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Phone Genius Presents: SMS Server
♦ Description:
Phone Genius is a series of apps designed to help you automate tasks and modify your phone.
SMS Server is an app that creates an SMS broadcasting server on a phone. It allows users to join the list and when one of the users sends a message to the server (the number of the phone the app is running on) it relays the SMS to all numbers on the list.
SMS Server is inspired by FrontLineSMS, a hardware and software tool that has been used in developing countries to monitor elections, broadcast weather changes, and connect people that do not have access to the Internet but do have phones and mobile connectivity.
The disadvantage of FrontLineSMS is that it needs a computer that is hooked up to a mobile phone. With SMS server all you need is a mobile phone. Therefore, there are many humanitarian uses for this app.
SMS Server also has many small business applications. It can be used to keep workers up to date on the current activity at the company.
♦ Commands:
✔ If the text is from an unknown user the server replies to the text asking if the user would like to be added
✔ A user can join the list by sending an SMS that says 'joinabc'
✔ If a text message is sent to the server from a number that is already in the list the message is sent to all users on the list.
♦ Features and Benefits include:
✔ Compatible with all Android devices
✔ No ads
Order today for just 99 cents. Less than a third of what a Starbucks latte costs.
If you enjoyed Phone Genius: SMS Server try others in this series:
✔ Phone Genius: Proximity Scanner
✔ Phone Genius: GPS Path Sensor
✔ Phone Genius: Forceometer
✔ Phone Genius: Compass
✔ Phone Genius: SMS Reply
✔ Phone Genius: SMS Link
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