Популярные бесплатные в категории 'Образование' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
241-250 из 4443
Иконка для lv2. EasyToLearn English 2010 1.6

lv2. EasyToLearn English 2010 (v. 1.6)

Bo young Kim опубликовал приложение 2012-02-09
(обновлено 2012-02-09)

This application's the main feature is the vocabulary.
30 words per day over the 67 days of 2010 are shown. Also, to review a list of words that have been added.
Thank you!

Иконка для TOEIC Preparation 1.4.2

TOEIC Preparation (v. 1.4.2)

Xuvi опубликовал приложение 2012-02-08
(обновлено 2014-03-07)

- Add "Remember last visit" in each page
- Add Online Dictionary
Do you want to get a high score in TOEIC test in the short preparation time?
Then the TOEIC Preparation is the best tool for you. The application not only provides the essential words with clear definition, which is collected from practical tests, but also offers you the test collections in order to help you be familiar with the format of the test in the Reading part.
Key features include;
The most essential words drawn from various sources of book, papers.
All vocabularies come with detailed definitions, explanations, and vocabulary test.
The convenient “Play” mode allows you to just listen and learn without having to look at the screen. Additionally, the flashcard feature helps you to choose the suitable mode to study.
In the test collection, the application gives you the most updated tests in recent time with sentences that you always see in the TOEIC test including all three parts in the Reading sections.

Иконка для Math Balloons 2.0.0

Math Balloons (v. 2.0.0)

divmobvn опубликовал приложение 2012-02-06
(обновлено 2012-02-06)

This is a fun way for your kids to practice basic math.

The pairs of bubbles with numbers and operator float on the screen, you need to simply pop the corresponding bubbles!

The options give you the ability to change the operator: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and all of them. You can also choose the difficulty level: easy, medium and hard.

A popmath - like app

Иконка для 각종 시험 일정 정보 1.2.5

각종 시험 일정 정보 (v. 1.2.5)

Best Choice опубликовал приложение 2012-02-06
(обновлено 2012-02-06)

★ 어플 첫 설치시 화면이 나타나지 않고 오래 걸릴수 있습니다.
응답없음 메시지와 함께 대기,종료를 선택하는 화면이 나타나면 대기 버튼을 눌러 잠시만 기다려주세요. 어플 설치시에만 이런 증상이 나타날 수 있습니다. 감사합니다.★

각종 시험 일정 정보를 검색 할 수 있는 어플리케이션입니다.

※ 다음 시험 정보를 지원합니다.

1.영어 - Flext, G-TELP, IELTS A,A+GT, JET , JET Speaking & Writing, OPIc, TEPS(텝스), TEPS-S&W, TOEIC(토익), TOEIC Speaking & Writing, TOEFL(토플), i-TEPS, 무역영어 1,2,3급

2.일본어 - JLPT N1,N2,N3,N4,N5, JPT, SJPT

3.중국어 - HSK 1,2,3,4,5,6급, HSK 회화 초급,중급,고급, TSC

4.한자 - 국가공인 한자시험 YBM, 실용한자 공인 1,2,3,4급, 전국한자능력검정시험 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8급,특급, 한자급수인증시험, 한자자격시험 1,2,3급 사범-8급, 한자한문지도사자격시험

5.한국어 - KBS 한국어능력시험, KPE 듣기,읽기,말하기,쓰기, TOPIK

6.컴퓨터 - DIAT 초급,중급,고급, ITQ, 디지털영상편집 1급,2급, 리눅스마스터 1급,2급, 워드프로세서 1급,2급,3급, 인터넷정보관리사 1급,2급,3급,전문가, 전산회계운용사 1급,2급,3급, 전자상거래 관리사 1급,2급, 전자상거래운용사, 컴퓨터활용능력 1급,2급,3급

7.고시 - 공인노무사, 공인중개사, 주택관리사

8.스페인어 - DELE A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2

9.프랑스어 - DALF A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2, TCF, TCF DAP

10.금융 - AFPK, CFP, KBI 금융지식 테스트, 공인회계사, 국제금융역, 금융투자분석사, 세무사, 신용분석사, 신용위험분석사(CRA), 여신심사역, 영업점 컴플라이언스 오피서, 외환관리사, 외환전문역, 은행텔러, 자신관리(FP), 재무위험관리사, 증권분석사, 증권투자상담사, 투자자산운용사, 파생상품투자상담사, 펀드투자상담사

11.기타 - 기능사, 기사, 산업기사, 건축, 광업자원, 국토개발, 공예, 금속, 기계, 농림, 무역, 산업디자인, 산업응용, 섬유, 세무및회계, 안전관리, 음식료품, 에너지, 유통, 위성, 전기, 전문사무, 정보처리, 조선, 전자, 토목, 통신, 항공, 해양, 환경, 화공및세라믹


시험 검색
1. 시험명 - 시험 이름으로 검색한다.(영문 시험은 영문으로 검색해야함.)
2. 영역명 - 영어,일본어,한자,한국어, 등의 영역으로 검색.
3. 시행처명 - 시험을 주관하는 시행처명으로 검색한다.


1.영역별보기 - 리스트로 나타난 영역리스트로 손쉽게 시험을 검색한다.

1.시행처별보기 - 리스트로 나타난 시행처리스트로 손쉽게 시험을 검색한다.

1. 나의 시험 - 사용자가 원하는 시험을 나의 시험에 등록 시켜 관리 할 수 있다. (삭제가능, 시험일을 기준으로 오름차순)

위의 기능등을 통해 시험들을 검색하고, 검색된 시험을 선택하면 시험접수,점수확인 사이트에 접속 할 수 있습니다.

만든이 : 변두리 프로그래머 ( 김상건 )

TAG : 필수 앱 공무원 수능 경찰 임상 한자 학습 토익 달력 시험 날짜 시험 접수 점수 YBM 해커스

Иконка для Fluent English 1.30

Fluent English (v. 1.30)

Fluentizer LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-02-04
(обновлено 2012-02-04)

FluentEnglish will help you practice understanding native English speakers and increase your vocabulary. It works like an audio book reader and also provides translation for words that you don't understand. For better learning, it also provides pronunciations of each word in several different voices. To learn English with Fluentizer efficiently and to be able to use the dictionaries, your native language needs to be one of the following: Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Hindi, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, or Vietnamese.
Note that some of the dictionaries and books are very large, so make sure you are on WiFi before downloading them.
Fluentizer will teach you verbal (listening) comprehension better than Instant Immersion, Fluenz, Rosetta Stone, Berlitz, Karaoke4English, uTalk or CueBrain. It is an ideal tool for ESL students or people preparing for TOEFL, GMAT or GRE.
We reserve the right to anonymously track and report a user's activity inside of our app, and technical parameters of the phone to help us fix the bugs. We don't collect any personal information.

Иконка для TOEIC Daily 2.5.1

TOEIC Daily (v. 2.5.1)

Evo Labs опубликовал приложение 2012-02-03
(обновлено 2012-02-03)

Let's study TOEIC every day

1. It's for Korean only
2. It give you 5 contents every month
3. You can check your final score every week

Иконка для Kid Math 2.2.1

Kid Math (v. 2.2.1)

divmobvn опубликовал приложение 2012-02-01
(обновлено 2012-02-01)

========== NOTE: 2 player mode is only for android 2.1 and higher (for multi-touch) ==========

The idea is based on TuxMath - a very popular educational maths software. This is a fun way for kids to learn numbers and build basic math skills.

Try to destroy the rain of numbers. Any correct answer will destroy the relevant raining equation completely.

2 player mode is a funny reaction game for two people on the same device. You can help your children learn math in a funny way!

Designed for kids and fun! Math really can be fun and really can be easy to learn.

kw: math game, fun math lessons, puzzles, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division

Иконка для Peter Pan 3.0

Peter Pan (v. 3.0)

DreamsCT опубликовал приложение 2012-01-30
(обновлено 2012-01-30)

- Audio eBook with native speakers
- Multi-Language Type: English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish and German
- With amazing and fantastic fairy tales
- Very popular to children who are interested in learning multi languages

- Picture book and audio files, all in one platform
- Listening repeat functions
- Recording function for self correction of pronunciation
- Available of Mute and multi language script function (English/Korean/German/Spanish/French script)
- Swipe interaction for script on/off and transition

- E-mail : piljune.pak@gmail.com
- Twitter : @SmartYulian

Иконка для Snow White 3.0

Snow White (v. 3.0)

DreamsCT опубликовал приложение 2012-01-25
(обновлено 2012-01-25)

- Audio eBook with native speakers
- Multi-Language Type: English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish and German
- With amazing and fantastic fairy tales
- Very popular to children who are interested in learning multi languages

- Picture book and audio files, all in one platform
- Listening repeat functions
- Recording function for self correction of pronunciation
- Available of Mute and multi language script function (English/Korean/German/Spanish/French script)
- Swipe interaction for script on/off and transition

- E-mail : piljune.pak@gmail.com
- Twitter : @SmartYulian

Иконка для Cinderella 3.0

Cinderella (v. 3.0)

DreamsCT опубликовал приложение 2012-01-25
(обновлено 2012-01-25)

- Audio eBook with native speakers
- Multi-Language Type: English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish and German
- With amazing and fantastic fairy tales
- Very popular to children who are interested in learning multi languages

- Picture book and audio files, all in one platform
- Listening repeat functions
- Recording function for self correction of pronunciation
- Available of Mute and multi language script function (English/Korean/German/Spanish/French script)
- Swipe interaction for script on/off and transition

- E-mail : piljune.pak@gmail.com
- Twitter : @SmartYulian

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