid sounds at the push of the button, well now you can have them. Just press the one you want and you got it.
**Like our Facebook Page! Techno-Update on Facebook!
Want more sounds? Email us with what you want.
Thanks for downloading!

Иконка для 미라클월드 1.0

미라클월드 (v. 1.0)

Three screen Networks опубликовал приложение 2012-09-01
(обновлено 2012-09-01)

유명 미술작품들을 보고 만지며 즐거운 체험으로 작가의 내면세계로 몰입 할 수 있는 체험전시회를 준비하였습니다.

남녀노소 자식유무에 관계없이 누구나 자기 수준에 알맞는 체험을 할 수 있도록 관람자 위주로 준비된 전시회입니다.

작품 감상에서부터 작품과 작가의 미술사적, 철학적 배경은 물론 작업 기법까지 관람자의 관심과 흥미도에 따라 체험의 깊이가 달라집니다.

미술사에서 빛나는 명작들과 작가들과의 만남은 소중한 우리 자녀들에게잠재되어 있는 감성을 깨울 수 있는 좋은 계기가 될 것입니다.

한국최초로 자화상 그리기 대회
미라클 환타지 체험전을 통해 한국최초로 자화상 그리기 대회를 개최하여 자신의 숨은 미술적 재능을 발굴하는 계기를 마련하는데 목적을 두고 있습니다.

명작 체험을 통한 예술적 감성을 자극
아이들의 흥미와 적성에 맞는 감각을 체험 하실 수 있습니다. 청소년들에게 명작 감상과 체험을 통한 예술적 감성을 자극할 수 있는 기회를 제공 하고 있습니다.

후기 에세이전, 글쓰기 및 자기표현
미라클 환타지아 체험 후기 에세이전, 사진작품전을 개최하여 글쓰기 및 자기 표현력을 강화 시키는 능력을 개발 할 수 있는 기회를 드립니다.

우리 문화에 대한 자부심을 심어 주기
청소년들에게 우리 문화에 대한 자부심을 갖게 하고 경제적 어려움으로 인해 미술작품을 감상 할 수 없는 저소득층 청소년들에게 무료로 미술작품을 접할 수 있는 기회를 제공


Иконка для Stone Tome 1.0.1

Stone Tome (v. 1.0.1)

Xphile опубликовал приложение 2012-08-31
(обновлено 2012-08-31)

Stone Tome is an application that allows you to connect to your Obsidian Portal account.  The goal of this project is to create an easy way to access your campaign data when on the go or at the table.

Иконка для Bug Island 1.0.1

Bug Island (v. 1.0.1)

Geng Gang опубликовал приложение 2012-08-31
(обновлено 2012-08-31)

Bug Island: Adventure and battle game of Bugs and Grass.

Lots of lovely chubby grasses are planted in a beautiful island. However, some bugs may come to make troubles. So a battle with bugs is waiting for you to command and discovery. Can you conquer them?

This is an education and kid-friendly game that teaches your children all about grass and the bugs that inhabit that environment. The story begins with the beautiful garden you've grown, containing lots of lovely chubby grass. However, some bugs may make trouble for your gorgeous garden. The battle with the bugs is waiting for you to command.

Drop grass from above on your enemies to fight with these irritating bugs. Don’t underestimate these bugs, as they are certainly not normal. These bugs all have a special and mysterious ability. Use your weapons effectively--Flower Bombs and Special Grass--to eradicate the bugs from your garden.

Product Features:
Take care of your gorgeous garden.
Beware the bothersome bugs looking to destroy your garden.
Use your Flower Bombs and Special Grass as weapons against the bugs
Flower Bombs who can freeze or destroy bugs.
Ice bugs who can freeze your garden and all plants.
Fire bugs who can ignite surrounding plants.

If you have any problems or suggestions, please contact genggang1@gmail.com.

Иконка для Type French in One Word 1.0

Type French in One Word (v. 1.0)

Pierre-Yves Ricau опубликовал приложение 2012-08-30
(обновлено 2012-08-30)

A useless, and therefore essential, Android keyboard application.

Ever seen the great "Learn French in One Word" video (see below) from The Observing Participant (http://theobservingparticipant.com)?

This application is an Android keyboard dedicated to communicating with French people.

Since the French language can be boiled down to "one simple word", then you only need a one word keyboard (with a few variations) when sending text messages to French people.

To enable it, once installed, go to "Settings" > "Language & keyboard", and check "French in One Word". Then, long press any text input, and select "Input method" > "French in One Word". You now hold the keys to French!

This application is Open Source, which means its source code is available for free: https://github.com/pyricau/french-keyboard-putain

I have no relation to Michelle Chmielewski (The Observing Participant), it's just that I really enjoyed watching "Learn French in One Word" and decided it was worth an Android application.

Иконка для Ohio State Fair Food Finder 1.1

Ohio State Fair Food Finder (v. 1.1)

Blue Shoe Mobile Solutions опубликовал приложение 2012-08-30
(обновлено 2012-08-30)

From Hot Dogs to Deep Fried PB&J, the Ohio State Fair Food Finder app has everything you need to find the food you want. You'll also have access to the daily schedule of events so will never miss any of the action!

Иконка для Sugar Babies eXposed 2.3

Sugar Babies eXposed (v. 2.3)

Berconi опубликовал приложение 2012-08-29
(обновлено 2012-08-29)

Let's face it, girls love money. Are you the type of guy that has the means to take care of a girl? You don't need to be a millionaire to have your own sugar baby or sugar babies for that matter.

There's a certain type of girl that knowingly only dates men with money. If you're that guy, then this app will explore the various sugar baby opportunities.

Иконка для Michael Jackson SMSPass 1.0.5r

Michael Jackson SMSPass (v. 1.0.5r)

Minh Anh опубликовал приложение 2012-08-29
(обновлено 2012-08-29)

View photos when you receive a message! These pictures are selected using the keyword "Michael Jackson", so they change whenever you receive a message. You will find the photo best for you!

Иконка для Fruit Wallpaper , 壁紙 フルーツ 1.10

Fruit Wallpaper , 壁紙 フルーツ (v. 1.10)

Wallpaper опубликовал приложение 2012-08-28
(обновлено 2012-08-28)

Find the fruit and set as wallpaper


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