A simple and effective learning kit for the baby to learn from drawing numbers, letters, animals, vegetable, and fruits with name spoken. It is also an interactive, drawable flash card with sound. The baby can draw following the frame with various chosen color stoke. The frame can be removed by a simple click, or refreshed it to restart.
The background and the stroke color can be chosen via sliding red, blue and green bars. This can teach the baby to know how a new color is generated via 3 basic colors.
Animal include monkey, dolphin, tiger, cat, rabbit, bird, butterfly, dog, fish, mouse, squirrel, pig, etc. Vegetable include bambo, lotus root, mushroom, corn, bean, chilli,cucumber,lotus root, pumpkin, radish. Fruits includes grape, watermelon, totamo, strawberry, etc.
Keyworld: interactive kids flash cards, baby stroke drawing, animals, stroke picture for baby, number, letters to draw, finger drawing, pronouncation, speaker, kid drawing