Последние обновлённые в категории 'Образование' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
6361-6370 из 6885
Иконка для 500 POLICE TERMS Quiz App 1.0

500 POLICE TERMS Quiz App (v. 1.0)

Digital Applications опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2011-05-27)

Police officers are hailed to be peace makers and protectors of society. They safeguard our society by preventing threats of crimes in various forms. This certainly form the essence of a police officer job description. With increasing incidents of crime in various setups like hospitals, schools, colleges, banks, federal houses, etc, duties of a police officer have become very challenging and diverse. Depending on location of placement, police officers may have to do a variety of tasks. In fact, there are various establishments where police officers are recruited. If you're wondering on how to become a police officer, then you've to understand that there is no magic path to it. You've to strive hard and inculcate right sets of skills. You've to show competence in federal police recruitment programs.

With all the education needed to maximize your skills as an officer of the law, you need every edge you can get a hold of. This app was made for you.  Whether you are a seasoned veteran or just getting your skills ready, you will find this app a perfect addition to your continuing education.

With over 500 terms and descriptions in a fun and interactive learning style, we have you covered.  Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, Dictionary.



Digital Applications опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2011-05-27)

A paramedic is not just an ambulance driver. A paramedic job description is part doctor, part nurse, part counselor and part trouble-shooter. Paramedic job descriptions may even change significantly depending on whether the paramedic works for a fire department, a hospital or a private ambulance service.

With all the competition and ongoing education for this medical field, it's best to keep your edge.  This app was designed for you!!!  With 1390 terms and descriptions, it enhances your learning in a fun and interactive way with Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and a handy Glossary/Dictionary for on the go learning. :-)


Иконка для 580 PARALEGAL Terms Quiz App 1.0

580 PARALEGAL Terms Quiz App (v. 1.0)

Digital Applications опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2011-05-27)

Paralegals, also referred to as legal assistants, are not licensed attorneys but they help lawyers with their work. The most important duties of a paralegal involve helping the lawyer prepare for meetings and appearances in court. There are many details and tasks involved with trials, cases, and legal proceedings and most lawyers need help accomplishing these things in time for their schedules appearances. That’s where you come in.

If you are studying to become a Paralegal then this app is perfect for you.  With over 580 terms and definitions it is sure to help you keep you edge with your ongoing education.  Learning takes place in Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and a handy Android sized Dictionary for learning on the go. :-)

Иконка для JC정철 스마트워드_Basic 1.2

JC정철 스마트워드_Basic (v. 1.2)

Jungchul опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2011-05-27)

★이벤트 참여하시고 10만원 교육상품권 받으세요~!

★Event1 : 선착순 2,990분께 2종 어플을 $2.99 특별 할인 혜택으로 드립니다.(선착순마감) **
정가 4,500원 -> 특가 3,300원

★Event2 : 우수 댓글을 달아주신 총 25분을 추첨하여 선물을 드립니다.(4월한달)
* 5명 : 정철 사이버10만원 교육상품권
**20명:정철선생 영어혁명 1탄(대한민국 죽은 영어 살리기), 2탄(대한민국 스피킹 살리기) 모두 증정(서점가 24,000원)

- 모든 마켓에서 구매 후 댓글을 등록하시면 자동 응모 됩니다.
- 당첨자 발표는 이벤트 완료 후 정철닷컴 홈페이지 별도 공지 후 개별 안내 드립니다.


★JC정철 스마트워드_Basic : 자동 어휘암기 솔루션★

마인드 맵핑으로 쉽게 외우고 오래 기억하세요.
3단계 어휘 관리 시스템으로 100% 완벽 암기에 도전하세요.

☞JC정철 스마트워드의 똑똑한 어휘 학습법

1. 어휘, 마인드맵으로 똑똑하게 외우세요!
어휘 무작정 외우십니까?
머릿속에 복작하게 얽혀 있는 어휘들을 지도 그리듯이 이해하며
정리하는 마인드맵을 통해 체계적으로 오래 기억하세요.

2. 어휘 게임으로 재미있게 외우세요!
어휘학습, 더 이상 지루하지 않습니다.
어휘게임을 통해 자연스럽고 재미있게 익히세요.

3. 내 머릿속 어휘 암기 상태를 나의 단어장에 그대로!
인지심리학의 information processing model에 의하면 한번 외운 정보는 '단기 기억'에 저장되었다가 반복 학습을 통해 '장기기억'에 저장되었다가 반복 학습을 통해
'장기 기억'에 저장된다고 합니다.
이러한 뇌의 기억 과정을 나의 단어장 메뉴에 반영했습니다.

4. 나의 학습관리 알림 기능이 도와드립니다.!
어휘학습, 꾸준한 학습이 중요합니다.
학습 주기 알림 기능으로 학습할 시간을 주기적으로 알려드립니다.

☞JC정철 스마트워드 100배 활용하기
1. 학습순서
마인드맵 : 본격적인 학습 전 마인드맵으로 학습할 어휘의 지도를 그려봅니다.
어휘보기 : 어휘의 의미와 쓰임을 예문과 함께 익힙니다.
어휘게임 : 게임을 통해 어휘를 암기합니다.
어휘점검 : 학습한 어휘를 테스트를 통해 점검해 봅니다.

2. 나의 단어장 활용법
나의 단어장에서는 학습할 어휘를 아래 3단계로 분류/점검하게 됩니다.
: 미암기(Unknown) > 암기(Temporary) > 완벽암기(Permanent)
어휘 암기 상태를 확인하고, 지속적으로 재점검하면 완벽암기 상태에 도전하세요.

★JC정철 스마트워드 시리즈★
최우수 교육 컨텐츠 AAA등급을 획득한 정철연구소에서 개발한 어휘시리즈
JC정철 스마트워드_Basic
JC정철 스마트워드_Intermediate (출시예정)
JC정철 스마트워드_Acvanced (출시예정)


* 트위터 : @jcsmartwords
* help@playtown.co.kr로 보내주신 문의사항 및 질문에 최대한 빨리 답변드리도록 노력하겠습니다.



Digital Applications опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2011-05-27)

Over 1295 Human Anatomy and Physiology Terms and Descriptions.  Fun way to keep your edge.  Learning takes place in Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards as well as an Android sized Dictionary for education on the go. :-)

Иконка для 475 BARTENDING Mixed Drinks 1.0

475 BARTENDING Mixed Drinks (v. 1.0)

Digital Applications опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2011-05-27)

Ready to start your bartending career? This app was designed for you! This Mixed Drink App includes 475 Popular Drinks in a set of fantastic Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards, and a handy Android-sized Dictionary. Perfect for keeping your edge or just for fun.

Иконка для Japanese Biz Manner 1.0.1

Japanese Biz Manner (v. 1.0.1)

Zeata Corp. опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2011-05-27)

If you are going to successfully work with Japanese business or work in a Japanese company, what should you know about Japanese culture and business practices? You may encounter many differences in Japanese business etiquette from the normal business etiquette in your native country. Before you make critical mistakes that may damage your relationships with your Japanese business partners, you should learn what the appropriate business practices are in Japan. This program is for those who want to successfully build relationships and work with the Japanese business community.
Based on our popular, original publication “Japanese Business Manner : Level 1, Level 2, Level 3” written by Ken Watase, we carefully selected some of the more important subjects for people who want to learn Japanese Business etiquette.

This renewal version of ‘iMoshi’ is much easier than before; you just touch the screen.

One of the original features, ‘Highlighter’ has been upgraded and two new features, “Font” has been added.

You will feel like you are reading a text book and highlighting those sections which you feel are important to you. You can enjoy learning quickly and comfortably at your own pace.

Try it! It is much easier than you think!

Иконка для Teacherville Smart Institute 1.3

Teacherville Smart Institute (v. 1.3)

4csoft опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2011-05-27)

This is a mobile application to support Teacherville e-Learning Training Institute

Иконка для the wild app 1.0

the wild app (v. 1.0)

www.thewildapp.com опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2011-05-27)

thewildapp (.com) is a free Android App that gives you a direct feed about the most critically endangered animals on our planet straight to your Android handset. Never be out of the loop with current news about animals again!
    thewildapp is sponsored by and advertises our book “The Wild Bed Time Stories” that is available on all Kindle devices (including Kindle for iPhone and Android) for $10.63.

“The Wild App Bed Time Stories” Volume One consists of six short stories about animals that currently languish on the endangered species list in a concerted effort to propel awareness of their cause. The animals found in Volume One are: Bengal Tiger, Galapagos Penguin, Palos Verdes Butterfly, Japanese Dormouse, Spiny Seahorse and Polar Bear.

      The stories are the perfect material for any child's bed time routine.
      It is hoped that that thewildapp and “The Wild Bed Time Stories” volumes can grow together to be more than the sum of its parts by endearing these animals to both adults and children and reinforcing it on a nightly basis to stand the animals in the best possible position to receive a maximum amount of voices working on their behalf to save them.

      thewildapp.team shudder at the thought of only being able to see tigers, elephants, rhinos and polar bears on wikipedia and by downloading this free app we rejoice that you do as well.

       thewildapp is free forever and any future updates will be to add extra news feeds or to notify you of any new book in the series.

If you enjoy this direct feed from numerous sources then feel free to rate us or leave us a comment. You can do that here or on the site. Also, take part in our website poll to tell us what animal you feel needs a story immediately in our next storybook. It can be your personal favourite animal or child's favourite, or maybe one that you heard about recently. We will be using this information heavily to construct the upcoming volumes of "The Wild Bed Time Stories."

Thank you for reading and keep caring.


Иконка для Elements Rule! 2.1

Elements Rule! (v. 2.1)

Tubberfly.com опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2011-05-27)

Elements Rule: Periodic Table of Elements

Great for Chemistry and other science majors.
Features include: -
* Periodic Table of Elements view
* Element Details view
* Wikipedia link to the element
* Search elements based on symbol, element name or atomic number
* Filter elements list.
and much more...

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