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Иконка для TextDrive Lite 1.1

TextDrive Lite (v. 1.1)

codenoise опубликовал приложение 2012-07-29
(обновлено 2012-07-29)

TextDrive is an app that will automatically respond to SMS messages when you are unable to.

Great for times when
* you are driving
* you are in a movie
* you are in a meeting
... any other time that you can't respond, and don't want people to keep pestering you.

In addition to automatically responding to messages, TextDrive lists the messages that you have received so you can quickly glance and see if any are urgent. If you tap a message in the list, TextDrive will read the message to you using text-to-speech. If you long-tap, the message will be removed from the list.

TextDrive can run in the background. This allows you to use navigation or look something up on the web while still being able to auto-respond to messages. To return to TextDrive, simply click on the notification icon. Any texts that were sent while you were away will show up in the list.

To stop TextDrive from responding, simply press the "Back" button while TextDrive is on the screen.

**The Lite version is not full of advertisements or upsells. It is only limited in that you may choose a prebuilt response rather than specifying your own, and you cannot use the auto-off timer.**

(* Note standard SMS rates apply. If you have a limited number of SMS messages, be aware that you may exceed your quota)

Иконка для SMS Blocker Lite 1.8.5

SMS Blocker Lite (v. 1.8.5)

Incorporate Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-07-29
(обновлено 2012-07-29)


With the SMS Blocker Lite you  will block all kinds of spammers and never receive a spam SMS in your inbox again. All the junk SMS messages are stored inside the app for reference.

Please note that this is the 7 day Trial version and AD supported (hence the internet permission)  of  SMS Blocker Pro - The easy filter for spam SMS and MMS (the trial does not contain MMS blocking)

You can find the full app on the market following this link (no Advertisement and fast support):

Upon popular demand we developed this app to be a more affordable version of the powerful Call Guard (Call/SMS blocking app). If you do not need call blocking functionality this app is for you, if not, then please take a look at Call Guard on the Android Market:

PLEASE NOTE: Blocking of outgoing SMS on Android is not possible, so please do not ask for this feature.

Features in a glance:

✔ Block all incoming SMS (text messages), block empty SMS, block unknown numbers or add a white or black list for SMS. No traces/logs are being left of blocked SMS/text messages in other messaging apps. No notifications from other apps are displayed.
✔ Block SMS containing text (comma separated list of keywords)
✔ Use general settings or add filters for a specific day and/or time.
✔ Filters could be tailored by days of the week, time of the day (start/end hour)

✔ Reply with a predefined SMS both in filters and general settings
✔ Password protection for the app under settings, useful in stealth mode.
✔ Block numbers by template (0180,0181 etc.)
✔ Home Screen widget (On/Off toggle)
✔ Notification icon
✔ Customizable Notification  (you can use a custom text like "update available" to hide the fact that a certain sms was blocked. (stealth and invisible blocked sms)
✔ Keep an in app history for all blocked calls and text messages.
✔ Easy accesible statistics inside the app for all blocked events.
✔ Notification system for blocked sms - normal notification, sound notification, led and vibration.
✔ Operational Manual and direct contact form for suggestions or questions. We will respond within 48 hours!
Don't pay a monthly fee to have your wireless provider enable sms blocking for you, with our small app you pay one time and receive the best app on the market for blocking sms and unlimited app updates!

We are very pro-active, so please send us your suggestions/questions via the contact form.
The SMS Blocker the most affordable, advanced and feature rich sms blocking app on the market! Guaranteed!

To support this trial and deliver it totally 100% free to you we are using ADs.
You will also receive a search button on your home screen to search from thousands of offers on the internet. You can delete the button with 1 click but remember that there are many deals waiting for you!
Search shortcut icon on your home screen deletable by you
Search shortcut in your bookmarks deletable by you

Please check out our other Apps
✔ Walk and Text (Texting while walking is dangerous - not any more!)
✔ Lost Droid - protect your phone if stolen or lost
✔ Total control (Shake2Call) - shake and use your device's sensors and keys to control the calls
✔ Open WiFi Scanner
✔ Spoty (Location Reminder, Call Blocker, SMS Sender, Profile Changer)
✔ Battery Percentage Alarm Icon (See the Percentage of the Battery,
✔ Emergency (Panic Button, sending your location in a case of emergency)
✔ Call Guard (Block calls and SMS )
✔ Safe Drive (Block calls and SMS while driving and in car dock mode)
✔ Hide Caller ID

Иконка для 퀵터치다이얼 1.0

퀵터치다이얼 (v. 1.0)

Byung-Kuk Min опубликовал приложение 2012-07-28
(обновлено 2012-07-28)

전화번호를 선택하여 홈위젯을 생성한뒤 필요시에 터치하여 바로 전화를 걸수 있게 하는 어플입니다.

Tag> 수스, ,Cigaroid, 알쏭달쏭 초성퀴즈, 모기안녕, 안드로이드 초보자 가이드, 오늘 뭐먹냐, Solve Me If You Can, 여행을 떠나요, 한솥도시락, 포토스틱, QR Code Convert, 최강 로또, TeaStory, 브리핑, 오늘 , 전화, 위젯, 다이얼, 전화번호, 필수, 어플, 전화번호부, 번역기

TAG : 필수 앱, 달력, 시험날짜, 시험접수,시간표,점수확인, 합격, 자격증
CGV 영화 예매,완전정복 자격증, 한자능력검정 급수별, 앱순이의 앱순위,성격 유형 테스트,자명종 프로,핸드폰 분실보험 & 위치추적, 두근두근, 한국 프로 야구,11번가, 최저가 쇼핑, 계획 도우미, 워드업 무료 단어암기, 즐거운 사자성어, 각종 시험 일정 정보, 후토스, 세계의 국기,한방에 메모장,Springpad, 자는아이지킴이 무료, Garmin OpenCaching, GI Monitor, 스마트DMB, EBS 온에어, 필기 재미, 글로리 코레일, HUDY(허디), 환율정보, BikeTrack(자전거여행), Google Goggles, 음주문화 종결자 당신멋져~!!, eBuddy,Silly Dino, 서울택시, Bump, Soul Movie, 다음 팟, 보카로이드, 수학, 영어, 워크넷, 2011 토정비결S,네이버북스, 롯데시네마, 날씨위젯,코코몽시즌2 틀린그림 찾기,터치, 환율조회, 책꽂이, t cash, 배경화면, 모자이크,스마트빌, 시계 랙션, 혈액형, 아이유, 소녀시대, 메이플스토리, 빅뱅, 무한도전, 배달통, 맥스무비,DIGITAL CLOCK, 티켓링크,,예스24eBook, 스마트 갈아타기, 도서관 좌석, 은어사전, TV맛집 제사의 달인, 바코드 스캐너, 블럭퍼즐 2, 배터리 정보, 실시간 검색어 ,코코몽 틀린그림찾기, Bike Track, 자전거 여행, 여자어 사전, 캠핑장 정보, 잘 먹는 법,아임IN, 연봉계산기, 사람인, 다음 마이피플 무료통화, 기념일 관리, 세계의 수도, 뭉글 도난 경보기, 알람+, 날씬쟁이, KBS 뉴스, 멜론, 전국버스, 지식맘, 프리리슨,정신 연령 테스트,드로우메모, 포도 리모콘, Talking Tom Cat, 랙션, 열린약국찾기,시간표 Timetable Spread, 카카오톡, 트위터 ,티티톡, 오브제, BathingCat, 앵그리버드, TiKL, 튜브메이트, 여자 아이돌 월드컵,Chord, 설리,일본어 단어,무료 배경화면, 네이트온, MSN 톡, 페이스북,전자신문, SBS 뉴스, 사진 다이어트, 리디북스, 고속도로 교통 정보, 서울 버스,지하철 노선도,G마켓(지마켓), 딩굴 한글 입력기, 디지털 어학기, 찍찍이, 어플 제거,Daum 쇼핑, 롯데닷컴,쇼핑카트 ,회화 번역기, 하루 한 단어, 실시간 동영상 순위, 신세계백화점, 다음 지도, Google maps, 바코드 스캐너,짠돌이 가계부, 카톡, 여행 통역사, 호핀, 컬러노트 수스 번역기, 알약, 인터파크, 사진 퍼즐 게임, 유박스, Kakao Talk, 배달의민족,모두의 웹툰, 데몬헌터, 구하라,엠씨스퀘어, 전자책, 컬러라이트,스마트 롯데,가위바위보 게임,던전헌터, Bump, 지컷, 브라우저,쿠폰모아, 멜론, fx, 미투데이, 살랑살랑 돛단배, kb 뱅킹, 단위변환기, 학교 시험, 이미지패러디,신한s뱅크, 네이버 웹툰, 소비자신문고, 벅스, n드라이브, 네이트 만화,티스토리 ,맛클 테마스토어,하나SK카드 ,푸딩, 싸이월드,오늘의 유머, 오늘의 유머, 헬로 키티, 편의점 할인 목록, 던전,포켓몬스터, ucloud, 세컨드라이브, bizhard, 소셜 매칭 게임 , 달력 위젯,안드로이드용,두산동아 프라임 영한한영,자가진단 마이닥터,OTO(오티오) 무료국제전화,파우더룸 ,칼로리 코디, 테그라크,Google 번역,이마트,음성검색,네이버 뮤직,카라, 비스트, 아스트로 파일 관리자,살랑살랑 돛단배,도돌, 옥션, 인간관계, 오빠이거, 원피스, mario,슈퍼 마리오, 미디블 캐슬 디펜스,맞고, 고스톱, 네이버톡, 연합뉴스, 티플, 위메프, 티몬, 문자,국민은행, 미래에셋,키움, 월급, 영어, 보카, 디씨 인사이드, 모두의 쇼핑, 라이프스타일, 생활백서, 고민그만, 카카오,14일 이내, 잘 자는 법,안드로이드, 벨소리 메이커, 말하는 산타, 잘 자는 법,M커머스 모바일커머스 소셜커머스 쿠폰 티켓 맛집 숙박, 주변 음식점, CJONE 카드,영화순위 - 무비차트, SKYPE, 컬러라이트, MP3, 좋은집구하기, 필수어플가이드, 뱅킹, 멜론,고스톱, 쉐도우가디언, 소셜커머스 모음-쿠폰파크, 잘 입는 법,룰렛 게임, kb 스타, ShakeCall 흔들어, 지진계, 프로야구 2011,에어 혼, 코레일, t world, 티아라 , 다음, 싸이월드, 병원, 국세청, 플래너,마비노기, 가정교사 히트맨, 몰드스카이, 던전 앤 데스티니, 괴물던전, MOTP, 말하는 요정, 디씨인사이드, 뽐뿌, 114, 장바구니, 씨스타, 보라, 한국전화번호부,아트데이, 우리은행, 리듬, 명언, 교보문고, 패션, 시간능력자,mbc mini, 수면관리, 웨더볼, 라스트서퍼 ,mnet, 완전정복 자격증, 버즈니, 영화 예매, 심리 테스트,소셜커머스 모음 - 티켓초이스, 마이앱, 홈플러스, 끌량 클리앙, 싸이카메라, 스왑 모음 한글 키보드, 디지털 어학기, 찍찍이,섹시, 영어, 화보, 갤럭시,카카오, 잘 자는 법, 콜택시, 알바, 구글, 안드로이드,두뇌건강 패턴암기, 컬러라이트, 필수어플, 뱅킹,그루폰, 슈퍼스타, 낯선 사람과의 대화 (랜덤 채팅), 나가수,Voca ,현대카드, LG전자, 음악, 3쿠션, 독고진, 최고의 사랑,무한도전 , 시티헌터, 김사랑, 삼성전자, 대성, 교통사고,알쏭달쏭 초성퀴즈

Иконка для WiFi Chat 1.1

WiFi Chat (v. 1.1)

Coldbeans опубликовал приложение 2012-07-28
(обновлено 2012-07-28)

Hangout with strangers near the same WiFi access point. It is WiFi proximity application. All users who see the same WiFi access point are likely close to each other. So, they can discuss the local things. The context aware application adds discussions groups (forums) and web chat for WiFi access points. See details here: http://wifichat.linkstore.ru

Иконка для WebCapture - Capture Browser 3.1.1

WebCapture - Capture Browser (v. 3.1.1)

Jirasak Submanee опубликовал приложение 2012-07-27
(обновлено 2012-07-27)

Contribution: Ads notification twice a day (with no harm)
- Easily capture Web Screen at any time (without using another capture program)
- Add Google Translate Feature
- Top Youtube Search by Country, by Time
- Built-in Capture Gallery
- Built-in Google Advance Search
- Built-in YouTube Search
- Share Captured Screen to facebook, twitter etc.
- Automatically zoom to fit screen width
- Open Bookmark/History Gallery
- Orientation change support

Update History
- Clear History
- Add Help Dialog
- Support all feeds of TopYoutube
- Browse Cache Version of Web
- Enable Zoom Gallery
- Set Wallpaper from Gallery
- Change low resolution for history image
- Fix Youtube Title in Bookmark (Add condition)
- Clearly separted Capture Gallery and Download Gallery
- Save filename in yyyymmdd_hhmmss format
- Add save to html button (still cannot save as mht)
- Show file path in gallery
- Save file to webcapture folder in SD Card
- Add Download Gallery screen
- Set Web Image to Wallpaper
- Save Web Image
- Add search bookmark and history
- Add Web Image to History
- View HTML source
- Add Youtube Title in Bookmark
- Fix link youtube from facebook
- Add Youtube Search
- Support Youtube Video
- Allow default for Internet Browser
- Add Google Search - Web, Image, Place
- Add Zoom In (Long press to zoom ++)
- Add Zoom Out (Long press to zoom ++)
- Add Bookmark Grid (Sort by Alphabet)
- Add Update Thumbnail
- Add Set Home Page
- Show/Hide toolbar
- Capture Full Webview Screen (no title and black space)
- No Reload when Orientation Changed
- Add rolling toolbar
- Fix Bookmark and update Thumbnail
- Add Add Bookmark Button
- Save Bookmark Thumbnail
- Can Delete Bookmark
- Show Title in Bookmark
- Add Copy URL Menu
- Add Menu Show/Hide Toolbar
- Add Bookmark Feature
- Open Bookmark Gallery
- Reload current URL when orientation change
- Automatically zoom to fit screen width

Иконка для LINE: Free Calls & Messages 3.8.4

LINE: Free Calls & Messages (v. 3.8.4)

NAVER опубликовал приложение 2012-07-26
(обновлено 2014-07-24)

There are no limits! Call and message as much as you want!

LINE is a new communication app which allows you to make FREE voice calls and send FREE messages whenever and wherever you are, 24 hours a day!

LINE has more than 220 million users worldwide and is used in over 231 countries!

LINE has been ranked no. 1 in the free app category in 52 countries including Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Spain, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Russia, Macau, United Arab Emirates and more!

More about LINE’s Features:
★Free Voice Calls!
All LINE smartphone users can enjoy free high quality voice calls, whenever and wherever you are.
Talk for as much as you want and best of all, it’s free!
★Messages Delivered to you Quick!
Instead of taking time to email/sms your friends, use LINE’s message function to send messages easily with colorful icons, photos and even location information.
・Express yourself using stickers and emoji.
・Send photos and voice messages with ease
・Available for PCs and smart-tablets

★Make it YOUR Social Network
・Have fun with LINE’s ‘Home’ feature: Share your moments with all your friends using photos, videos, and location info.
・Use ‘Timeline’ to see what your friends have been up to and what they have posted! Leave comments, messages and enjoy your communication.

Other LINE Features:
★New Sticker Shop! Find all your favorite characters here!
Hilarious and fun stickers featuring famous characters from all over the world can be found here!

★Get the latest info with LINE Official Accounts
Add these accounts as friends and receive messages from popular celebs and singers, as well as money saving coupons from various businesses.

*As with any other apps, data transfer fees may be incurred. We therefore recommend using the services on an unlimited mobile price plan.

Technical Info for Seamless Usage:
★Android Devices: We recommend installing Android OS 2.1 or higher
Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy LINE!

Иконка для Android Encryption 1.2

Android Encryption (v. 1.2)

iTyGuy32 опубликовал приложение 2012-07-26
(обновлено 2012-07-26)

A small program that allows you to Encode and Decode text using keys that you determine.

Please leave a rating and suggestions!

Иконка для Sex Qutoes 1.3.0

Sex Qutoes (v. 1.3.0)

qggmm опубликовал приложение 2012-07-26
(обновлено 2012-07-26)

This sex quotes app gives you funny quotes about sex. These hilarious one liner jokes are by famous comedians, authors & movie stars.

KW: sex jokes,silly jokes,sex fun jokes,joke jokes,dumb jokes,sex quotes quotes sex jokes,sex jokes,joke sex,jokes

- Setting color and font.
- Share via SMS(mass).
- Download more tips....

Иконка для Funny Qutoes 1.2.9

Funny Qutoes (v. 1.2.9)

qggmm опубликовал приложение 2012-07-26
(обновлено 2012-07-26)

Looking for funny quotes? Always updated funny quotes and graphics, the best funny quotes.

- Setting color and font.
- Share via SMS(mass).
- Download more tips....

Иконка для Future SMS 1.1

Future SMS (v. 1.1)

Neil Baphna опубликовал приложение 2012-07-25
(обновлено 2012-07-25)

1) Forgot to wish girlfriend on her b’day right at 12.00!!
2) Couldn’t get the chance to send marriage wishes because you were in a meeting with a client!!
3) Missed to send the important update to your group!!

..Not a problem anymore. Now with "Future SMS" you can set the date, time and message of your choice and save it for the Future! Whenever that date/time comes your Future SMS will be sent automatically..

Key points
- Smooth interface
- Support for various Screen Sizes
- Send the SMS automatically without bothering you
- Either choose the contact from Contacts or enter the number manually
- Option to Edit or Delete the Pending Future SMSes
- See the list of SMS that has been already sent
- Standard 160 character for SMS support
- Standard SMS charges apply to send the message
- Application is available to over 400+ device types

Tags: Future SMS, neil baphna, send future sms, sms date, sms time, delayed sms, tomorrow sms, forgot sms, reminder sms, set sms for future

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