Bazinga в Android Market

Icon for Bazinga 1.3 Bazinga (v. 1.3)
Разработано NewYoungLab

Bazinga prank from Sheldon Cooper

Save as ringtone or notification!

Have fun with Bazinga !!

Keywords: bazinga, soundboard, ringtone, notification,sheldon, cooper, the big bang theory, Chuck Lorre, Bill Prady, CBS, BBC, Leonard Hofstadter, Howard Wolowitz, Rajesh Koothrappali, raj, raje, penny


Категория: Развлечения
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 256.5 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-09-07
Обновлено: 2011-09-07

Баркод для Bazinga
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 4 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.newyounglab.bazinga

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана bazinga_00002

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Bazinga

[2013-01-03] A Google User:
... Its a good app... But he says in a robotic way... I thought it would be said in an energetic way which sheldon usually does...
[2012-11-01] A Google User:
Realy shit all you do is press the screen and says bazzinga its realy bad do not download it...
[2012-09-08] A Google User:
funny very very funny but very useless
[2012-09-07] A Google User:
Not a huge fan but...... I love basinga although it would of been better had it been from the ball pool episode
[2012-08-28] A Google User:
Good If the sound was more clear it wud have gotten a full 5.. otherwise easy to install and low space gets a 3
[2012-06-23] A Google User:
Tinny sound Very tinny sound oh well
[2012-06-18] A Google User:
Is that all it does? Uninstalled
[2012-04-27] A Google User:
Boo A picture of Jim Parsons and a horrible sound clip
[2012-04-17] A Google User:
Gay Gayest app ever
[2012-04-10] A Google User:
Stuey Worked perfectly but couldn't have picked a less lively clip. Should have 3 to pick from.
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