국민대학교 목요특강 제10집(e-Book 및 특강정보) (v. 1.1)
Kookmin University опубликовал приложение 2012-05-29
목요특강은 지난 1994년 9월 1일부터 매주 목요일 2시간 동안 진행하고 있는 교양 수업으로 올해로 17년째 진행 중이다. 강단에 서는 연사들은 학생들의 설문 조사를 통해 만나고 싶은 각 분야 명사들을 초청하여, 그들이 살아온 진솔한 이야기를 듣고 학생들이 이에 질문하는 형식으로 진행된다. |
남서울대(학생용) (v. 1.0.5)
KOR510 App опубликовал приложение 2012-05-29
오늘의 말씀 |
Pythagorean theorem (v. 2.1)
サンエイソフトウェアジャパン + 山本満之 опубликовал приложение 2012-05-29
Welcome to the Pythagorean theorem. How intuitive proof of the Pythagorean theorem, we will introduce simple. The first "Pythagorean theorem" is the basic pattern of the proof of the theorem about right triangles prove two sides are equal. The following "Pythagorean theorem" is a general pattern of the proof of the theorem proved for the base and the height of a right triangle is different. The famous Pythagoras says "The universe is composed Number!". In fact, "Pythagorean theorem" is all mathematical, almost all areas of logic must be physical, we are inherent. Existence of the universe in all, it stays Ga如Ku France. Indeed, worthy of Pythagorean theorem "mystical" is. Difficult to argue before everybody, let's understand the basic principles firmly. So, once to die, "Pythagorean theorem" let's prove. Finally, "Pythagorean theorem" in general the underlying logic of mathematical physics will be explained as an example of the Cartesian rectangular coordinates. For Rene Descartes to represent waves in Cartesian coordinates and Cartesian coordinates for the Pythagorean theorem ③ ② ① right triangle and rectangular coordinates for the "dualism of mind and matter". Spirit and matter are two separate entities, the nature of the mind "thinking" and the essence of an object is "spread" is. The nature of the object, and not by the senses, the mind is known. In other words, "I think, therefore we" is. Here, the Cartesian "dualism of the horizontal and vertical" when considered to be "the spirit of horizontal thinking" by the "material consequences of the vertical axis" and it is known, the idea that origin, "I think, therefore we" thinking principle, which suggests that it dwells. Cartesian analysis of the underlying (system) when you learn that your own intuition to grab this genius of Descartes, it would be very important. Descartes Discourse on Method] [copyright in accordance with the rules of four, split into small pieces as possible and I think the problem ○. (Analysis) and complex things start to reach the simplest ○. (Overall) than those admitted to be true and clear proofs for ○, never accept it. (Clear signs) or any 見落Tosanakatta ○, review it all. (Enumeration / examination) are taking the approach based on recognition. Therefore, the concept seems to be natural, and we have a logical reconstruction. By the way, Descartes, and Catholic believers, truth is the same as Newton mystics. Masonic Newton, Leibniz Rose Cross. Unitarian Newton, Leibniz, "The world monad", one is believed the Cartesian dualism of mind and matter who, "I think, therefore we" are, actually, thinking (consciousness) is due to a monism. Moreover, Descartes is often thought to be reductionist, rather than a simple reduction in principle, "who knows reductionist orthogonal structure" that is. "Pythagorean Theorem" to "Fourier series" was discussed "the principle of Fourier" (300 yen), and will be uploaded in June 2011. Not surprisingly, the wave trigonometric functions (circular functions) by adding together, and what can fit? Fun is the future. I'm also with lovely animations. Now ※, animation has been published, and the finger can move. While moving your body is very important to learn dynamically. |
Famous top 100 classical songs (v. 2)
EpicAppTime.com опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
Enjoy the top 100 famous classical music by classic artists from Beethoven to Mozart. Top Classical Music from movies, songs, commercials, cartoons, and video games. |
해병대전략연구소 (v. ver_1.2.0)
누리어플만들기(무료) опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
우리 해병대는 창군 이래 한국전쟁과 월남전을 통하여 "귀신 잡는 해병", "무적해병", "신화를 남긴 해병" 등의 애칭을 받으며, 그 우수성이 국내외에 널리 인정받고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 우리 국민들로부터 커다란 믿음과 사랑을 받는 군으로 성장해 왔으며, 현재에도 한반도 안보를 위한 전략기동예비로서 한·미 연합해병의 주력으로서의 중요한 역할을 더욱 발전시켜야 할 뿐만 아니라, 장차 미래 안보환경의 변화에 대응할 수 있는 정예군으로서, 또한 통일 이후에도 조국 방위를 위해 가장 경제적이고 유용한 군대로 육성 발전시키는 문제는 해병대의 가장 절실하고 중요한 과제라고 믿고 있습니다. |
50 States - Free (v. 3.1.0)
DigitalMav опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
50 States is an easy, interactive, way to learn the state names, state capitals and various other facts about of each state in the United States. It also contains information about national landmarks, national monuments and national parks. |
Physics Tutor (v. 1.3.5)
musicslayer опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
This app guides the user through solving basic physics problems. Not only does it provide numerical answers, but it also provides a step by step explanation, complete with illustrations. |
ChinaDict (v. 1.6)
Soft Mann опубликовал приложение 2012-05-26
Chinese English dictionary, with search by English, pinyin, simplified or traditional characters, or jyutping. |
小学四年生漢字読み練習 (v. 1.0.1)
aaz inc опубликовал приложение 2012-05-25
小学校四年生が対象です |
Calculator (v. 2.1)
EdgeOneApps опубликовал приложение 2012-05-25
EASY, FAST & COOL Calculator. |