iCert™ Practice Exam
for Microsoft Exam #70-680
Windows 7, Configuring
iCert is PROUD to have brought you this exclusive, high-quality exam content you will not find anywhere else for Microsoft's latest version of the Windows 7 exam, preparing you for MCTS and MCITP certifications. All questions are current for 2011. Purchase price includes one full exam, and additional exam(s) are also available for purchase within all our apps.
If you experience any issues with this application, including in-app purchase issues, please contact and we will be glad to assist.
iCert is the gold standard for mobile practice certification exams. You may find our practice exams on iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone 7, and we cover many popular exams from Microsoft, Cisco, and other vendors.
iCert's exam content is developed by real-world IT experts, and our staff is highly trained and highly certified. Our app design is simple, and we focus on bringing you quality content that will give you a realistic assessment of whether you are prepared to pass a certification exam, as well as help you to learn some of the things you may have missed in your studies.
Feature List:
- All apps have 1 full practice exam (50 questions), with additional questions available for purchase within the app at a discount!
- Choose to take a short test, a full exam, or all available questions
- Explanations are given for all questions and answers at the end of the exam
- End-of-exam scoring includes a breakdown by section to point out your strong and weak points
- Study Mode allows you to review answers and explanations as you go, rather than at the end of the exam
- A timer option allows you to keep track of your time to prepare for the real exam
- A feedback button is available for you to ask us if you still don't understand a question (for free!) or think you've found an inaccuracy
- All items are reviewed by real-world Subject Matter Experts for both relevancy and accuracy
iCert and NRC are not affiliated with and are not endorsed by any exam vendors such as Microsoft, and trademarks (such as Microsoft, MCP, MCSE, MCITP, MCTS, Windows, etc.) are property of their respective owners. Any use of such marks here is done so nominatively and should not suggest any affiliation between iCert/NRC and mark owners. Copyright (C) 2011, and all content created by, New Rich Communicatoins Corp. ("NRC"). All rights reserved. "iCert" and the iCert logo are trademarks of NRC. NRC provides this app to you with no warranty of any kind, including fitness for a purpose, and any damages arising from the use of this app shall be limited to the cost paid for the app.
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Keywords: MCITP, MCTS, MCSE, 70-680, Windows 7, Configuring, Practice, Exam, Test