UoScampusM (v. 2)
Разработано campusM
Please Note: When launching the app for the 1st time please be connected to Wi-Fi as it downloads the campus maps and other information.
Welcome to campusM™, a pioneering application that allows students to access comprehensive information about their university.
The University of Sheffield is the first of a group of leading universities in the UK to roll-out campuM™ to its students enabling them to stay informed with the ease and convenience that mobility brings.
- Search campus maps for buildings and locations, on and off campus.
- Find out which Student Computing Rooms have free PC’s and see which is the closest using GPS.
- View your Library “My Account Information”
- View your course details, course and exam timetable
- Find Friends – use the Friend Locator to see where friends are and contact them to meet up.
- Search for friends, colleagues or lecturers using the contact directory. Call or email contacts and add them directly to your address book.
- Receive alerts and announcements using Push Notifications
- Receive the latest news and events from the University and Students’ Union.
New features are being planned for the new year so please check the website for future features.