Astrology (v. 1.1) Разработано Cellinmotion |
The best horoscopes on the mobile are now at your fingertips, wherever and whenever you need them. You'll never be caught off-guard again thanks to this daily dose of insight and advice.
[2010-10-01] wade: Pretty decent horoscopes. moves pretty smooth on evo 2.2 |
[2010-07-24] alyssa: It's cool but slow, it has a quite a few choices, but not much to say. |
[2010-06-09] Xue: It's too slow to load the content |
[2010-05-14] nelly: Was okay but could use a little more |
[2010-05-10] Donna: Its close to accurate. I like it. Feel like somethins missin tho.. |