Последние обновлённые бесплатные комиксы в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
451-460 из 3258
Иконка для Cartoon Classics 1.9.15

Cartoon Classics (v. 1.9.15)

MobilityZone Ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-01-02
(обновлено 2012-01-02)

Meet all your classic cartoons friends such  as Bugs Bunny and many more.
The app is free and you can stream the videos over 3G or WIFI. Optimized for 1.6 and higher.

Иконка для Comica Lite 2.11

Comica Lite (v. 2.11)

Spartacus Rex опубликовал приложение 2012-01-02
(обновлено 2012-01-02)

Comica is THE digital comic reader and image viewer for Android devices.

It has a beautiful graphical interface, that uses the thumbnails of your comics organised in simple and pleasing ways. Full dual-pane mode is available and you can even take snapshots of images you have zoomed into and store those separately. Bookmarks per comic are of course supported.

Comica can scan for comics on your sdcard, add those to your collection, and organise them all based on the folder structure you have placed them in. Very easy.

You may also search your SDCard using the file browser option and find the relevant comic or image files that way.

Best, width, height and '1 to 1' aspect ratios are supported.

Dual Pane MODE now supported!

Controls :-
1) Tap once on the screen to bring up the image controls.
2) Double tap to zoom in and out.
        3) Pinch and Zoom.
4) Touch and move.      
5) Tap side of screen to turn page.
6) Flick finger left or right to change page - or use the image controls.
Press Menu > Options on the main screen for the system settings.

You can even add an extra folder to be scanned - or scan the whole system..  

Accepted file formats : -
1) .cbr, .cbz for comics
        2) ,jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp for images

All temporary files and thumbnails are stored in the folder 'Comica'.

TROUBLE : Every effort is made to ensure a bug-free application. If you do encounter a problem - SEND ME AN EMAIL! and I'll fix it. Write a harsh comment with no real info and I'll stumble around in the dark trying to find the bug - psychically. Your choice.

LITE VERSION : The lite version is banner supported (inoffensive banner at bottom of screen). Upgrade to the full version of Comica to remove the banner. Otherwise the applications are the same!

Иконка для mesmangas (manga reader) 1.3.2

mesmangas (manga reader) (v. 1.3.2)

julien quievreux опубликовал приложение 2012-01-02
(обновлено 2012-01-02)

<!> application in beta, bugs are normal, :-D <!>

Read your favorite mangas like Naruto, One Piece, Bleach on your android smartphone!
MesMangas is a manga reader (free) for android. Choose from a large collection through different sites.

Available Sites:
anime-story.com: French
dbps.free.fr: French
bleachexile.com: English

<> specific <>
• Many sources will be added
• The speed, download of your manga, even on the network edge.
• Reading during the download of the chapter.
• Interface is clear.
• System favorites.
• Conservation of the zoom from one page to another.
• Zoom with a finger (double tap) and with two fingers (pinch to zoom)
• A quick support, and listening to users
• Offline reading manga already downloaded.

Иконка для 麻雀無限会社ZANK 2.0.0

麻雀無限会社ZANK (v. 2.0.0)

NNN studio опубликовал приложение 2012-01-01
(обновлено 2012-01-01)

内定を取り消され、引越し当日に住処も失い、家財道具一式を持って苦し紛れにホテルの一室に転がり込んだ2人。若き麻雀打ち2人は食いつなぐため、麻雀を仕事にした会社を大真面目に設立!フリー雀荘で日々の部屋代及び生活費(=会社運営資金)を稼ぐ「日雇いプレイヤー」のガンジーと、長いスパンで大会麻雀で高額賞金を狙う「年俸プレイヤー」の高井。2人の挑戦が始まった!新世紀本格闘牌漫画!! オレ達は負け組じゃねえ!! しっかり見ていやがれ!!


This comic is a very popular title in Japan! Free,Nocost,manga,cartoon,ebook


Иконка для Comic Maker 1.10

Comic Maker (v. 1.10)

houseofunexpected опубликовал приложение 2011-01-14
(обновлено 2011-12-30)

The Comic Maker Pro extends the functionalities known from the free version and removes the frame size restrictions.
You can create a comic based on your photos. Use the pictures from your gallery as a background and add balloons with text to make your comic. Entertain your friends with funny comics! You can share them via MMS, Facebook, GMail etc.
Get it now!

KW: comics, stripes, create comic, funny comic, own comics, modify photos, comic baloon, say, think, add baloon to photo, make comic

Иконка для サラリーマン金太郎 2.0.3

サラリーマン金太郎 (v. 2.0.3)

NNN studio опубликовал приложение 2011-12-29
(обновлено 2011-12-29)

長髪にハチマキ。背中に赤ん坊くくりつけ、史上最強のサラリーマン・矢島金太郎がしがらみだらけの世の中に殴りこみ!! かつては関東一円でその名を鳴らした暴走族・八州連合の頭(ヘッド)。そんな金太郎は妻の実家で漁師となったが、海でヤマト建設の会長を助けたことで新たな行くべき道を掴んだ! 上京してヤマト建設の社員となった金太郎は、会社を飲み込む台風の目となり、行く先々で大暴れ!!


This comic is a very popular title in Japan! Free,Nocost,manga,cartoon,ebook



Иконка для 100% Perfect Girl (Free) 4

100% Perfect Girl (Free) (v. 4)

KOREA CREATIVE CONTENT AGENCY опубликовал приложение 2011-12-27
(обновлено 2011-12-27)

Jay Jin is the headstrong teenage rebel, determined to prove she's serious about making art. J. Max is the tall debonair foreigner, in Korea on business, with more--much more--to his background than he lets on.

kocca, kcomics, manhwa, comic, comics, manga, korea comics, cartoon, webtoon, action, romance, fantasy, animation, fun, 코카, 만화, 코믹, 망가, 한국 만화, 카툰, 웹툰, 액션, 순정, 판타지, 애니메이션, 재미

Иконка для ONE ZERO NINE 2.0.2

ONE ZERO NINE (v. 2.0.2)

NNN studio опубликовал приложение 2011-12-27
(обновлено 2011-12-27)

渋谷の街をうろつく不良少年・イチローとレ イジは、ケンカ、オンナ、あらゆる遊びを極め尽くして、アレさえ飽きてしまった14歳の犬猿の仲。しかし彼らの前に現れたミステリアスな美少女・百合花に は、彼らの腕力や口説きテクをもってしてさえ、指一本触れることさえできなかった。百合花をめぐるレイジとの骨肉の争いの中、やがてイチローは自らに関わ る驚愕の事実を思い知らされる事になるが…!? ※『GOLDEN BOY』を先に読んでおくと、より一層楽しめるあるネタが…!?


This comic is a very popular title in Japan! Free,Nocost,manga,cartoon,ebook


Иконка для GOLDEN BOY 2.0.3

GOLDEN BOY (v. 2.0.3)

NNN studio опубликовал приложение 2011-12-27
(обновлено 2011-12-27)

大江錦太郎25歳、東大法学部中退。但し、 全課程を習得したため自主退学。以来、数々の職業を転々とし人生勉強中!一見すると、使えないお人好しのドジ野郎。だけども人知れず様々なトラブルを解決 し、周囲が彼の真価に気付いた時、錦太郎は既に去った後…。江川達也氏本人も認める、江川達也版「俺の空」!「さすらいのお勉強野郎」大江錦太郎の、全国 自転車放浪記!後半の、数字度外視でフリーダムに描いた「思想」と「エロス」の大暴走ぶりも必見。


This comic is a very popular title in Japan! Free,Nocost,manga,cartoon,ebook

ONE ZERO NINE,学園,東京大学,人助け,お勉強ノート,ビデオアニメ化,漫画,まんが,manga

Иконка для Let Dai (Free) 4

Let Dai (Free) (v. 4)

KOREA CREATIVE CONTENT AGENCY опубликовал приложение 2011-12-27
(обновлено 2011-12-27)

From his brutal gang initiation to an unspeakable act committed against his girlfriend, Jaehee wavers uncomfortably between revulsion and fascination.
And in Dai he finds a tender, caring friend one moment and a heartless sociopath the next, awakening strange and unhealthy desires in Jaehee that he could never before have imagined.

kocca, kcomics, manhwa, comic, comics, manga, korea comics, cartoon, webtoon, action, romance, fantasy, animation, fun, 코카, 만화, 코믹, 망가, 한국 만화, 카툰, 웹툰, 액션, 순정, 판타지, 애니메이션, 재미

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