Cross-Platform Group Chat. Chat with friends on a variety of platforms including Android, Web, Mac OS X, and Windows. Support for IOS (iPhone/iPad) is coming soon. Web client as well as Mac and Windows versions are available from
On the first screen please enter the room name you wish to use, then press select this room. Then let those you wish to chat with know that room name, once you have all entered the same room name you will all be chatting together. The top largest box is the messages that have been posted in the room. The help will also be displayed to you as soon as you enter the room. To display the help again at any time type "help" in the bottom text box and press the "Send Command" button. To send a different command replace help with the command you want to send. To send a chat message enter the message into the bottom box and them press "Send". To change the name you show up as simply change the text in the middle text box and your name will show up as that on all future messages.