FoneFont Fun FlipFont Pack в Android Market

Icon for FoneFont Fun FlipFont Pack 1.1 FoneFont Fun FlipFont Pack (v. 1.1)
Разработано Dev2Design

Have Fun in your Android Phone with the FoneFont Fun Pack! Download this one application and you will get 10 Awesome fonts...All for just 99 Cents!!!

All fonts are formatted to fit your device.

Currently Tested to work with Samsung Galaxy S and A variants, including Galaxy Tab, etc. Do not download this if you don't have a Galaxy device.

Install this FoneFont Fun Pack application and all the 10 fonts will be automatically installed in your phone.

After installing, goto Settings->Sound and Display->Font Style->Select any Font from the list.

Please support us by donating 99 cents and in return you can enjoy this all-in-one font pack!

***If you've upgraded your phone's OS since downloading this pack you may have to uninstall, and then re-download this pack for the fonts to show up.***

***If your purchase is declined, check the e-mail you used when signing up for market purchases, there are detailed instructions on how to proceed.***

Tags: FlipFont Flipfonts Fonts Font GalaxyS Galaxy S FlipFont Captivate Vibrant Galaxy Tab Fascinate I896 I897 T959 I9000T I9000 FlipFont I500 I9000M T959 FlipFont P1000 I800 T849


Категория: Развлечения
Закачек: 1000-5000
Размер: 305.7 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-12-25
Обновлено: 2011-12-25

Баркод для FoneFont Fun FlipFont Pack
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Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана fonefont-fun-flipfont-pack

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для FoneFont Fun FlipFont Pack

[2011-09-06] Adam:
A few good ones, dunno if worth cost.. guys u don't open it its a font pack u can use the fonts in apps that let u change their fonts like gosms!..
[2011-09-03] chezzer:
No updates, very boring app.
[2011-09-01] Gina Kay:
Won't let me open it!! Says it is installed.....does not cive me the option to Open. Bummer...
[2011-08-29] Shelane:
Will not let me open have tried three times I hate this
[2011-08-18] erica:
Love it! Great fonts!
[2011-08-11] Anonymous:
great thank you none of that bs , like requiring another app or something, works great on samsung infuse
[2011-07-29] Jared:
Great on my galaxy sIi, love it.
[2011-07-09] joanna:
Crap won't install on my phone. Have tried 3 times but it won't let me refund either. Stupid don't waste your money
[2011-06-23] lauren:
paid for it, now i cant find the app on my phone
[2011-06-19] paul:
Really nice Valentine font would be better without the hearts
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