FixMyStreet is a site to help people report, view, or discuss local problems they’ve found to their local council by simply locating them on a map.
What sort of problems should I report with FixMyStreet?
FixMyStreet is primarily for reporting things which are broken or dirty or damaged or dumped, and need fixing, cleaning or clearing, such as:
* Abandoned vehicles
* Dog Fouling
* Flyposting or graffiti
* Flytipping or litter
* Streetcleaning, such as broken glass in a cycle lane
* Unlit lamposts
* Potholes
What isn’t FixMyStreet for?
FixMyStreet is not a way of getting in touch with your council for all issues – please use FixMyStreet only for problems such as the above. We often route problem reports via cleansing services or highways and so using FixMyStreet for other matters may result in a delay in your report getting to the right department. You will need to contact your council directly for problems such as:
* Anti-social behaviour
* Any urgent or emergency problems
* Noise pollution or barking dogs
* Fires and smoke/smell pollution
* Missing wheelie bins or recycling boxes or missed rubbish collections
* Proposals for speed bumps/ CCTV/ pedestrian crossings/ new road layouts/ etc.
* Complaining about your neighbours
* Complaining about the council
* Joy riding, drug taking, animal cruelty, or other criminal activity
Councils often have direct hotlines for these sorts of issues.