Последние обновлённые бесплатные в категории 'Связь' в Android Market

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621-630 из 5392
Иконка для mein solomo Beta 2.0.0

mein solomo Beta (v. 2.0.0)

solomo GmbH опубликовал приложение 2013-01-16
(обновлено 2013-01-16)

mein solomo Beta bietet ihnen eine technische Vorschau auf die Funktionen der kommenden mein solomo App.

Mit der mein solomo App haben Sie den aktuellen Guthabenstand Ihrer solomo SIM-Karte immer im Blick und können Ihr Guthaben komfortabel aufladen.

Die mein solomo App bietet Ihnen aktuell folgende Funktionen:
- Guthabenabfrage solomo SIM-Karte
- Guthabenabfrage solomo Online-Guthaben
- Guthabenaufladung solomo SIM-Karte (Kreditkarte, Überweisung, viload Voucher, paysafecard, Gutscheincode)
- Guthabenaufladung solomo Online-Guthaben (Kreditkarte, Überweisung, Gutscheincode)
- iSMS verschicken für 7 Cent/SMS
- Eigene Rufnummer abrufen
- Anzeige des solomo Tarifs
- solomo SIM-Callback
- solomo APN installieren

Neu in der Beta
- deutliche Geschwindigkeitssteigerung
- Tarifoptionen verwalten
- Nutzungsübersicht
- solomo Shopping
- versendete iSMS werden in Ausgang der SMS Applikation angezeigt
- Querformat Unterstützung

Sie haben Funktionswünsche oder Probleme mit unserer App? Schauen Sie doch in unserem Forum unter http://forum.solomo.de/ vorbei, oder senden Sie uns eine Email an service@solomo.de. Wir freuen uns über jedes Feedback.

Über solomo

Die solomo GmbH (solomo) wurde im Jahr 2005 in Fröndenberg gegründet und hat sich auf die Entwicklung und Bereitstellung innovativer Internet- und Mobilfunkdienstleistungen spezialisiert. In allen Bereichen stellt solomo nicht nur höchste Qualitätsansprüche an die eigenen Produkte, sondern legt auch besonderen Wert auf eine enge Kundenbeziehung und ausgezeichneten Service.

solomo hat sich als so genannter MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) im Jahr 2007 auf dem deutschen Mobilfunkmarkt positioniert. Mittlerweile bietet solomo drei eigene Tarife für preisbewusste Kunden an. Der mehrfach aus unabhängigen Tests als Preis-Leistungs-Sieger hervorgegangene Tarif solomo 0/8/5-Cent weiß vor allem durch seine deutschlandweit und rund um die Uhr niedrigen Preise und seine einfache, übersichtliche Tarifstruktur zu überzeugen. Der Tarif solomo pro ist ein attraktiver Allround-Tarif für Gespräche ins und im In- und Ausland und alles ohne Einwahlgebühren. Des Weiteren bietet solomo mit dem Tarif „so smart“ einen der flexibelsten Tarife im Discount-Segment. Mit seinen vielfältigen Tarifoptionen lässt sich dieser Tarif perfekt an die persönlichen Bedürfnisse anpassen.

Ergänzt werden die Tarife durch einen Voice-over-IP (VoIP)-Service (aktuell nur solomo pro/085), der es den Kunden, unabhängig von der SIM-Karte, erlaubt, im In- und Ausland über vorhandene Datennetze (WLAN/DSL) zu sehr günstigen Konditionen zu telefonieren. solomo verfolgt die Strategie, günstige Mobilfunktarife mit selbstentwickelten, innovativen und interessanten Zusatzdiensten zu kombinieren. Ein Live-Ergebnisticker ist der neueste Baustein dieser Strategie, zu der auch das Voice-over-IP (VoIP) Angebot, der Versand von SMS aus dem Internet (iSMS) und das, erst vor wenigen Wochen gestartete, Shoppingprogramm gehören, bei dem Kunden durch das Einkaufen in den Online-Shops namhafter Markenpartner, Guthaben für die SIM-Karte sowie für andere solomo Dienste verdienen und dieses in Freiminuten und –SMS einlösen können. Ein vergleichbares Angebot aus attraktiven Mobilfunktarifen und innovativen Zusatzdiensten, hat derzeit kein anderer Mobilfunk-Discounter auf dem Markt, womit solomo in dieser Hinsicht seinesgleichen sucht.

Seit Mitte 2010 ist die solomo GmbH auch als sogenannter Enabler auf dem Mobilfunkmarkt tätig und bietet Unternehmen und Marken die einmalige Chance, eigene innovative Mobilfunkprodukte zu realisieren, wobei die Möglichkeiten vielfältig sind und von einer Whitelabel Out-of-the-Box Lösung bis hin zu einem bis ins kleinste Detail individuell gebrandeten Mobilfunkprodukt reichen.

Иконка для Мой МегаФон 1.1.8

Мой МегаФон (v. 1.1.8)

MegaFon опубликовал приложение 2013-01-16
(обновлено 2013-01-16)

Бета версия. Полный функционал работает только через точку доступа internet.
Мобильное приложение «Мой МегаФон» – это удобный справочник, с помощью которого Вы можете в любой момент узнавать о новостях «МегаФона», услугах и акциях, а также подключать и отключать услуги. Это источник информации о важнейших событиях политической, экономической и спортивной жизни. Это удобный каталог самых необходимых и интересных программ и приложений для Вашего телефона. Это – знакомства и развлечения, музыка и видео.

Иконка для 小町ブラウザ「閲子」 1.4.4

小町ブラウザ「閲子」 (v. 1.4.4)

satoo опубликовал приложение 2010-05-23
(обновлено 2013-01-16)

This software is HATHUGENKOMACHI browser.For Japanese version only.
小町ブラウザ「閲子」はYOMIURI ON-LINE 大手小町内の掲示板「発言小町(http://komachi.yomiuri.co.jp/)」の閲覧アプリです。※このアプリは読売新聞社とは関係ありません。ご要望やご質問は読売新聞社にはしないでください。



Иконка для OneCall 무료전화 portal 1.53

OneCall 무료전화 portal (v. 1.53)

iBizTel, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-06-25
(обновлено 2013-01-16)

무료전화 portal(포탈) 입니다.

1588, 1544와 같은 콜센터 번호는 원래 무료가 아닙니다.
전화를 거는 고객에게 전화요금이 부과가 되게 되어있습니다.
원콜(OneCall)은 이러한 콜센터에서의 상담뿐 아니라, 다른 다양한 분야에의 문의 및 상담까지 모두 무료로 통화할 수 있게 해드립니다.

전화요금 들이지 않고, 힘들여 전화번호를 찾을 필요도 없이,
고객들에게 필요한 각 분야 상담전화 서비스를 제공하는 OneCall을 이용하십시오.
전화 상담이 부족할 경우에는 OneCall 포탈을 통하여 해당 홈페이지에 바로 연결하실 수도 있습니다.

통화 시간이 길어질 수 밖에 없는
주식투자나 펀드가입, 대학 입시에 대한 상담,
특정 제품에 대한 문의사항이나 관공서에의 민원,
법률, 의료, 세무 부문 등의 전문 분야에 대한 문의까지…

OneCall 서비스를 통해 무료로, 원하는 서비스를 받으십시오.

서비스를 받으려 전화하려 해도 번호를 몰라 고생하신 적 있으신가요?
긴 통화시간 때문에 원하는 내용을 제대로 받지 못하신 적 있으신가요?

통화료 걱정 없이 버튼 하나만 누르면,
모든 원하는 부문에 대해 바로 실시간으로 무료통화 및 상담이 가능합니다.

무료통화 및 상담이 가능한 업체 및 관공서는 지속적으로 추가될 예정입니다.

문의하실 사항은 smart@ibiztel.co.kr로 보내주십시오.

Иконка для Note(Phone book) 3.0

Note(Phone book) (v. 3.0)

UJ.dki опубликовал приложение 2013-01-16
(обновлено 2013-01-16)

Secret phone book application
The display name of the widget list of the terminal,
"Notes" is.

On the surface, visible only to note the widget
What is the phone book (contacts) applications.
Widgets can also be used as course notes.

Because the first and confidentiality,
Applications that use a phone book on a regular basis,
I think difficult to use.
Furthermore, without a motion sensor
In the terminal, can not be used.
phone book and body and is googleContacts
Fully independent phone book (contacts) app.

Phonebook only incognito and
Please consider us.

Methods - Introduction
After installation, home screen widgets
Please install it.
Start the app and tap the widget.

First, press the Menu button
Please set your password.

After setting the password, so that the screen transitions,
Looking down to the terminal screen
Or, to flip the device
Please Tilt.

Since the login screen will appear,
The password you just
Please input.

Passwords can not be changed once set.
If you have forgotten your password, there is no way to recover.
→ Application settings from the management,
Please delete the data.

When you tap a phone number listing
You can call or send SMS.
SMS sending feature, please think about a bonus.
When you tap an email address
The selection screen of the app to send mail.

• This phone number is registered in the application,
After the call, or return to the application of this
Clear the call history and call to start.
• The SMS sent from the application, the transmission history
Remain. The receiving terminal contained
The application receives the message.
Unauthorized attempts to use that ·
When you enter a wrong password for login
By recording the number you see.

[New Additions]
If you installed · QR code scanner
Books to read information from the QR code applications
You can now register the phone book.
※ QR code scanner is free.
・You can now send and receive impersonate · SMS.
But they do really well received,
Set free the source,
As was done in exchange for SMS
You can pretend.
Exchange has been set, the default
"Messages" on the application
Are reproduced.
Seems to be sending and receiving ※ SMS,
Send and receive SMS charges will not occur.

[For sophisticated version]
SD card to output to CSV file • Registration information
Can be saved. .
From a CSV file that conforms to the Output File
You can register to the phone book.
You can automatically send an SMS to a specified time.

[Feature] will be added soon sophisticated version
· Gmail account set up by,
You can send mail from a Gmail address.
Various permissions,
We use only when necessary as a function of the phone book.

Иконка для Mercury Messenger (Test) 3.4.2

Mercury Messenger (Test) (v. 3.4.2)

Mercury опубликовал приложение 2013-01-16
(обновлено 2013-01-16)

Test release of Mercury Messenger.

Only download this if you want to help test since this app may crash more often compared to the free and donate release.

If you experience any problems, please report them from within the app by pressing menu, help, mail me.

Иконка для WiFi Probe 1.1.3

WiFi Probe (v. 1.1.3)

Florian Fetz опубликовал приложение 2013-01-15
(обновлено 2013-01-15)

WiFi Probe is an easy to use wireless network scanner with a unique feature: It does not only scan for free wireless networks but is also able to detect if they really provide Internet access. Usually, you will have to enable the network, open the browser and load a web page to see if a network is protected in some way or is not even connected to the Internet. If it is protected, you have to return to the WiFi settings and try the next one.

With WiFiProbe, you can simply tap an open network, then WiFi Probe connects to it and checks Internet connectivity. The result is directly shown, there is no need to start a browser or another app. It even identifies captive pages and can thus separate free from password protected wireless networks. Checked networks are stored, so they do not have to be probed one more time when they are found again.

In auto probe mode, WiFi Probe automatically checks all open WiFis it encounters and vibrates when a network providing Internet access has been found or if you are in range of a free network that has already been checked. If you want, WiFi Probe can also immediately connect to the network. Hence, WiFi Probe is the perfect tool to quickly find an open Internet access in the vicinity.

Иконка для SamKnows 1.1

SamKnows (v. 1.1)

Samknows Limited опубликовал приложение 2013-01-15
(обновлено 2013-01-15)

The SamKnows app allows you to login and view your home broadband statistics from anywhere in the world.

IMPORTANT: To use the app you must have already created an account on www.samknows.com

SamKnows remains a free resource for consumers and volunteers. Our goal is to embed our software suite into internet enabled devices to build the most accurate picture of global broadband performance. We are currently working with consumers, governments and manufacturers globally to achieve this.

Иконка для GroupsToGo 1.4

GroupsToGo (v. 1.4)

Chris O'Neil опубликовал приложение 2013-01-14
(обновлено 2013-01-14)

GroupsToGo's mobile phone app is ideal for committees planners, teachers, coaches, social clubs, and political organizers who value the on-the-go, real-time mobility to keep in touch with their constituents, players, parents, students, participants with the flexibility to use group or individual text, email, or a phone call with the ease of a single mobile application. Recipients can use any cell phone or computer and if you need a carpool, cannot remember the location to the game, or need to send a snack schedule reminder; GroupsToGo provides easy access to the contact information for the membership by simply downloading the app and it finds all the Groups with you email or cell

Иконка для ViewWorld 1.0 1.0.5

ViewWorld 1.0 (v. 1.0.5)

ViewWorld опубликовал приложение 2011-06-24
(обновлено 2013-01-14)

The ViewWorld app ensures speedy, credible, and efficient communication and reporting from activities all around the world.

The app lets you do reporting directly in the field. No more writing information on paper in the field, and typing it on a computer at the office.

Define forms, see data, download data and define aggregations on www.viewworld.dk. A login is required to upload data to the server and see uploaded data.

For more information see our website.

Powered by OpenDataKit.org

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