Новые развлекательные приложения в Android Market

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9671-9680 из 45567
Иконка для Nena's Dream free 2.0

Nena's Dream free (v. 2.0)

TT mobile game, Inc опубликовал приложение 2011-11-11
(обновлено 2011-11-11)

****New launch special -- FREE version for 5 days only.

This is a fantastic casual game.The main character Nena is a very lovely little girl full of fantasies. Dream to fly in the mushroom sky. You need to shake your phone skillfully to control the action of Nena. Blue mushroom will fracture when it is stamped by Nena.  Magic box is a speed tool. Red mushroom makes Nena fly high and fast. Donut makes Nena accelerate out of control. Five Star will make Nena fall down slowly. Reversing tool is used to reverse the direction. Baby carrot will defeat Nena.

Иконка для Realtime Radiation Level 1.0

Realtime Radiation Level (v. 1.0)

JS,Y опубликовал приложение 2011-11-11
(обновлено 2011-11-11)

Realtime Radiation Level

Иконка для Courage Wolf 1.0

Courage Wolf (v. 1.0)

OMGmode Software Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-11-11
(обновлено 2011-11-11)

Courage Wolf for Android! No Ads!

"**** what your mom says."
"You don't need a coat today!"

"They judge you with their eyes."
"Judge them with your fists."

Courage Wolf is the fiercest, most intense, courageous being on this world. Use his teachings to become as strong as him. This app is packed with:
-Action!! Drama is for the weak.
-Gore gore gore! Courage Wolf lives off of blood...
-Wisdom. Learn to battle bears with your fists.

This app contains a collection of the greatest Courage Wolf quotes:
-No Internet connection required!
-Updates will come adding new Courage Wolf teachings
-Vulgar and a lot of foul language

Courage Wolf is among a meme family that includes Advice Dog, Socially Awkward Penguin, Foul Bachelor Frog, Depression Dog and many others.

Иконка для WurmStat 1.1

WurmStat (v. 1.1)

MVIT опубликовал приложение 2011-11-10
(обновлено 2011-11-10)

A simple application that shows online status of the servers for Wurm Online and how many players who is online.

Иконка для 商業電台HKToolbar 1.1

商業電台HKToolbar (v. 1.1)

Commercial Radio Productions Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-11-10
(обновлено 2011-11-10)


Hong Kong Toolbar是由深受廣大聽眾歡迎的香港商業電台所開發之多媒體資訊工具,除了Windows及Mac版供用戶於 www.hongkongtoolbar.com免費下載之外,Android用戶亦可於Android Market免費下載及安裝《商業電台HKToolbar》,隨時隨地接收商業電台及Hong Kong Toolbar提供的資訊。

商業電台HKToolbar支援Android 2.1或以上作業系統,用戶可同時收聽節目及進行其他元件作業。

+ 收聽商業電台收音機直播頻道
- 雷霆881商業一台(CR1)、叱咤903商業二台(CR2)、AM864外語頻道(AM864)
+ 瀏覽即時新聞
- 提供本地及兩岸、國際、財經、娛樂、音樂及體育等即時新聞
+ 收聽Hong Kong Toolbar特設頻道
- 熱門商業電台節目頻道:早霸王、串、星火燎原
+ 投票站
- 對商業電台節目提出的題目作出即時投票
+ 『881現場』及『903現場』
- 雷霆881及叱咤903直播節目現場相片

本應用程式內任何收聽電台直播及瀏覽內容等一切活動,將會牽涉有關WiFi使用量或 GPRS/ 3G/ EDGE等流動網路數據流量,你的流動網絡供應商可能會就你的數據傳輸用量收取費用。有關互聯網連接設定、Wi-Fi使用量及流動數據流量收費詳情,可向你的流動網絡供應商查詢。

商台互動為商業電台互聯網業務的延伸平台,是首個香港電台推出網上播放工具- Hong Kong Toolbar,專責開拓互動數碼廣播及互聯網業務的發展,以豐富的多媒體經驗和無限創意,致力提供多元化的資訊和嶄新的互動數碼平台,並為合作伙伴提供積極創新的市場推廣綜合方案,度身訂造多元化的業務推廣計劃。

881903.com, my903.com, 骷髏會(snb.hk), 大操場(mydcc.hk), 波羅會(iball.hk)

Hong Kong Toolbar is a multi-media information application developed by Commercial Radio Hong Kong (CRHK), the most popular radio station in Hong Kong. It can be downloaded from www.hongkongtoolbar.com for Windows and Mac users, whereas Android users can download and install its mobile version “Commercial Radio HKToolbar” from Android Market. With CR HKToolbar, you can enjoy listening to your favorite Commercial Radio programs or the Toolbar-exclusive Channels  such as CR1, CR2, AM864 and other Toolbar exclusive channels and read the instant HK local news & international news, financial news, music and other entertainment information provided by 881903.com/my903.com anytime and anywhere.

CR HKToolbar supports Android version 2.1 or above multi-tasking.

*Please Note:
All activities on this application, including listening to live radio and content browsing, involve WiFi usage and/or mobile network data transfer such as GPRS/ 3G/ EDGE etc. This may incur data transfer fee charged by your telecommunication service provider based on the data volume. For Internet connection setting and data transmission charges, please check with your telecommunication service provider for details.

About Commercial Radio Interactive (CRi)
Established by Commercial Radio (CR) as the internet extension, CRi endeavors to develop interactive digital broadcasting and Internet business . CRi also serves as a digital marketing solution provider to help address clients' online promotional needs by providing innovative multimedia solutions, applications as well as online content support and development for various marketing campaigns.

We are responsible for the operation and development of the followings:
881903.com, my903.com, Skull & Bones (snb.hk), MYDCC (mydcc.hk), iBall (iball.hk)

Иконка для Prank Fun 1.2

Prank Fun (v. 1.2)

Overlord Pty Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-11-10
(обновлено 2011-11-10)

Have heaps of fun with Prank Fun!
Prank Fun is the best app for prank calls and will provide hours of hilarious entertainment!
No need to disguise your voice as the characters have professional sounding prerecorded scripts. You simply select the script line and go with the conversation!
Once you disguise your phone number, no one will ever know that it is you.
Two hilarious characters to choose from.
The Policeman has the victim caught with reckless driving, resisting arrest.
The other character is a tax officer concerned that the victim is running a business from home and not declaring the income.

Иконка для Prank Now 1.2

Prank Now (v. 1.2)

Overlord Pty Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-11-10
(обновлено 2011-11-10)

Do you know someone who has been downloading music or movies illegally?
It’s time to fight back and scare the offender with a prank call.
No need to disguise your voice as Prank NOW has a character from the IDWD which is a Federal Government Agency and stands for the Illegal Downloading Watchdog.
Dennis from the IDWD is well aware of the offenders downloading and wants to know about the X-Rated movies being downloaded.
Dennis has taken this case seriously and wants to schedule a meeting to discuss this further.
Dennis has a professional sounding prerecorded script. You simply select the script line and go with the conversation!
Once you disguise your phone number, no one will ever know that it is you.

Иконка для Prank Gotcha 1.3

Prank Gotcha (v. 1.3)

Overlord Pty Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-11-10
(обновлено 2011-11-10)

Would you like to prank call a friend? Better still, would you like your victim to sing over the phone?

Prank Gotcha  has a professional sounding prerecorded script of a radio announcer who offers a prize and all they have to do is to sing over the phone.

To double the prize, the radio announcer then asks the victim to sing another song.

You simply select the script line and go along with the conversation!

Once you disguise your phone number, no one will ever know that it is you.

Иконка для Potato Head Color 1.1

Potato Head Color (v. 1.1)

Kumar Mettu опубликовал приложение 2011-11-10
(обновлено 2011-11-10)

Coloring pages for Potato Head. Kids love Coloring Book for Potato Head.
Best suited for kids of age 2 to 12. Mr and Mrs when busy can share phone with kids and keep them occupied.

Иконка для 동화나라 - children's story nara 1.1

동화나라 - children's story nara (v. 1.1)

Panez опубликовал приложение 2011-11-10
(обновлено 2011-11-10)

동화나라 50편을 한곳에
아이들이 울어요 어떻게 달래면 좋을까요?
엄마는 정말 바쁜데 밥하랴 청소하랴.. 아이가 자꾸 놀아달라고 떼를 써요
어떻게 하면 좋을까요??

조카가 나만 피해요ㅠㅠ
나랑은 말도 안해요 ㅠㅠ 나도 조카랑 다정한 사진 찍고 싶은데 ㅠㅠㅠ
조카랑 친해지고 싶은데 ㅠㅠㅠ
어떻게 하면 좋을까요?

바쁜 엄마를 위한 선물!!
어색한 조카와 친해지기 프로젝트!!!!

동화나라는 전래, 명작, 영어, 생활, 탐구 각각 10편씩 총 50편의 동화가 들어있어요
취향에 따라 골라 듣는 동화나라

이젠 동화나라와 함께라면 걱정 끝!!!

**자매품 동요나라도 있어요~

★★현서비스는 미라크(IMA690S)는 정상작동하지 않아 이용불가능 하십니다.
미라크 사용자분들은 서비스 설치하기 전에 미리 확인하시기 바랍니다.

동화시리즈는 설치 후 사용하고자 하는 컨텐츠를 다운로드 하여 이용하는 서비스 입니다.
이전에 다운로드한 컨텐츠는 별도의 다운로드 없이 재생 가능 합니다.
(다운로드 하였던 컨텐츠를 삭제 후 재 설치시 별도의 과금은 없습니다. 단, 고객님이 가입하신 요금제에 따라 데이터 통신료는 발생될수 있으니 꼭 wi-fi를 이용해 다운로드 해 주시기 바랍니다.)

★ 반복, 연속 재생 기능 안내 ★

메뉴키를 이용해 한곡재생,연속듣기, 이어듣기 기능이 가능합니다.
play시 단말기의 메뉴키를 이용해 설정하실 수 있습니다.
기본으로 한곡 재생이 선택되며, 반복, 연속 재생을 선택할 수 있습니다
많은 사랑 부탁드려요~ ^^

한곡재생 : 선택한 곡이 1번 재생되고 종료됨 (한곡재생을 기본으로 함)
반복재생 : 선택된 곡이 반복적으로 재생됨
연속재생 : 저장된 모든 컨텐츠를 연속적으로 재생함(단, 선택된 카테고리내에서의 재생)

*고객님의 단말 기종에 따라 반복재생 연속재생 기능이 되지 않을 수 있습니다
(SKY기종 또는 LG기종)

*보조메모리, SD카드가 없는 경우 다운로드가 불가능 합니다.

50 sides in one place for a fairy tale nara
How to soothe a crying baby to do?
She really busy cleaning ,cooking ..
What should I do?

Gifts for busy moms!
Awkward get to know him, and projects!!

The traditional fairy tales, classic, English, Life, exploration, assimilation, each containing 10 writers and have a total of 50
Choose according to your taste hear a fairy tale nara

If the country concerned with a fairy tale ending now!

** Mirakeu (IM-A690S) is not available in.
** sub-brand    children’s song nara  

After the installation you want to use a fairy tale series, the content is a service to download and use.
Previously downloaded content can be played without download.
(Delete the contents had to download a separate billing and there is no re-installation. However, the guests up data communication fee, depending on your calling plan, using wi-fi, so I download it, please.)
* Auxiliary memory, SD card is available for download if you do not

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