Khan Academy: Pocket Classroom (v. 1.0)
Разработано Irynsoft
Khan Academy is a non-profit video channel with over 1,000 videos covering topics ranging from high school math and science to banking and venture capital.
Salman Khan (Sal) founded the Khan Academy with the hope of using technology to foster new learning models. Sal attended MIT and Harvard and later worked in the venture capital and hedge fund industry. He is devoted to Khan Academy full-time now and has managed to achieve a large internet following. Khan academy has recently been featured on NPR and PBS, and Sal has made appearances on CNN.
This app uses the VIRT2GO mobile video platform created by Irynsoft. VIRT2GO offers a new way to view educational content on your mobile phone. It makes learning a social experience allowing users to update and keep tabs on their Facebook friends, to post to a forum, and to leave ratings and reviews of individual videos.
Here are some of the great features of the app:
-videos, catalog, notes, and forum posts are cached and viewable off-line.
-interact with your facebook friends from within the app (Facebook login required)
-ask questions on the discussion forum
-see how others rated a lecture to determine which videos are the most helpful