Intended for beginners to the unix or linux worlds, this App is a lightweight reference of commonly used commands, and tools such as 'vi', 'sed', 'perl', and 'awk'. Content is organized into Subjects, each containing examples grouped into the Sections.
Subject 'Unix Commands' contains sections on File Commands, Process Management, File Permissions, Searching, Modifying Command Output, System Info, Compression, Network and Shortcuts.
Subject 'vi' contains reference for the vi editor and contains sections on Cursor Movement, Scrolling, Marking position and moving, Entering Text, Cut, Copy & Paste, Searching and Replacing, and other Miscellaneous examples
Subject 'perl' contains sections on Files and Directories, System Processing, Regular Expressions, Variable and Arrays, String Functions, Printing, and File Test
Subject 'sed' contains sections on Using sed, Files Spacing, Numbering, Text Conversion and Substitution, Selective Printing of Certain Lines, Selective Deletion of Certain Lines, and some Special Applications.
Subject 'awk' contains sections on Usage examples, Special variables, and String matching reference
The App does not require any special permissions to run and has been optimized to use minimal resources. Use the menu to collapse or expand all sections. Each section may independently be collapsed or expanded by tapping the section header on top of each section.
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