If you've ever missed out on what was being said during a telephone call – you no longer need to.
Introducing the App that makes it possible for you to see exactly what is being said to you on every call. It's called Hamilton Mobile CapTel®. Similar to captions on television, you’re able to listen to what you can, and read what you can't hear.
Hamilton Mobile CapTel works on Android Operating System 2.1 and higher.
You must have the following in order to enjoy the benefits of captioned calls on your Android:
Hamilton CapTel account – requires a one-time registration
Voice plan
Data plan
Simultaneous voice and data capability*
Wired or Bluetooth headset. (Choose a hearing aid compatible headset if using with hearing aids or cochlear implants)
Place and receive calls with Hamilton Mobile CapTel on your Android and never again miss a word they say! For details on how to place and receive calls, visit the Mobile section of www.HamiltonCapTel.com.
Hamilton Mobile CapTel is a free, nationwide service designed for people who are hard of hearing or who have difficulty hearing on the phone.
* Not all 3G networks support simultaneous voice and data capability. With the use of WiFi, you may use voice and data simultaneously. Please refer to your wireless carrier regarding their network capabilities with simultaneous voice and data usage.
CapTel is a registered trademark of Ultratec, Inc.