Новые развлекательные приложения в Android Market

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9461-9470 из 45567
Иконка для Talking SMS Free 1.3.18

Talking SMS Free (v. 1.3.18)

Migital IA опубликовал приложение 2011-11-19
(обновлено 2013-10-29)

It is true that you are not always in a position to read your urgent messages. Now your mobile will read them out for you, along with the sender's name!
No hustle bustle while driving, you don't even need to open your inbox or even touch your phone for that matter! This app will read your message loud and clear when it arrives. Its just want you always wanted!!

● No need to click or get into the Inbox to check your SMS, just hear your phone read it out to you.

● Get the full SMS spoken out to you by your phone!

● You wont even need to touvh your phone and you will hear the SMS loud and clear.

● Message will automatically be read on any incoming SMS.

● The phone tells you the Sender's Name and reads the full message sent to you.

● Options to enable or disable, raise or lower the alert volume is available.

Checking your SMS was never this easy! Just get this very useful app and never be bothered make an effort to check your sms – just hear it from your phone!!

"Please don't leave negative remarks/complaints on this page. We do appreciate suggestions to make the application work better and would love to sort out the issues and your complaints.
Our developers work hard to give you the best experience with our apps.
If you are not satisfied with our application, mail your reviews, complaints, and suggestions to- support@migital.com "

sms, text, message, easy, enable, disable, volume, efficient, inbox, option, instant, talking, chatting, chat, talk,interactive

Иконка для Jinxypie 6

Jinxypie (v. 6)

Jinxypie опубликовал приложение 2011-11-19
(обновлено 2011-11-19)

The app that gives you everything Jinxypie. You will receive updates from my Blog, jinxyville, and the Cuckolding 101 Series. You will also receive updates from my newest blog, Jinxy's Rants and Raves, as well as Free weekly picture updates. For the cuckold and the cuckoldress alike.

Иконка для 아이온 거래가정보 위젯 1.3.1

아이온 거래가정보 위젯 (v. 1.3.1)

친절한 란데씨 опубликовал приложение 2011-11-19
(обновлено 2011-11-19)

※1. 이전 버전과 내부 데이타 구조가 달라서 마켓에서 바로 업그레이드 시 오동작할 수 있습니다.
이전 버전을 먼저 삭제 후 마켓에서 다시 다운로드 하시면 정상 동작합니다.

※2. 알림 기능은 바탕 화면에 위젯을 설정해 놓아야 동작합니다.

안드로이드 폰의 바탕화면에서 서버별 거래중개소에 등록된 아이템 정보를 표시하고 지정한 가격 이하로 등록 시 알람처럼 알려주는 위젯입니다.

PC용 홈페이지를 분석한 정보이므로 다운로드 받는 데이타량이 굉!장!히! 많습니다.
데이타 무제한 요금제를 사용하거나 WiFi가 항시 연결된 환경이 아닐 경우 업데이트 간격을 최소 6시간 이상으로 지정하여 사용하시기 바랍니다.

그 외 버그 리포트나 개발 건의도 언제든 환영합니다. 마켓이나 공홈 댓글은 잘 보지 못하니 아래 메일 주소로 부탁드립니다.
갤럭시S 기준으로 개발 중이고 제가 테스트해 볼 수 있는 기기가 갤S2, 갤탭, 갤탭10.1입니다.
갤럭시 외 다른 기종에서 문제가 발생할 경우 갤럭시 시리즈에서도 문제가 발생하는지 확인 뒤 알려주시면 버그 수정에 많이 도움이 되겠습니다.

1. 기본 화면
- 위젯에 표시할 아이템들을 관리하는 메뉴입니다. 등록 가능한 최대 아이템 수는 25개 입니다.

- 각 아이템을 클릭해서 위젯에 표시할지 여부를 결정할 수 있습니다. 아이템 색상이 활성화되면 해당 아이템이 위젯에 표시되고, 색상이 비활성화되면 위젯에 표시되지 않습니다.
   위젯에 표시되는 아이템이 늘어날수록 요금제의 데이타 소모량과 배터리 소모량이 많아지고 위젯 내용 갱신 시간도 늘어나니 그때그때 필요한 내용만 '활성화시켜 두시기 바랍니다.

- 각 아이템을 1초 가량 누르고 있으면 자동 알림을 설정거나 해당 아이템을 삭제할 수 있는 메뉴가 표시됩니다.

- 등록된 아이템이 아직 없을 경우 아이템을 추가할 수 있는 방법에 대한 안내가 표시됩니다.

- 메뉴키를 누르면 '아이템 추가', '아이템 삭제', '순서 변경', '설정' 메뉴와 어플리케이션 정보 창을 실행할 수 있습니다.

2. 아이템 추가 메뉴
- 위젯에 표시할 아이템들을 검색해서 추가할 수 있는 메뉴입니다.

- 검색하고자 하는 아이템의 이름 전체나 일부를 입력하면 그에 맞는 아이템들의 목록과 현재 가격 정보가 표시됩니다.

- 아이템 추가 시에 '다음 가격 이하로 등록되면 알림' 항목을 클릭하고 가격을 적어두면, 자동 갱신 때 마다 문자 메세지가 도착한 것처럼 소리 또는 진동으로 사용자에게 최저가 정보를 알려드립니다.

- 한번 등록했던 아이템은 입력창에서 검색어 자동 완성 기능을 지원합니다.

3. 아이템 삭제 메뉴
- 유저가 등록한 아이템을 삭제하는 메뉴입니다.

- 아이템을 여러개 삭제할 필요가 있을 때 사용합니다.

4. 순서 변경 메뉴
- 등록한 아이템의 순서를 바꾸는 메뉴입니다.

- 순서를 바꾸고 싶은 아이템 오른쪽의 '주사위눈 6' 모양을 잡고 이동시키면 아이템의 위치를 바꿀 수 있습니다.

5. 설정 메뉴
- 연동하려는 서버와 종족, 자동 갱신 시간, 알림 가격 설정 시 사운드/진동 여부, 글자 크기에 대한 설정을 할 수 있습니다.

- 사운드/진동은 폰의 진동 설정 여부에 맞춰 동작합니다.

[수정 이력]
'아이템 추가' 화면과 '기본' 화면에 아이템 아이콘 적용
위젯 폰트 크기 조절 기능 추가
거래가 정보 동기화 중 비정상 동작 수정
진동 모드 시 알림 진동이 발생하지 않는 문제 수정
'샤크미스' 서버명을 '사크미스'로 수정

2x2와 2x3 위젯에서 마족으로 설정시에도 항상 천족 정보로 표시되는 문제 수정

'첸가룽' 서버명을 '챈가룽'으로 수정ㅋ

기본 화면에서 Sync여부 설정 / 알림값 변경 / 개별 아이템 삭제 기능 추가
아이템 추가 메뉴에서 자동 완성 기능 추가
아이템 삭제 메뉴에서 전체 선택 기능 추가
순서 변경 메뉴 추가
기본/추가/삭제/순서변경 메뉴에서 아이템 등급별 색상 적용
4x4 레이아웃 추가
관심 아이템을 25개로 확장

4월 28일자 공식 홈페이지 개편에 따른 동작 오류 수정 및 분석 알고리즘 개선

관심 아이템이 지정가 이하 등록 시, 알림 기능 추가
관심 아이템을 12개로 확장
2x3, 2x4 레이아웃 추가
위젯의 첫 아이템 싱크 잘 되지 않는 문제 및 색상 수정

아이온, AION, NC, NC소프트, NCSOFT, PlayNC

Иконка для 아이온 공성전 위젯 1.03

아이온 공성전 위젯 (v. 1.03)

친절한 란데씨 опубликовал приложение 2011-11-19
(обновлено 2011-11-19)

안드로이드 폰의 바탕화면에서 서버별 공성전 정보를 표시하는 위젯입니다.

아이온 모바일 홈페이지를 분석한 정보이므로 홈페이지 내용 수정 시 정보가 표시되지 않을 수 있습니다.

버그 리포트나 개발 건의는 언제든 환영합니다. 공홈 방명록과 마켓 댓글은 잘 보지 못하니 아래 메일 주소로 부탁드립니다.

아이온, AION, NC, NC소프트, NCSOFT, PlayNC

Иконка для rSc Retro Dialer 1.3

rSc Retro Dialer (v. 1.3)

rSc опубликовал приложение 2011-11-19
(обновлено 2011-11-19)

Do you miss your phone from the '80s?
Using rSc Retro Dialer you can summon the old memories... with original sound effects!

(Yes, another meaningless app made only for fun...)

Иконка для AR Dowsing Rod 1.0

AR Dowsing Rod (v. 1.0)

Yuichiro Endo опубликовал приложение 2011-11-19
(обновлено 2011-11-19)

AR Dowsing Rod build on your Android☆♪

Since 2009, I've released phantasmal iPhone app "Dowsing Rod" which overwhelmingly ignored all of the world, I know it is a dead horse... howerver it is remade as a Android app!!! Give me a chance!!

Exactly, we call it "AR Dowsing Rod for Android"!

See the future of smartphone!

■Amazing point
Use the same as dowsing rod principle that is "Biofeedback"!(Just feeling.)
See image with using on camera that is like a AR system.
I can make supercalifragilisticexpialidocious app! Can you employ me?

■How to use it the earning a cult following from part of ardent supporter.
The first, boot app, keep straight your phone is displayed || on the panel.
Walking around keep straight your phone.
Direction of arrow in a display shows gradient of device. if the arrows inclines, it is proved to your device incline naturally.
Found someting the direction. Opening the rod, it means someting is there.

Don't touch any button when you keep your device.
The positon and style of button are different from every device, you feel useless.

■Verification Device
Nexus S
Biofeedback is the process of becoming aware of various physiological functions using instruments that provide information on the activity of those same systems, with a goal of being able to manipulate them at will.

Иконка для Facebash Lite 1.01

Facebash Lite (v. 1.01)

Mutant Caterpillar Games опубликовал приложение 2011-11-19
(обновлено 2011-11-19)

Gather your friends!
Steal their faces!
Make them fight!

Yes, now with FACEBASH, you can solve all arguments!
Using your contacts (which can be synchronised with Facebook) you can look up your friends, and attach them to FANTASTIC GRAPHICS.

Need to decide who does the washing up?
FACEBASH has the answer.

Who dented the car?
FACEBASH has the answer.

Who broke the vase of flowers and blamed it on the neighbour's cat?

FACEBASH has the answer.

Buy FACEBASH now and solve all the world's problems! More graphics to come soon, but why wait?  World peace is only a FACEBASH away!

This is the free version, using adverts! Try here, buy the full version for the funky new graphics and sound coming soon, with no ads!

Note: We'll be happy to help if you have difficulty in synchronising contacts, simply email us. Some recent phones (especially Google-branded ones) may not be able to synchronise contacts with Facebook.

Иконка для Easter Greetings Free 1.1

Easter Greetings Free (v. 1.1)

Mobatia опубликовал приложение 2011-11-19
(обновлено 2011-11-19)

Create and send your very own personal greeting cards, with our new self made greeting card application! In just a few clicks, you can design your custom card from scratch using stock drag and drop elements or by drawing your own.

Upload your own photos and dress your creation up with cool special effects then share with others as email or on Facebook. With this app, you can choose from a myriad of beautiful designs or draw your own, all from your Android device. It’s really easy and fun to use the app’s simple navigation, too. In just a few clicks, you’ll have a card that you will be proud to email or Facebook to all your friends and family.

You’ll start with a blank canvas and your imagination. Make the background any color you want, so it’ll match the mood of your greeting perfectly. After that, just select the graphics or text you want and get creative. All you have to do is tap, drag and drop.

Upload your own photos from gallery and make it very personal!

Don’t like some of the elements that you’ve loaded onto the page? No problem, just delete them from the card and select new ones. See? Easy as pie.

When it comes time to add the perfect sentiment to your card, that’s a breeze, too. There are ready-to-go messages for you to choose from that you can customize.

If that isn’t custom enough for you, go ahead and type your own greeting and dress up your card to look exactly the way you want it. When you’re done, email it to friends and loved ones or share with others on Facebook. All it takes is a tap to the screen.

Look at the features you get in DewDrops:

• Spectacularly cute, self-made greeting cards
• Upload your own photos from the Gallery
* Hand draw functionality to draw text and images
• Easy-to-use interface
• Tap, drag and drop stock graphics and text
• Set different canvas (background) colors
• Use predefined or custom text
• Apply special effects to dress up cards
• Share your cards with others via email or Facebook

Release your inner artist and send those on your card list a thoughtful greeting that you’ve created yourself.

Download this application now

Иконка для Seasons greetings Free 1.1

Seasons greetings Free (v. 1.1)

Mobatia опубликовал приложение 2011-11-19
(обновлено 2011-11-19)

Create and send your very own personal greeting cards, with our new self made greeting card application! In just a few clicks, you can design your custom card from scratch using stock drag and drop elements or by drawing your own.

Upload your own photos and dress your creation up with cool special effects then share with others as email or on Facebook. With this app, you can choose from a myriad of beautiful designs or draw your own, all from your Android device. It’s really easy and fun to use the app’s simple navigation, too. In just a few clicks, you’ll have a card that you will be proud to email or Facebook to all your friends and family.

You’ll start with a blank canvas and your imagination. Make the background any color you want, so it’ll match the mood of your greeting perfectly. After that, just select the graphics or text you want and get creative. All you have to do is tap, drag and drop.

Upload your own photos from gallery and make it very personal!

Don’t like some of the elements that you’ve loaded onto the page? No problem, just delete them from the card and select new ones. See? Easy as pie.

When it comes time to add the perfect sentiment to your card, that’s a breeze, too. There are ready-to-go messages for you to choose from that you can customize.

If that isn’t custom enough for you, go ahead and type your own greeting and dress up your card to look exactly the way you want it. When you’re done, email it to friends and loved ones or share with others on Facebook. All it takes is a tap to the screen.

Look at the features you get in DewDrops:

• Spectacularly cute, self-made greeting cards
• Upload your own photos from the Gallery
* Hand draw functionality to draw text and images
• Easy-to-use interface
• Tap, drag and drop stock graphics and text
• Set different canvas (background) colors
• Use predefined or custom text
• Apply special effects to dress up cards
• Share your cards with others via email or Facebook

Release your inner artist and send those on your card list a thoughtful greeting that you’ve created yourself.

Download this application now

Иконка для Anniversary Greetings Free 1.1

Anniversary Greetings Free (v. 1.1)

Mobatia опубликовал приложение 2011-11-19
(обновлено 2011-11-19)

Create and send your very own personal greeting cards, with our new self made greeting card application! In just a few clicks, you can design your custom card from scratch using stock drag and drop elements or by drawing your own.

Upload your own photos and dress your creation up with cool special effects then share with others as email or on Facebook. With this app, you can choose from a myriad of beautiful designs or draw your own, all from your Android device. It’s really easy and fun to use the app’s simple navigation, too. In just a few clicks, you’ll have a card that you will be proud to email or Facebook to all your friends and family.

You’ll start with a blank canvas and your imagination. Make the background any color you want, so it’ll match the mood of your greeting perfectly. After that, just select the graphics or text you want and get creative. All you have to do is tap, drag and drop.

Upload your own photos from gallery and make it very personal!

Don’t like some of the elements that you’ve loaded onto the page? No problem, just delete them from the card and select new ones. See? Easy as pie.

When it comes time to add the perfect sentiment to your card, that’s a breeze, too. There are ready-to-go messages for you to choose from that you can customize.

If that isn’t custom enough for you, go ahead and type your own greeting and dress up your card to look exactly the way you want it. When you’re done, email it to friends and loved ones or share with others on Facebook. All it takes is a tap to the screen.

Look at the features you get in DewDrops:

• Spectacularly cute, self-made greeting cards
• Upload your own photos from the Gallery
* Hand draw functionality to draw text and images
• Easy-to-use interface
• Tap, drag and drop stock graphics and text
• Set different canvas (background) colors
• Use predefined or custom text
• Apply special effects to dress up cards
• Share your cards with others via email or Facebook

Release your inner artist and send those on your card list a thoughtful greeting that you’ve created yourself.

Download this application now

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