Think, Pair, Share, Vote! Student Response Cards
Many schools and universities have adopted Classroom Response Systems, also known as "clickers". An instructor will present a question, then ask the students to select the answer they believe is correct. The results are then projected on the board. The instructor then must decide whether the topic was covered effectively, or if remediation is required.
It's a modern adaptation of the time tested, and highly effective, paper response cards. Clickers have their problems though. They are expensive, and more importantly, they fail to provide immediate individual feedback to the instructor. When the instructor makes time to look at individual responses, the students have gone.
Students may also delay their vote, to see where the trend is heading and then make their choice, thus making much of the data useless. It's a cold technology
Using response cards is much better than "clickers" They all vote silently, and simultaneously. The instructor then gets immediate feedback from the whole, and the individual. The individual weaknesses, and strengths become very clear. The instructor can interact on an individual basis, and give much needed praise to those that have struggled, but now have found success. A simple smile, or "nice job" can go a long way, especially for the younger students.
The students are not only interacting, and engaged,they are accountable for their learning.
I made this app as a replacement for the paper response sheets since my students forget everything, except their phones. I also teach in a darkened area, so the lighted display is an added benefit. Please check with your prof before using, he or she may not allow phones in the classroom!