Популярные в категории 'Образование' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
2381-2390 из 6885
Иконка для 망고스터디 5:고대가요+향가 고전문학해설EBS 수능언어 3

망고스터디 5:고대가요+향가 고전문학해설EBS 수능언어 (v. 3)

모두나무 опубликовал приложение 2011-09-29
(обновлено 2013-08-03)

망고 스터디 5 탄으로 고대가요와 향가를 담았습니다. 학생들이 알아야할 작품들을 최대한 많이 담았습니다. 블로그에 접속하시면 질문하기가 가능합니다.
오타나, 내용 수정 등을 위해 계속 업데이트 할 예정입니다. 기타 질문 등은 ryundin@gmail.com으로 보내주시면 최대한 빨리 답변하겠습니다. 다운 받아 주셔서 감사합니다.

올리브폰,무료통화조회,Angry Birds,나침판,ES파일탐색기,명함스캐너,Bubble Ball,보안카드,논스톱 교통정보,TV맛집,택배조회(스마트택배),연봉계산기 – SalaryCalculator,배터리 정보,TableNJoy(테이블엔조이),교보문고 도서검색,ScanSearch (스캔서치),지하철 내비게이션,세계의 수도,줄자,각도기 - Smart Ruler Pro,패션 머플러 (목도리 매는법),My Tracks,배달통POP-baedaltongPop,부동산114,알람+(Alarm+),멜론,전국 콜택시,생활백서 - 요리편,Android 만들기,AntiSpamSMS [스팸문자차단],EnjoyVoca Lite 영단어 voca 토익 수능,원기날씨,CGV 영화예매,닥터 코메디(Dr.KorMedi),바코드 스캐너,서울택시,Periodic Table,내 폰안에 114,Google Maps,장바구니,Jumpgate Free Live Wallpaper,무료콘텐츠! Specialcast(스페셜캐스트),Shush! Ringer Restorer,doubleTwist AirSync,국민은행,제일은행,NH 농협,배달통,경찰청 교통안내,CGV 영화 예매,니 몸무게를 봐라,열린약국찾기,심리 테스트,심리테스트,카카오톡,Twitter (트위터),Facebook,오브제,TiKL,튜브메이트,Yahoo Mail,Skype,네이트온,MSN 톡,페이스북,Dictionary.com,디지털 어학기,찍찍이,한자학습,전자신문,SBS 뉴스,섹시,혈액형,영어,화보,갤럭시,도돌,인간관계,오빠이거,타자연습,라이프스타일,생활백서,고민그만,카카오,잘 자는 법,콜택시,알바,구글,안드로이드,아스트로,알약,메모장,말하는 산타,CGV,SHAZAM,컬러라이트,MP3,지하철,필수어플가이드,뱅킹,ESPN ScoreCenter,Weather Bug,고속도로 교통 정보,서울 버스,지하철 도착 정보,지하철 네비게이션,지하철 노선도,Daum 쇼핑하우,롯데닷컴,쇼핑랭킹,쇼핑카트,11번가,신세계백화점,다음 지도,Angry bird,앵그리버드,말하는,네이버,웹툰,네이트,만화,Bump,Compass,Adobe Reader,컬러노트 메모장,Launcher Pro,StreetView,Backgrounds,DailyHoroscope,Ringdroid,Tango,탕고,Videos,TuneIn Radio,StopWatch,PicSay,Opera,브라우저,Dolphin,MP3 Music Box,Talking,NH 스마트 뱅킹,kb 뱅킹,단위변환기,변환,advanced task killer,talking tom cat,google sky map,twitter,kakao,코레일,t world,다음,싸이월드,병원,국세청,플래너,114,Viber 바이버,수다폰,마이피플,무료통화,스카이프 skype,맛클,부두패치,kied,도난 경보기,제사의달인,기념일 관리,아임IN,자는아이지킴이,환율정보,도서관 좌석 정보,한국전화번호부,모두의 웹툰,모두의 신문,pic say,구글스카이맵,인크루트,잡코리아,G마켓 지마켓,옥션 auction,세계의수도,ABC Animals,Korea Trip (캠핑장 정보),AutoCAD WS,실시간 검색어/핫이슈 ,Plan V (계획 도우미),보이스114,월별운세,일일운세,오늘의운세,점성,별자리 운세,[브라우저] xScope,돌핀,오페라,miren 미렌,[RDP/VNC]Wyse PocketCloud,,cjo몰,hmall,디앤샵,롯데홈쇼핑,하드클럽,오늘만특가,인터파크,쇼핑랭킹베스트,홈플러스,할인계산기,쿠폰모아,딩동,G마켓,쿠폰차트,티켓초이스,하루하나,미니 T world,손전등,TV 맛집,제사의 달인,쇼고객센터,누구야,보이스 114,순간 일기,예뻐지는 법,드로우 메모,미투데이,me2day,연락처,문자 추적기,버스,부산 버스,대구 버스,대전 버스,급수별 한자학습,EBS 온에어,키즈 컬러링,페인팅 도구,보카로이드,즐거운 사자성어,세계의 국기,후토스,손바닥 토익,수학 연습,스마트 영어사전,한 달에 영어를,내손안에 한자급수 글자편,굿모닝팝스,아스트로 파일,mVideoPlay,Opera Mini 브라우저,Talking Roby the Robot,이미지패러디,무료 배경화면,가로세로 낱말맞추기,블럭퍼즐,푸딩얼굴인식,도전! 구구단,레이디 버그,유행어 플레이어,판도라 TV,에어 혼,노래방 책 검색,네이버 웹툰,네이트 만화,식물잘키우기,모이라,아트데이,명언,교보문고,패션,영화예매,시간능력자,한자능력검정 급수별,앱순이의 앱순위,두체통,물병편지,자명종 프로,나도,프로야구2011,두근두근,한국 프로 야구,남자 아이돌 월드컵,시험 일정 정보,각종 시험 일정 정보,한방에 메모장 Breadu Soft,아이들을 위한 ABC,필기 재미,영어단어학습앱,하이원 ,수학,워크넷,한자의 훈음,2011 토정비결S(궁합,오늘의 운세,연애운,로또운),뒷담화,정신연령 테스트,롯데시네마,날씨위젯,코코몽시즌2 틀린그림 찾기,환율조회,아이유,소녀시대,슈퍼쥬니어,동방신기,빅뱅,무한도전,맥스무비,maxmovie,티켓링크,중고나라,지진계,스마트 갈아타기,도서관 좌석,은어사전,TV맛집 제사의 달인,블럭퍼즐 2,실시간 검색어/핫이슈,Bike Track,자전거 여행,여자어 사전,캠핑장 정보,잘 먹는 법 - 음식상식백과,폰을 흔들어,연봉계산기,사람인,다음 마이피플 무료통화,뭉글 도난 경보기,알람+,날씬쟁이가 될꺼야,전국버스,지식맘,가장 많은 지역을 지원하는 안드로이드용 버스 정보 앱,정신 연령 테스트,드로우메모,프로 경찰청 교통안내,랙션,트위터 ,여자 아이돌 월드컵,함은정,설리,이상형 월드컵,사진 다이어트,전철,2세 사진보기,쇼핑카트 ,하루 한 단어,실시간 동영산 순위,짠돌이 가계부,카톡,알수록 도움이 되는 10가지,사진 퍼즐 게임,Kakao Talk,배달의민족,데몬헌터,구하라,산다락박,현빈,스마트 롯데,가위바위보 게임,지컷,fx,tving,티스토리 ,맛클 테마스토어,하나SK카드 카드서비스,당신의 몸값이 궁금함,카카오톡 나대지마!!,소셜 매칭 게임 ,달력 위젯,안드로이드용,브레이커스,렉션,Raction,샤샥,칼로리 코디,혈액형에관한고찰,Google 번역,이마트 투데이,음성검색,My Verizon,카라,비스트,아스트로 파일 관리자,살랑살랑 돛단배,미디블 캐슬 디펜스,네이버톡,연합뉴스,미니,티플,문자,월급,보카,디씨 인사이드,모두의 쇼핑,잘 자는 법 - 수면상식백과,주변 음식점,CJONE 카드,사다리 게임,좋은집구하기,고스톱,강원랜드,코코펀 쿠폰,잘 입는 법 - 패션상식백과,룰렛 게임,KBO Live 프로야구 2011,티아라 은정,수애,니 몸무게를 봐라!,씨스타,보라,효린,수진,mnet,하이원,메가스터디,스터디,노블레스,이말년,공부,학점,하이스트,학원,강의,수만휘 심시티, 크로이츠, 고등학생, 중학생, 중딩, 고딩, 삼국지, 공무원, 임용고시, 임고,

Иконка для Escucha y Aprende Inglés LITE 1.2

Escucha y Aprende Inglés LITE (v. 1.2)

InnovaIdiomas S.L. опубликовал приложение 2011-09-28
(обновлено 2011-09-28)

Aprende inglés de manera sencilla, natural y con total autonomía con nuestros cursos Binaurality.

El Método Binaurality, innovadora metodología educativa basada en la traducción simultánea, está centrado en el desarrollo de la destreza de entender aplicando la escucha biaural.

Por el oído derecho se escucha el idioma que se quiere aprender y por el izquierdo el idioma conocido, por lo que desde el primer momento empezarás a aprender a entender inglés de manera sencilla y eficaz. A tu ritmo, en tu tiempo libre.

Prepárate para desarrollar el listening inglés de manera natural con nuestros cursos de inglés grabados totalmente por nativos.

Tú decides cuándo y dónde entender inglés, con el Método Binaurality.

Ponte los cascos escucha y aprende!!

**Disponible una versión de pago con más lecciones en el Android Market.

Иконка для 한기대기술용어사전 1.8

한기대기술용어사전 (v. 1.8)

한국기술교육대학교 опубликовал приложение 2011-09-28
(обновлено 2013-07-31)

유클자격과정별 단어를 모아 만든 한기대 기술용어사전

자격과정 별 출제 빈도 수 위주로 구성된 UCLE한기대기술용어사전 어플리케이션입니다.
일분 일초가 아까운 수강생 여러분의 시간을 단축 시키기 위하여 스마트폰용 용어사전 어플리케이션이 출시 되었습니다.
다운받아 언제 어디서나 공부 할 수 있습니다.

1. 자격과정별로 용어를 구별하여 구성되어 이용하기 편리합니다.
2. 책갈피 기능으로 내가 전에 찾았던 단어페이지를 저장할 수 있습니다.
3. 단어장추가 기능으로 나만의 단어장을 만들어 관리할 수 있습니다.

수강 자격과정:공조냉동기계산업기사, 기계설계산업기사, 전기공사산업기사, 컴퓨터응용가공산업기사, 자동차정비산업기사

Иконка для Intellectural Number Game 1.11.0

Intellectural Number Game (v. 1.11.0)

Professionals,Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-09-27
(обновлено 2013-07-30)

The intellectual educational application with a cute Japanese character "Pesoguin". You can play choosing number game, number matching game.

Иконка для Catholic University of Korea v1.2

Catholic University of Korea (v. v1.2)

Young Teac Jang опубликовал приложение 2011-09-27
(обновлено 2013-07-30)

CUK in your hand.
For communication and relationship, Launching Smart Campus""

For the convenience of CUK family members and public relations of CUK, this application provides the services as below

1. Public Relations: Introduction of CUK/ Notice/ CUK News/ School Cafeteria Menu, Shuttle Info. Campus Map/ Name & Extension Number/ Intensive English Education Program in Dormitory/ International Relationship/ Personal Notice/ QR Code/ Social media
2. Cyber Campus: Lecture Notice/ Lecture Reference and Info./ List of Bulletin board/ List of Bulletin board/Assignment/Team Project/ Debate Section/ Message
3. Academic Affairs: Personal Info./ Academic Record & Info./ Schedule/ Grade/ Registration Record/ Scholarship Info. / List of Scholarship/ Non-CUK Scholarship Info./List of Subjects.
4. Library Service : Available Seats in Reading Room/ Checking Book Circulation Info. & Extension/ Service Guide/ Notice/ Q&A
5. Job Section: Job Info. Notice
6. Admission: Introduction of CUK/ Introduction of Department/ Entrance Exam Info./ Admission Outline/ Sample Questions/ Current State of Application/ Result of Entrance Exam/ Scholarship Info. /Guide Map to CUK"

Иконка для Kids Brown free 1.52

Kids Brown free (v. 1.52)

broadcon опубликовал приложение 2011-09-26
(обновлено 2011-09-26)

* This app has been optimized for 2.2 Froyo &
  2.3 GingerBread with resolution 480*800.
We'll do our best to make it in every devices~


This app is the free vesrion of 'Kids Brown' which is the No. 1 kids english content.

English education contents for children aged 4~7!
Kids can learn english with excitement and fun through cute flash movie~

* Menu

- Touch character => English story book movie
  Only 6-year-old contents available in free version.
  Full version is coming soon~

- Touch 'Let's play'
  => Characters will dance with music~

- About
  Introduction and QA

- CONy ballon
  Introduction movie of TypingCONy

Иконка для English Hello-Hello (Phone) 1.1.1

English Hello-Hello (Phone) (v. 1.1.1)

Hello-Hello опубликовал приложение 2011-09-25
(обновлено 2013-07-27)

Hello-Hello English is the FUN way to learn a Language on the Go!

Hello-Hello English is a full-fledged language course with 30 LESSONS developed in collaboration with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), so you can be assured that these lessons follow an effective research-based methodology. All lessons are conversational based on realistic dialogues and situations, rather than a collection of out-of-context words and phrases.

All the content is stored in the app so that you have great responsiveness when you are ready to learn a language. You do not need to be connected to Wi-Fi or 3G networks to run the app. With Hello-Hello English you will be able to do the lessons and practice vocabulary anytime, anywhere developing all the skills you need to communicate in a foreign language. All lessons were recorded by native speakers so you can learn the correct pronunciation.

With Hello-Hello English you can also:

Practice vocabulary with more than 300 words and phrases using our FLASHCARDS feature!  (Please note that we will be adding more words and phrases in upcoming updates.)

Save your own NOTES form any lesson.

Full localization: You can see the entire app, including the translations of the lessons and words lists in your native language! Languages available: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese and Portuguese.

Note about our methodology: At first, our lessons might seem advanced for some people but there is a purpose behind it. Our lessons are structured to give learners the ability to communicate effectively with others.  If the learner is new to the language, it will be necessary to spend more time learning the basic phrases in order to begin to gain proficiency in the language.  For those who already know other related languages, the time factor may not be as great to learn the basics. Beginners need to go slowly and may need to do the activities several times before they gain a comfort level in using them. And remember: The more time you spend doing the exercises, the more proficient you will become!

CONTACT US:  We are constantly trying to improve the app and take feedback from our users very seriously. The app has a “Contact Us” icon so that you can contact us easily, so please do not hesitate and send us an email if you have any questions, comments, complaints or suggestions.

Make sure to also check Hello-Hello Kids, our language learning app for children!


Hello-Hello is an innovative language learning company that offers state-of-the-art online and mobile courses. Hello-Hello.com’s website couples social networking with language learning which allows users to interact with native speakers around the world. Hello-Hello’s iPad apps are among the top language learning apps on the iPad.  Our conversational courses were developed in collaboration with The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), which is the largest association of teachers and administrators of all languages at all levels, serving more than 12,000 educators. For more information, please visit their website at www.actfl.org.

To get help from native speakers and make friends around the world please visit us at www.hello-hello.com and create an account. It’s FREE!

With Hello-Hello.com you can:

LEARN a new language anytime, anywhere with online lessons that develop all the skills you need.

TEACH other members your language and learn from native speakers by submitting exercises for them to review as well as providing feedback on their exercises.

COMMUNICATE with native speakers through audio, video and text with our live Chat to practice the language and make friends all over the world!

Иконка для 听风英语 2.52

听风英语 (v. 2.52)

windyfancy опубликовал приложение 2011-09-24
(обновлено 2013-07-24)




Иконка для ABC Animals LITE Lite(1.2.2

ABC Animals LITE (v. Lite(1.2.2)

PINPIN TEAM опубликовал приложение 2011-09-24
(обновлено 2011-09-24)

“ABC Animals” is an educational game developed by the well-known website for children http://www.hugolescargot.com

Each of the letters of the alphabet is associated with an animal. By following the model, letter after letter, your child writes the name of the animal presented. Once the name of the animal is fully written and completed, your child will have access to a mini-labyrinth and can interact with the animal by stroking it.

*** FEATURES ***

☆ Application entirely bilingual English/French. Allows children to learn the alphabet and the animals in a foreign language.
☆ 26 levels correspond to 26 letters of the alphabet.
☆ 18 animal names to set free. Audio pronunciation of all the animals and all the letters.
☆ 18 different labyrinths and 18 animals who interact with the child by being stroked.
☆ Graphics and music adapted to children.

Have fun!

*** NOTES ***

Suitable for children of two years and older.
The full application “ABC Animals” is available on Androïd Market.

Иконка для Malayalam Aksharam Lite 1.0

Malayalam Aksharam Lite (v. 1.0)

acharya опубликовал приложение 2011-09-22
(обновлено 2011-09-22)

Malayalam Aksharam (Malayalam Alphabet) teaches your kid to learn the basics of the language.
For Children
- Optimised for use with easy controls and a fun interface
- Learn the basics of the language!
- App will show each malayalam letter and a word associated with the letter
- Malayalam word recitation
- The letter, word, picture and recitation allows children to understand and grasp words faster
For Parents
- Help your child learn all 56 letters of the Malayalam alphabet! (15 letters in the Lite Version)
- Control the app behaviour based on environment (eg. In a crowded place, the app provides necessary distraction to the kid, but you might want the sound to be turned off)
- Allows necessary distraction for children while they enjoy and learn
- Application does not use internet and hence is application is safe in flight mode *
- Designed by parents for use of toddlers
This application is Toddler 'tested'.

* You will need to check with your airlines on mobile use policies inside the flight (such as turning on Airplane mode)
india kerala malayalam kids children toddler alphabet

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