free Webcams BAnet в Android Market

Icon for free Webcams BAnet 1.1 free Webcams BAnet (v. 1.1)

Live Webcams including Eiffel Tower Paris, Times Square New York, Rio de Janeiro, Moscow Red Square, Pyramids of Giza Egypt, Niagara Falls Canada, and more.

Also add your own custom Cams, including private lan webcams.


Категория: Развлечения
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 376.1 KB
Опубликовано: 2010-10-14
Обновлено: 2010-10-14

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Права доступа: 5 (показать/скрыть полный список)

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Снимок экрана free-webcams-banet
Снимок экрана free-webcams-banet

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для free Webcams BAnet

[2013-04-22] A Google User:
Crap Crap, crap, crap, crap!!!!!!! Seriously dont waste your time on this app. Its just a blank screen. Not worth 1 star
[2013-02-09] A Google User:
Crap This is crap that doesnt work. Please remove from google play, thanks.
[2011-11-09] A Google User:
What a waste A few stills. Hardly what was promised. Don't bother wasting your time
[2011-11-09] Keith:
What a waste A few stills. Hardly what was promised. Don't bother wasting your time
[2011-04-02] A Google User:
Just a link to a pointless ad filled site full of still images
[2011-04-02] AmbiguousBliss:
Just a link to a pointless ad filled site full of still images
[2011-04-02] Louisa:
Just a link to a pointless ad filled site full of still images
[2011-03-27] A Google User:
Force close, does not work at all
[2011-03-27] Rada:
Force close, does not work at all
[2010-11-10] AJB:
Terrible. I dont mind devs making some money from ads, but this app is ridiculous.
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