夢筆生花 (v. 1.0)
DCOM TEK опубликовал приложение 2011-09-02
關於一位叛逆少年魔法師與一名神祕少女因為花兒相識的故事 |
Formula 1 Buzz (v. 1.1)
Adylitica, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-09-02
Do you like staying on top of the Formula 1? Formula1 Buzz provides you with Real-Time information from F1 Experts. View conversations between experts about the drivers, get prognoses on races, and best of all find out what is happening now. Over 200 experts are included in F1 Buzz, and we are constantly updating and adding more experts. |
特命係長只野仁 (v. 2.0.1)
NNN studio опубликовал приложение 2011-08-31
普段は地味な存在である大手広告代理店の係長・只野仁。しかし、彼は知られざるもうひとつの顔を持っていた。あらゆる社内外のトラブルを解決に導くスーパーサラリーマンを描いた痛快アクション。 |
How to Get Superpowers [Guide] (v. 1.1)
Dotxs Mobile опубликовал приложение 2011-08-31
Ever wondered how those Superheroes in the movies are able to do outstanding things? Well, we will tell you via this app. We are sure that you would love to read the ways of gaining superpowers. |
俺の空 Ver.2001 (v. 2.0.0)
NNN studio опубликовал приложение 2011-08-31
日本有数の大財閥の御曹司・安田一平。高校の学業を2年で終えた彼は一族の総帥となるべく、掟に従い旅に出る。その掟とは、一族全員が認める伴侶を捜し出すこと。悠然と新たな一歩を踏み出した彼の行く手に、挫折、そして愛する母に関する衝撃の事実が待つ!! 中国人留学生、離婚女性、美人姉妹、暴力団組長の娘、そしてなんと幽霊まで!?様々な女性との一期一会の関係を描いた、2001年版、安田一平の自分探しの旅! |
俺の空刑事編 (v. 2.0.2)
NNN studio опубликовал приложение 2011-08-31
男気漫画の傑作「俺の空」の続編登場!あの安田一平が刑事となって帰ってきた!新米刑事の一平は安田財閥の跡取り息子で、総理大臣にも顔が聞き、アメリカにも太いパイプがあり、アラブの石油王とも義理の兄弟の契りを交わし、婚約者は日本最大のお金持ちと言う財閥刑事!正義に燃える一平は、警察機構を中からひっくり返し、犯罪の裏に控える巨悪を叩き潰す事が出来るのか?!薄汚い権力を傘に着る悪党どもを、さらなる権力で叩き潰すと言う構図は痛快! |
Voltron Revelations #1 (v. 1.0)
DEVILS DUE DIGITAL, INC. A Checker Digital Company опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
In the far future, an interstellar cold war rages as the Earth-based Galactic Union faces off against the vast Drule Supremacy - two star-faring superpowers, each looking for the other's weakness. So when an Earth officer named Hawkins discovers that a mythical, unstoppable war machine might actually be real, he doesn't hesitate to send five maverick pilots on an ultra-secret mission to bring back the legend of Voltron. The journey begins here, as Keith Kogane, Sven Holgersson, Pidge Stoker, Lance McClain and Hunk Garrett arrive on distant Arus, where they meet Allura, princess of the ravaged planet... and unearth the five giant, robotic lions that join together to re-create the metal warrior known as Voltron: Defender of the Universe. |
Penguin Bros. Issue #1 (v. 1.0)
DEVILS DUE DIGITAL, INC. A Checker Digital Company опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
Blizzy, Pennington and Alby Glacier are three teenage brothers living in the 'burbs just outside of the Antarctic metropolis known as Chill City. They spend their days going to school, playing video games, trying to do as little homework as possible, and meeting girls who will actually talk to them. That is until they are caught up in a series of events that bring them face to face with local superhero LIGHTNING PENGUIN, and there lives are forever changed as they become THE PENGUIN BROS. |
漫画 お水のホンネ 11話~35話 (v. 1.0.8)
toyou опубликовал приложение 2011-08-29
キャバクラ嬢の本音と喜怒哀楽、お水業界の人間模様を4コママンガに凝縮!お水の荒波を駆け抜けるアキのキャバクラ物語10話から引き続き、今回もトンでも事件頻発。本アプリで11話~35話まで駆け巡ります。花道か?畦道か?グラスの向こうに何が見える?? |
Suyasuya Time!! (v. 1.0.0)
alife inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-08-29
Hello, I’m Chisato Takatori. |