Applicants to the University of Michigan Medical School (UMMS) can use the M.D. Stat+ application to check their medical school application status from American Medical College Application Service® (AMCAS®) submission through admissions notification, complete with status descriptions, related documentation requirements and personalized next steps for the applicant including interview date selection.
M.D. Stat+ also lets prospective and admitted students view stats and facts about the current UMMS application process; link to relevant Facebook and Twitter accounts and medical student blogs; review how applications are processed at UMMS; and check out academic, demographic and other information about the most recent incoming medical student class to see how they compare.
* Status - Immediate access to University of Michigan Medical School admissions status and next steps
* Tracker and Path to UM - Current stats on and overview of Admissions process from beginning to end
* Connect with Admissions - Links to UMMS social media sites
* Class Profile - Academic, demographic and other information about most recent incoming class