Новые бесплатные в категории 'Образование' в Android Market

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Иконка для 背單字 - 英文單字王 EngKing 1.00

背單字 - 英文單字王 EngKing (v. 1.00)

名師學院 (KUT,Inc.) опубликовал приложение 2012-06-01
(обновлено 2012-06-01)

想体验最新版本的「英文单词王 1.00 beta 」 吗? 小编在此徵求测试人员! 限时提供喔~快于此留言报名索取!!

背单字 EngKing 英文单字王是一套易学易用的 Android 背单字软体,软体资料由台湾最大的升学数位教学公司 寰宇知识科技-【名师学院】授权,此软体特色是可以很快的在手机上学习英文单字。主要提供单字学习、单字测验、测验记录上传、易错字TOP 100、全球排行榜、单字本管理等六大功能。



1. 单字学习:每阶段以25个单字为限(乱数产生)
2. 单字测验:多种单字测验,更有效刺激学习记忆
3. 测验记录上传:上传个人英文单字测验记录
4. 易错字TOP 100:显示个人最易错的前100个单字
5. 全球排行榜:英文单字王荣誉排行榜
6. 单字本管理:英文单字本管理、新增、修改、删除

King of the English words back word EngKing is a set of easy words back Android software, software data from the studies of Taiwan's largest digital teaching technology company Knowledge Universe - [School] teacher licensing, teacher colleges to increase, the university leader, digital teaching materials developed by more than 60% market share, very high information content of practicality, this software feature is on the phone can quickly learn English words. The main provider of word learning, vocabulary test, test records upload, easy to typo TOP 100, the global list, word of the six management functions.

Word class is divided into beginner, intermediate, senior, TOEIC TOEIC, business English workplace, such as six custom levels, and increased functionality from time to time revised with the new words.

We recommended that you learn
1 know the word: to understand the words, part of speech, the meaning of words, sentences
2 skilled word: through word pronunciation, oral practice, practice spelling words and other familiar words
3 Extended Learning: Using the word search button for more explanation, examples (with connection)

1 word learning: each stage is limited to 25 words (random number generator)
2 word test: a variety of word tests, more effective in stimulating learning and memory
3 test records Upload: Upload your English vocabulary test record
4 Easy typo TOP 100: the most error-prone individuals display the first 100 words
5 world ranking: English word list honors King
6 words of this administration: the management of the English word, add, modify, delete

Иконка для GWMobile 1.0.9

GWMobile (v. 1.0.9)

The George Washington University опубликовал приложение 2012-06-01
(обновлено 2012-06-01)

A mobile application that provides the GW community with mobile access to academic course listings, a campus map with building locations, feeds, campus addresses, important phone numbers, etc.

Иконка для Shabbat 1.0

Shabbat (v. 1.0)

Rus Wizards LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-05-31
(обновлено 2012-05-31)

A candle lighting, havdalah and parsha times for any location in the world.
In the Jewish home, the close of the Shabbat is marked with a special ceremony, called Havdalah ("differentiation"). Over a brimming cup of wine, to the multi-flamed light of a braided candle and the smell of aromatic spices, we recite: "Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d... Who differentiates between the holy and the mundane, between light and darkness, between Israel and the nations, between the seventh day and the six days of work."

Иконка для WordTalk JA japan 1.1.6

WordTalk JA japan (v. 1.1.6)

zetty опубликовал приложение 2012-05-31
(обновлено 2012-05-31)

* WordTalk features
- Help to memorize words
- Interactive memorize
- Downaload wordbook via internet (wordbook.daum.net)

Иконка для Mecenat 1.2

Mecenat (v. 1.2)

Mecenat AB опубликовал приложение 2012-05-31
(обновлено 2012-05-31)

You can:

- Show your Mecenat card on your mobile
- Travel with student discounts (with valid ID)
- Search for student discounts in your area, by map or list

You need a valid (activated) Mecenat.se account.

It is free and available in both Swedish and English.

(mecenat.se, mecenatkortet, studentrabatter, reserabatter, erbjudanden)

Иконка для Weini 무료중국어 사자성어1000초중급 신HSK필수 1.777

Weini 무료중국어 사자성어1000초중급 신HSK필수 (v. 1.777)

특허출원된 3단계학습법 опубликовал приложение 2012-05-31
(обновлено 2012-05-31)

신 HSK시험대비 필수성어 1000개!
모든 성어가 모두 무료로 제공됩니다.
거기에 더해서 원어민 선생님의 정확한 발음까지!

학습기사상 최초로 한국어발음을 지원합니다.
중국어 육성발음뿐아니라 한국어발음까지 지원하여 화면을 집중해서 보지않더라도 학습이가능해졌습니다.
뿐만아니라 설명글을 읽기위해 집중할필요없이 성어 자체에 집중할수있어 학습효율이 한층 증가합니다.

3단계학습시스템으로 여러분의 학습시간을 획기적으로 단축시켜드립니다.

3단계 학습시스템이란..

기존의 어휘학습기는 반복학습후 암기가 완료된 어휘만 제외시키는형식입니다.
그러나 인간의 뇌는 컴퓨터처럼 단순히 두단계(기억되었거나 기억되지 않았거나)의 학습과정을 거치는것은 아닙니다.

물론 좀더 세분해서 말할수도 있겠지만 대략 3단계의 학습과정을 거치게되는데 그것이 바로 기억의 "생소함"단계와 "인식"단계 그리고 "최종암기(학습완료)"의 단계입니다.

"생소함"의 단계는 기억대상에대해 매우 생소한단계로 대상 기억체가 뇌리에 아예 존재하지 않거나 그 기억이 너무 어렴풋하여 단시간내에 잊어버리게되거나 아예 기억자체를 하지 못할수도 있는 단계입니다. 때문에 빠른시간내에 반복학습이 요구되지요.

"인식"의 단계는 어휘가 이미 뇌에 기억된상태로 해당어휘를 보거나 듣게되면 짧은시간내에 그 뜻을 생각해낼수있는 단계입니다. 그러나 이 인식의 단계역시 학습이 완전히 끝난단계는 아니며 상당시간 기억을 유지하기는 하지만 시간이 지나면 그 기억이 급속도로 약해지고 좀더 시간이지나면 잊어버리게 됩니다.

그다음이 "최종암기"(학습완료)의 단계로 뇌속에 정확히 각인되어 오랜시간이 지나도 좀처럼 잊혀지지 않는 단계입니다.

또한가지 고려해야할것은 어휘는 같은 횟수로 반복해서 듣는다고해도 빨리 인식되는 어휘와 많이 들어도 인식이 늦게되는 어휘가 있습니다.
그런데 그런차이를 무시하고 똑같이 반복한다면 학습효율이 현저히 떨어지게됩니다

그래서... 위와같은 이유들로 인해서
학습의 단계를 "생소" "인식" "완료" 의 3단계로 구분합니다.
처음 시작시 모든 어휘는 "생소" 단계로 설정이 되어지며 어느정도 학습이 된상태(어휘를 보고 뜻을 유추할수 있는단계)가 되면 "인식" 단계로 설정하고 학습이 완전히 끝나면 "완료" 단계로 설정합니다.
인식단계에 있는 어휘역시 주기적 학습이 필요하지만 생소단계에 있는 어휘처럼 잦은반복은 필요치않으며 생소단계에 있는 어휘보다 학습주기를 길게 설정하여 학습합니다.

일반적으로 생소단계의 어휘는 몇시간에서 최대2일이내에 반복해주는것이 좋으며 인식단계의 어휘는 5일전후로 반복학습하는것이 가장 효율적입니다 학습완료된 어휘 역시 1달에 한번정도 반복해주면 좋습니다.
위와같은 학습의 주기는 보기레벨 변경 버턴을 통하여 학습하고자하는 단계를 선택하여 학습할 수 있습니다.

이처럼 암기대상을 각단계에 맞추어 적절히 분류하여 학습함으로써 기존의 이분법적 암기학습에 비하여 학습의 효율및 정확성 그리고 기억의 보존성을 증대시켜줍니다.

그걸로 끝이 아닙니다..
화면 전환 효과까지 여러분의 기호에맞게 설정가능합니다.
환경설정 버턴을 누르시면 여러가지 화면전환 효과를 선택가능하며 화면전환 효과를 원치 않을경우 전환효과를 적용하지 않을수도 있습니다.

글쓰기(그리기)를 지원합니다.
중국어는 한자도 매우 중요합니다.
한자를 익히려면 많이 쓰고 읽어봐야겠죠?
그래서 화면의 빈공간에 글쓰기연습이 가능하도록 하였습니다.
특별한 조작없이 메인화면에서 바로 쓰기연습이 가능하여 편리합니다.
(기종에따라 글쓰기공간이 협소할수 있는데 이경우 환경설정에서 글쓰기영역확장을 적절히 설정하시면 쓰기영역이 넓어집니다.)

켜두기만해도 저절로 암기가 되는 자동학습..
오토플레이 버턴을 누르시면 설정된 단계의 어휘만 자동으로 연속플레이하여 켜두기만해도 자동으로 암기가 됩니다.(재생시간간격 설정가능)

유일무이! 최고의 중국어학습기! 딱 1개월만 사용해보세요 중국어의 레벨이 달라집니다.

Иконка для Audabobble HD 1.02

Audabobble HD (v. 1.02)

Duck Goes Quack опубликовал приложение 2012-05-30
(обновлено 2012-05-30)

Help your child learn the sounds of various animals and objects around them. Perfect for young kids, they can just point at the animals to make a noise or drag the speech bubble to the animal for a fun game.
Featuring all original artwork and fun sounds, it is designed to grab your child's attention and stimulate their minds.
Designed for HD tablets like the Xoom and Galaxy Tab, but perfect for phones too!

Иконка для Penn State University ETS Test 1.0

Penn State University ETS Test (v. 1.0)

Android ETS PSU опубликовал приложение 2012-05-30
(обновлено 2012-05-30)

Penn State University (PSU) Education Technology Services Android Test App takes you directly to ETS homepage.

Иконка для Boyd County Schools 2.0

Boyd County Schools (v. 2.0)

Charles Cole Enterprises LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-05-30
(обновлено 2012-05-30)

Stay up to date with Boyd County Schools in Boyd County, Kentucky! View upcoming events, news, live sports updates, sports schedules, professional development opportunities, bell schedules and contact information.

Иконка для KIDS Learning Games Alphabet 1.2.2

KIDS Learning Games Alphabet (v. 1.2.2)

CrediPoint Solutions опубликовал приложение 2012-05-30
(обновлено 2012-05-30)

KIDS Learning Games also available now in Tablet Version.

KIDS Opedia is an engaging & addictive app built for children to entertain, educate, and help them learn. As the name suggests it is a complete encyclopedia for kids.
It is designed such that it engages and entertain the Kids using various multimedia elements such as sound, text, images, animations, and quiz and puzzle.
While most of the apps for kids such as ABC, Numbers, Phonics, Math, Shapes, Colors, Animals etc focus only on the teaching aspects, we at CrediPoint have taken this concept further to provide a holistic learning experience. This application uses the best practices applied in educational games including the L-A-R-A ( Learn – Assess – Report – Analyse ) Model. This application is not only meant to teach kids but allows them to test their knowledge through variety of quizzes and puzzles. It further allows the parents / guardians to view the test / assessment reports and analyse their progress.
The tests used in this app are stress free and do not overload the children. They are presented in a fun and game format. The right / wrong answers and feedback animations encourage the kids to do better and think before they respond.
The reports present a detailed summary such as words, correct / incorrect response, score in points, average time spent on each item, total score etc. The test comes in different type and level. Additionally you can configure the test by selecting single or multiple categories and random items feature to increase / decrease the complexity and levels depending on your kid’s age and how they progress. As a result this application can be used right from Preschool to Kindergarten to School aged kids. The reports are stored and segregated by Date / Time format for future reference.
The analyse feature helps the adults to connect the dots and analyse the kids progress across multiple test and over a period of time. This feature is also helpful in identifying the strong and weak areas of the kid and thus provides focussed and prescriptive training to them.
The full version of KIDS Opedia contains over 25 categories with more than 15 items per category and a total of more than 500 items,
- Alphabet
- Numbers
- Animals
- Colors
- Shapes
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Transport
- Time
- Nature
- Flowers
- Body Parts
- Time
- Buildings
- Emotions
- Family
- Sports,
- Occupation
- Clothing etc.
The quiz comes in different types and levels,
- Sound-Picture Match
- Sound-Word
- Sound-Picture/Word
- Picture-Word
- Word-Picture
- Picture- Alphabets
There are 8 categories in the free Lite version with around 50 items. Upgrade to the Paid version to have access to the full version.
We are constantly working on building great features to this application and will provide free upgrades to our paid customers. Some of the features that you can expect to see in the very near future are,
- More categories and up to 1000 items
- Advanced quiz such as,
- Pick the Odd Item Out
- Label the Items
- Trace the Picture / Word
- Spell the Word
- Record the word
- Identify and Record
- Tablet versions of this app
- Online reports
We would really love to hear from you and your children. Do tell us how we made a difference in your child's education and knowledge. For this please rate our app on the Google Android Market and post a comment. We would also genuinely appreciate if you recommend this app to other parents and kids.
Do send in your feedback and suggestions and what you would like to see in the future updates to us at info@credipoint.com. We promise to respond to each and every email.
Keywords: Kids ABC Letters, Kids Games, toddler flashcards Galaxy Tablet Teacher joy Teachers Board doodle kid flash cards pre-school kindergarten connect dots xoom phonics reading letters baby memory 123 pronunciation samsung math maths, read

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