The Art of Soap Making (v. 1.0)
Разработано KoolAppz
Discover The Step-By-Step Fool-Proof Method for Creating Your Own Unique Batches of Natural Soap That Smells Great, and Does Wonders For Your Body!
You may not know it now, but soap making can be a seriously fun endeavor. Every successful batch that comes from your own hands is a truly satisfying experience, and when your friends, family, and peers try your soap products, they’ll say the same thing too.
Even if you have never tried before to create your soap in the past, there's now an easy way to effortlessly create your own fresh batches of homemade organic soap.
Take a second and think how it would feel to select your own natural ingredients in your own soap creation process. You'll have full control of the ingredients that go in your soap to create truly unique blends.
Making soap can be fun (and even profitable if you decide to sell it) and it doesn't have to be a complicated or dangerous process.
Here is what you will discover inside...
★ Soap Making For Fun and/or Profits
★ The specific ingredients you need to create flawless batches of soap and their correct ratios (get this wrong and your soap will come out in weird textures, shapes, and color)
★ The exact equipment you should be using (a good majority is stuff you already have in your house)
★ The history behind the Soap Making Process
★ Avoiding costly mistakes
★ Top safety techniques so no "accidents" happen
★ Creating unique scents and fragrances that are irresistible to withstand (and for the lovers, doubles as an aphrodisiac)
★ Avoiding the dangers of working with chemicals, and costly pitfalls to look out for.
★ and much, Much More!
It doesn't matter if you have ZERO experience in dealing with soap ingredients. The Art of Soap Making will break the entire process down, step-by-step, so even a complete beginner can get started right away.
There is no guess-work involved! You can start creating soaps that can leave your skin with a radiant glow, while also being gentle on the skin and free of toxic chemicals.
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