DM Assist в Android Market

Icon for DM Assist 1.1 DM Assist (v. 1.1)
Разработано Ron 'Ziroby' Romero

DM Assist is a combat initiative tracker for D&D and other d20 games.

DM Assist will keep track of initiative order, hit points, subdual damage, and time left for effects. It keeps track of creatures (PCs, NPCs, Monsters) and effects (such as spells). Numeric quantities can be input as dice equations, such as "4d8 + 8".


Категория: Развлечения
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 204.7 KB
Опубликовано: 2010-10-27
Обновлено: 2010-10-27

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Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана dm-assist
Снимок экрана dm-assist
Снимок экрана dm-assist

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для DM Assist

[2013-03-19] A Google User:
Great potential but... Saving and loading monsters/players/npcs doesnt work well. The labels are nearly impossible to read in the load menu and i had a real hard time selecting a character or monster to load. Without that functionality...the app isnt worth it.
[2013-02-21] A Google User:
No sorting Nice idea, but without the ability to auto-sort, it's useless to me.
[2013-01-30] A Google User:
Better than the competition Sure it doesn't have any bells and whistles but it doesn't need it. I have save all the pcs from my play group and some common enemies I like. You can load all of these with just a few clicks. Yeah you have to tap each one and edit the initiative each new encounter, but it still beats pen and paper. It could benefit from an in app dice roll for initiative though.
[2012-12-24] A Google User:
Needs work Erases all data when you leave the app for any reason. Other than that, it tracks everything well.
[2012-12-09] A Google User:
Perfect It calls itself an initiative tracker. I think it's certainly better than that. It even factors in the time passed which is a nice edition. I plan to use this for every game saving on paper and ink/lead.
[2012-11-04] A Google User:
doesn't scale doesn't scale to tablets at all
[2012-09-06] A Google User:
Could be great It seems like it could be great but I couldn't figure out how to save my creatures and that isn't covered in the help section.
[2012-02-22] A Google User:
Great App I had to spend some time on it figuring out, its key to plan as much ahead as possible. It doesn't look the best on a tablet, but it works. I've got a few suggestiosn for the app, but its pretty decent and works great.
[2011-12-18] A Google User:
Looks terrible on a tablet Seems like it has huge potential but it just doesn't cut it. HTC View (7" tablet) and the app loads in a small phone sized window centered in my screen. No good, looking forward to an update to support my screen size.
[2011-11-02] A Google User:
Needs import/export It needs import/export so that I can import NPCs and PCs I've kept in, e.g. Dropbox.
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