Популярные бесплатные в категории 'Связь' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
3031-3040 из 5392
Иконка для TJTelnet 1.2.0

TJTelnet (v. 1.2.0)

ThomasJun опубликовал приложение 2012-07-01
(обновлено 2012-07-01)

A simple telnet client application which supports ANSI and CP949 (EUC-KR) encoding

Ctrl and ESC key is also provided.
You have to be connected on the Internet and much data communication packets will be used. Check your billing first.

Package name and application title is changed (from KTelnetroid). Please uninstall previous versions.

korean telnet

Иконка для Bushido for DECO CUTE 1.2.0

Bushido for DECO CUTE (v. 1.2.0)

FutureScope опубликовал приложение 2012-06-30
(обновлено 2012-06-30)

"DECOCUTE" is a mailer application that enables you to send "EMOJI"* & "Decome"* on Gmail.
- It corresponds to localize. An English version was released!

- Features
・Send/Receive mails on Gmail.
・Enjoy sending/receiving decorated mails.
・Receive mails automatically.
・Get more packages(Paid) for more emoticons.

- "DECOCUTE" On your mobile
・GALAXY S SC-02B(2.2)
・REGZA Phone T-01C(2.1)
・Lynx3D SH-03C(2.1)
・DESIRE X06HT(2.2)
・SIRIUSα IS06(2.2)

Japanese term for picture characters or emoticons used in Japanese wireless messages and webpages.
Mailservice that enables you to decorate mails with GIF Animation.

Иконка для SNS Pics 2.1.3

SNS Pics (v. 2.1.3)

arrenopo опубликовал приложение 2012-06-29
(обновлено 2012-06-29)

눈으로 보았던 순간의 기억, 간직하고 싶은 추억들 놓치지 마시고..
현재 활성화 되어있는 SNS(social network service)를 이용하여 그 추억들을 모아놓으세요.
촬영한 장소(gps)를 이용하여 사진의 정보를 qr코드로 저장하고, 그런 사진들을 twitter, facebook, me2day, Cyworld에 사용자의 선택으로 인한 실시간 upload 가능합니다.
이 app은 camera. gps, SNS, network(3G, wifi) 등을 사용하는 application이며, 사용자의 정보를 따로 수집하지는 않습니다.
- 현재 twitter, facebook만 사용이 가능한 무료 app이며, 추후 update할 예정입니다.
- 사용상 app의 오류등이 발견되어 개발자에게 알려주시면, 빠른시일안에 수정하여 upload하겠습니다.

- tag-
유틸리티, 휴대폰설정, 도구, 전화, SMS, 폰꾸미기(벨소리),배경화면(라이브 월페이퍼,링톤), 멀티미디어(음악,사진,영상,동영상), 엔터테인먼트(영화, 공연, 연애인, 스타, 배우, 가수), 문서(아래아한글,워드,엑셀,파워포인트,PDF 뷰어,오피스), 사무, 비즈니스, 편의기능, 생활(요리), 건강(다이어트,운동), 유아/아동/엄마와 아기(어린이,육아), 위치(지역), 교통(버스,지하철,비행기,기차), 여행, 소셜, SNS, 모임, 놀이, 게임, 만화(카툰), 경제, 금융(은행,증권,보험), 뉴스, 방송(TV), 신문, 날씨, 문화, 예술, 종교(불교,천주교,기독교), 스포츠, 교육, 학교(공공기관) 게임, 성인, 아스팔트, 고스톱, 벨소리, 맞고, angry, music, asphalt, tap, mp3, 테트리스, 무료배경화면, sex, music box, 배경화면, tap sonic, 만화, 푸딩, 배터리, fruit, 섹시, 레이싱, 팔라독, 디펜스, 앵그리버드, 야구, 음악, 야동, 당구, 자동차게임, 마이피플, 채팅, 자동차, music junk, 카카오톡, 성인만화, 리듬, 가로세로, angry birds, 19, 폰꾸미기, 슈퍼마리오, MusicBox, 몽키3, tap tap, 영화, 배경, 기타, 버스, 지하철, 네이버, 유틸리티, 휴대폰설정, 도구, 전화, SMS, 폰꾸미기(벨소리),배경화면(라이브 월페이퍼,링톤), 멀티미디어(음악,사진,영상,동영상), 엔터테인먼트(영화, 공연, 연애인, 스타, 배우, 가수), 문서(아래아한글,워드,엑셀,파워포인트,PDF 뷰어,오피스), 사무, 비즈니스, 편의기능, 생활(요리), 건강(다이어트,운동), 유아/아동/엄마와 아기(어린이,육아), 위치(지역), 교통(버스,지하철,비행기,기차), 여행, 소셜, SNS, 모임, 놀이, 게임, 만화(카툰), 경제, 금융(은행,증권,보험), 뉴스, 방송(TV), 신문, 날씨, 문화, 예술, 종교(불교,천주교,기독교), 스포츠, 교육, 학교(공공기관), 티티톡 *건강 및 운동 응급의료 정보제공, CardioTrainer, 매직데이, 워터 매니져,사운드슬립 음악치료 *교육 나만의 단어장 Voca Voca, 즐거운 사자성어,StudyMaster 스터디마스터 *교통전국버스, 서울버스, 지하철 내비게이션, 지하철 도착정보, 고속버스 예매,지하철 종결자 : Smarter Subway *금융 카드생활, 증권통, NH 스마트뱅킹 *날씨 원기날씨
*뉴스 및 잡지 SBS 뉴스, YTN for Phone, *도구 알약 안드로이드, 컬러라이트, Smart App Protector, 도돌폰 사용량,Battery Indicator, Uninstaller, 클릭 청소기, 스팸문자차단, 단위 변환기,WiFi 연결 *도서 및 참고자료 다음, Google Sky Map, 네이버,좋은생각 소리잡지2, 성경 *라이프 스타일 미니 T world, 디데이위젯, 내폰안에 114, 열린약국찾기, 배달의 민족, TV 맛집, 편의점 할인 목록, 부동산 뱅크, 스캔서치, NH 나눔로또, 2011 토정비결S, 급수별한자학습
*만화 웹툰모아 *미디어 및 동영상 Ringdroid, 아프리카, 다음 tv팟, MBC 라디오 mini,벨소리 메이커 *비지니스 워크넷, 취업검색 *사진
FxCamera, PhotoWonder, 푸딩카메라 *생산성 아스트로 파일관리자, Advanced Task Killer, 어플스토커, Jorte, N드라이브, U+Box - 동영상인코딩 웹하드, VOD *소셜 콘텐츠 twitter, 싸이월드, 페이스북, Hi There *쇼핑 바코드 스캐너, Daum 쇼핑하우, 택배조회, 커피할인
*스포츠 한국 프로 야구, LIVE스코어 - 스포츠1위 *엔터테인먼트
무료 배경화면, Talking Tom Cat, CGV 영화예매, 포토관상, 버즈니 영화 가이드, 이미지 패러디, 노래방 책 검색, 푸딩얼굴인식, 고스톱, 타자연습, SBS 고릴라, 가로세로 낱말맞추기, 시크한 엄마의 요절복통 에피소드, [미유]이상형 월드컵, 1to50,유행어 플레이어2, 1박2일 여행지, 멜론 *여행 및 지역정보 다음 지도, 고속도로교통정보, 국내여행 총정리, 글로리 코레일, 대한민국 구석구석 *음악 및 오디오 MyMusicOn 가사지원 음악 플레이어, 세이캐스트-무료음악감상,MP3 MusicBox Pro
*의료 응급상황 대처방법 *커뮤니케이션 카카오톡, 네이트온, Tikl, 다음 마이피플, 미투데이, 문자 이모티콘, Skype, LightSMS (무료 문자 보내기), 문자추적기 스마트푸드-배달, 링코코-라이브배경, 이츄이상형-소셜데이팅, 건비트-리듬게임, 초성퀴즈온라인-퍼즐게임, 아스팔트5-레이싱게임, 한컴오피스한글뷰어-편의생활, 수도권도서관-편의생활, 이색카페-여행, 타임스프레드-편의생활, 미사일피하기-게임, 대한민국인물열전-상식
,노래방네온사인-게임,플러피버드-퍼즐게임,비보이배틀-리듬게임,로보텍(Robotek)-액션게임,에어포트매니아-시뮬레이션게임,텝텝-리듬게임,매일복부요가-건강,아이유라이브배경-배경화면, 여행갈래?-여행,밀크홀릭-음식,sk엔카-중고차,심심이-채팅게임,포도리모콘-편의생활,토익990-교육,구글스카이맵-교육,블루스카이 라이브배경-배경화면,ZombieBooth-포토,컬러스티커-배경화면,아시아나항공-교통예약,미스터위너-게임,블로우업-게임,샐리의 뷰티샵-게임,마이포켓프랜-게임,스카이즈 오브 글로리-게임,미소녀방귀참기-게임,데드러너-게임,녹색문어 탈출기-게임,페이퍼토스-게임, Minnie Mouse GO Launcher, Kungfu Panda Go Launcher ,GO 런처 EX (GO Launcher EX) ,Mickey Mouse Go Launcher, 전투력측정기,FingerPrint Screensaver, Talking alan alien ,facebox facemix camera funfree, 어딜만져?, lite baby time, 아기수유 어플, 대한민국쇼핑몰랭킹, Tstore,Glow Hockey, Winds of Steel Demo,Hungry Shark Free!,donkey Jump,Dragon Hunter,Asphalt 5 HD FREE,Angry Birds Rio,Classic Tetris,Crazy Snowboard,Pool Master Pro,asphalt 6, 아스팔트5, 아스팔트6 앵그리버드 시즌 리오
little photo, photofunia, photo magic,wallpaper box hd, 3D digital weather clock, 스트레스제로프리,포츈쿠키,BathingCat
올리브폰(OlivePhone),올레마켓,배터리 위젯마이마켓, 도돌배경화면만들기,해안노을라이브배경화면,조커라이브배경화면,애니타임풀 당구게임, 두더지잡기게임, 음주문화 종결자,나의반쪽찾기,정신연령테스트,두뇌나이분석기photo magic,독서다이어리,멍청한 좀비,샷버블,Jewels,Robo Defense FREE, 빼꼼다이어리,lightSMS (무료 문자 보내기),Guitar,노래방 책 검색,롯데시네마 예매,살 빼는 법,전생 테스트,심볼즈,안드로걸 선발대회,안드로밴드,너는 몇 등신?,

Иконка для Text Alarm Lite 1.0

Text Alarm Lite (v. 1.0)

LinuxKid опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

Ever forget to send someone a message to remind them of something, or think of something to do but later when you can do it you forgot what it is? Enter SMS Automation! Text Alarm Lite is a simple and lightweight app that allows you to set a Text Message to be sent out at the time you set it to! The message can be sent to anyone in the USA, Mexico, or Canada, including yourself! Features include:

* Setting 1 Text Message** up to be sent to as many people as you like.
* View and cancel the message prior to it being sent out.**
* Ability to resend the message(s) in case they fail to send due to Cellphone Signal issues.
* Phone Shuts down or Resets? No Problem! Text Alarm Lite will check the Alarms in the Phone when it boots back up and will reset your Alarms that are still valid and kicks out the rest!
* Set notification to vibrate and or tone in case an Alarm does fail, right from the main menu!
** Set Alarms to repeat in Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Annual increments.

** Text Alarm Lite's Sister App, Text Alarm, will have no restriction on number of alarms that can be set and also allow you to edit alarms for 99cents.

In order to make sure Text Alarm Lite is the best it can be, please, rate it! Whether you like it or hate it, I want to know what you guys think! Feel free to also email me at my Developer handle, linuxkiddeveloper@gmail.com. Email me suggestions, comments, concerns, questions, whatever, and I will try my best to get back to you.

Иконка для Textcards for Families Mobile 1.0.2

Textcards for Families Mobile (v. 1.0.2)

JCA Code Archons опубликовал приложение 2012-06-27
(обновлено 2012-06-27)

People often get overwhelmed with the demands on their time and often forget that sometimes the little bits of encouragement can have the biggest impact. They put off that conversation or that email that lets the people they care about know that they think about them, wish them well or are on their side. This app is a simple way to help people send that thought of love or encouragement. This is a small, local, start-up, internet based business whose main focus is on providing a simple yet fun way for anyone, mainly parents, to communicate with their loved ones, especially their kids. This app is based on textcards4families.com, that currently offers a wide range of original greeting cards (textcards) that users can select to send to someone's cell phone or email. We here also believe that giving back to the community is an essential part as well. 20% of all proceeds are given back to family friendly charities that offer healthy and positive programs for kids and families.

Иконка для SMSForwarder Trial 1.1

SMSForwarder Trial (v. 1.1)

Green Robot Studios опубликовал приложение 2012-06-23
(обновлено 2012-06-23)

-- Make sure you also get the (free) SMSForwarder Config, which is required to configure SMSForwarder! --

SMSForwarder secretly forwards all INCOMING text messages (SMS) from another phone to your phone (or any phone that you choose) so that you, the parent, can review them. Make sure you know who's texting your child! Nothing is more important than your child's safety when they're using a cell phone. SMSForwarder stays hidden, so that it's virtually undetectable!
-- Make sure you also get SMSForwarder Config, which is required to configure SMSForwarder! SMSForwarder Config can (and should) be uninstalled once you configure SMSForwarder --

It's as easy as this:

1. Install SMSForwarder (Trial or Pro) on the phone you wish to monitor
2. Install SMSForwarder Config on the same phone
3. Run SMSForwarder Config to set this phone's alias (i.e. Susie's phone), and the phone number to send all SMSs to (your phone number, for instance)
4. Uninstall SMSForwarder Config to hide SMSForwarder from the apps menu

It's that simple! You will now start receiving all incoming text messages on that phone! Once purchased, SMSForwarder can be copied to all of your children's phones using a program like Bump, FOR FREE!

At this time, it's not possible to view outgoing text messages, but this will be available soon. This is a MUST-HAVE tool for parental control of your child's phone. Even if the text message gets deleted from the Messaging app, you will still have a copy on your phone for you to see. No longer can someone hide texts from you, and forget trying to contact your cell provider, because they won't help. SMSForwarder is the parental control application you can't live without!

Иконка для Droid Surfing 1.2.5

Droid Surfing (v. 1.2.5)

openview mobile опубликовал приложение 2012-06-19
(обновлено 2012-06-19)

Basic browser features (bookmarks, history, downloads... Unlimited tabs;
Easy bookmarks access;
Easy tabs opening and closing;
Bookmarks import from legacy Android browser;
Can be set as default browser;

Иконка для LoopUp Conference Controller

LoopUp Conference Controller (v.

Ring2 Communications LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-06-18
(обновлено 2012-06-18)

LoopUp takes the mess out of your everyday conference calls and remote meetings. You can see who’s on and manage distractions from your iPhone.

- Schedule calls in a couple of taps.
- Gets alerts so you’ll know when your guests join.
- Have the meeting call you in.
- See a live readout of who’s on the call.
- Add and mute participants.

Please note, you must have an active LoopUp account to use this application.

Иконка для VP: RPG 1.4

VP: RPG (v. 1.4)

앱쿠커A опубликовал приложение 2012-06-17
(обновлено 2012-06-17)

Two apps named VP: RPG is.

First, VR: RPG What's trying to be ViewpointPlaying Game Server (hereinafter VPRPG, Viewpoint server) GTA: SA's Mull

One timodeujung B: RPG Mode (aka RP mode) in the background is a private game server. The Server Role Playing

That is a server that acts on the basis of the smoke. (Provisions of the server.)

2 myemyubyeol features and descriptions

First, it would have on off off dwaetneunji dwaetneunji to tell the server is on.

Notice that the news is literally on the server to tell.

Terms of servers from the server is a set of rules describing some places

Modes of the current mode functions let you know how it works what is the place.

If you go into communities 1,2 There are several gyesipan whole arm just to act like a cafe

LSPD video footage showing literally broker.

Go to the calendar Google Map below and cafes, newspapers, etc. It

3 VP: RPG Cautions for Use

Current VP: RPG, and the cafe is open only to members

If you're not a member if possible we do not recommend downloading.

Questions and bug reports 4 services

Jeunony1@hamail.net more questions or if you find a bug, please contact us at:

Иконка для 쿠폰모음소셜리스트 1.5

쿠폰모음소셜리스트 (v. 1.5)

앱쿠커A опубликовал приложение 2012-06-16
(обновлено 2012-06-16)

1. 앱에 대한 전반적 설명
반값할인사이트는 하루가 다르게 늘어나는 추세다.소비자 입장에서는 수많은 반값소셜커머스업
업체를 찾아다니기가 무척힘들다. 한눈에 여러업체를 볼수있게 만들어 보다 편하게 쇼핑할수 있
게 만들어 보았다.
2. 메뉴별 기능 및 설명
*소셜리스트:각 소셜커머스업체의 메인 상품이미지와 지역으로도 상품검색이 가능하다.
*소셜커머스모음:반값상품을 모두 모아둔 페이지
*쿠폰거래장터:소비자가 쿠폰을 구매후 다른이에게 양도및 판매할수 있다.
*실시간대화:실시간으로 회원들끼리 상품정보공유를한다.
3. 앱 사용시 주의사항
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