App Intentionally Left Blank (v. 1.0) Разработано MonkeyDead Studios |
In times gone by books and printed manuals had blank pages, these pages were generally left blank due to technical reasons with the printer, yet now as a sign of progress these pages are mostly gone or replaced by "comments" or "notes" pages.
This app allows you to visit your own blank area whenever you like and wherever you are. Use this area to rest, contemplate your life, collect your thoughts, plan world domination or simply do nothing.
This app was rejected by Apple, get it now on Android. Because you can.
[2012-06-22] juanAndres: too philosophical actually I need this to have empty spaces when my apps are arranged as a grid. I group em better but I would need another #2 app. yep transparent icon and Im sold |
[2011-03-13] Stan: Makes a great portable night light! |
[2011-02-11] Timothy: unimpressive. |
[2011-02-10] zz: Another useless app. The market is full of these. |
[2011-02-10] zrgiu: Another useless app. The market is full of these. |
[2011-02-07] inF: Works perfectly. Thanks. |