Популярные в категории 'Бизнес' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
4021-4030 из 4455
Иконка для Social Media Resource a Day 3

Social Media Resource a Day (v. 3)

Deltina Hay опубликовал приложение 2012-01-18
(обновлено 2012-01-18)

Get a social media or search optimization resource every day from critically acclaimed author Deltina Hay. Also included are a social media tip of the day and the social media video of the week. In addition, you can take a break with some poetry and nature photographs.

Иконка для Vivendi 2010 Corporate Report 3

Vivendi 2010 Corporate Report (v. 3)

Investis Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-01-17
(обновлено 2012-01-17)

Vivendi 2010 Activity and Sustainable Development Report

This Vivendi app allows users to browse and experience the Vivendi corporate documents on Samsung Galaxy Tab, in English and French.

The documents are reproduced in their original full-colour format and allow users to quickly and efficiently consume key corporate content soon after these are published.

Features and navigation interfaces:
• “swipe” through the document
• Pick a page to go to
• Select from table of contents
• Zoom facility (to zoom into content through “pinching”)
• Multi-language switch

The Vivendi PDF documents will be downloaded as a part of the app. Expect longer download time and ensure uninterrupted connectivity. Use of WiFi connection is advised.  

Disclaimer: This app is intended for use on Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 and P1010 devices. It has been best optimised for its screen size. Although it may be viewed on other Android devices it may not provide best possible screen fidelity.

Иконка для eAppreciation 1.0

eAppreciation (v. 1.0)

COO Metrics опубликовал приложение 2012-01-17
(обновлено 2012-01-17)

Tool for sending appreciation.
eAppreciation - Beta version, under development

Иконка для LAWW 5.0

LAWW (v. 5.0)

Changqing Zhou опубликовал приложение 2012-01-16
(обновлено 2012-01-16)

A LAWW Demo App

Иконка для HitHoo GAF to WPI 2

HitHoo GAF to WPI (v. 2)

Hithoo опубликовал приложение 2012-01-16
(обновлено 2012-01-16)

GAF to WPI conversion. Use this tool to convert your Global Assessment of Function score to a whole person impairment rating. This is based on the standard GAF conversion tables.

Иконка для Vivendi 2009 Corporate Report 3

Vivendi 2009 Corporate Report (v. 3)

Investis Limited опубликовал приложение 2012-01-15
(обновлено 2012-01-15)

Vivendi 2009 Activity and Sustainable Development Report

This Vivendi app allows users to browse and experience the Vivendi corporate documents on their Samsung Galaxy, in English and French.

The documents are reproduced in their original full-colour format and allow users to quickly and efficiently consume key corporate content soon after these are published.

Features and navigation interfaces:
• “swipe” through the document
• Pick a page to go to
• Select from table of contents
• Zoom facility (to zoom into content through “pinching”)
• Multi-language switch

The Vivendi PDF documents will be downloaded as a part of the app.

Disclaimer: This app is intended for use on Samsung Galaxy Tab. It has been best optimised for its screen size. Although it may be viewed on other Android devices it may not provide best possible screen fidelity.

Note: Vivendi 2010 Activity and Sustainable Development Report will be available soon after its release to the general public.

Иконка для Coester Connect 2

Coester Connect (v. 2)

Rabblesoft опубликовал приложение 2012-01-15
(обновлено 2012-01-15)

Check the home value of your home and learn about Coester Appraisal Group

Иконка для Climate 1.0

Climate (v. 1.0)

Aptima, inc опубликовал приложение 2012-01-14
(обновлено 2012-01-14)

Shape and maintain the ethical tone of your group like never before. Driven by the latest research, the CLIMATE handbook is the first to provide effective leader strategies for shaping ethical climates that work. Inside are tips for clarifying your standards, communicating your ethical expectations, and setting the tone for "doing the right thing." Built-in checklists describe how to assess and strategically maintain the climate. A leader self-assessment of climate-setting actions is included.

Иконка для Brand Your Photo 1.0

Brand Your Photo (v. 1.0)

Cexi.me Mobile Entertainment Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-01-12
(обновлено 2012-01-12)

Brand Your Photo allows you to place your organization's logo directly in photographs.  Brand Your Photo by Cexi Me LLC is perfect for product photos, product placements, customers and events such as sporting, dinners, anniversaries, nights out, parties and other special events.

Your logo can be resized and rotated and dragged to anywhere on the photograph.  Captions can be added.  Photos can then be shared with any app that consumes content such as Facebook, Flickr and other apps that you've installed.

Иконка для 面試問題 1.0

面試問題 (v. 1.0)

Davitty LLC опубликовал приложение 2012-01-12
(обновлено 2012-01-12)


1. 請你自我介紹一下
2. 你覺得你個性上最大的優點是什麽?
3. 說說你最大的缺點?
4. 你對加班的看法?
5. 你對薪資的要求?
6. 在五年的時間內,你的職業規劃?
7. 你朋友對你的評價?
8. 你還有什麽問題要問嗎?
9. 如果通過這次面試我們單位錄用了你,但工作一段時間卻發現你根本不適合這個職位,你怎麽辦?
10. 在完成某項工作時,你認為領導要求的方式不是最好的,自己還有更好的方法,你應該怎麽做?
11. 如果你的工作出現失誤,給本公司造成經濟損失,你認為該怎麽辦?
12. 如果你在這次考試中沒有被錄用,你怎麽打算?
13. 如果你做的一項工作受到上級領導的表揚,但你主管領導卻說是他做的,你該怎樣?
14. 談談你對跳槽的看法?
15. 工作中你難以和同事、上司相處,你該怎麽辦?
16. 假設你在某單位工作,成績比較突出,得到領導的肯定。但同時你發現同事們越來越孤立你,你怎麽看這個問題?你準備怎麽辦?
17. 你最近是否參加了培訓課程?談談培訓課程的內容。是公司資助還是自費參加?
18. 你對於我們公司了解多少?
19. 請說出你選擇這份工作的動機?
20. 你最擅長的技術方向是什麽?
21. 你能為我們公司帶來什麽呢?
22. 最能概括你自己的三個詞是什麽?
23. 你的業余愛好是什麽?
24. 作為被面試者給我打一下分
25. 你怎麽理解你應聘的職位?
26. 喜歡這份工作的哪一點?
27. 為什麽要離職?
28. 說說你對行業、技術發展趨勢的看法?
29. 對工作的期望與目標何在?
30. 說說你的家庭。
31. 就你申請的這個職位,你認為你還欠缺什麽?
32. 就你申請的這個職位,你認為你還欠缺什麽?
33. 你通常如何處理別人的批評?
34. 你怎樣對待自己的失敗?
35. 什麽會讓你有成就感?
36. 眼下你生活中最重要的是什麽?
37. 你為什麽願意到我們公司來工作?
38. 你和別人發生過爭執嗎?你是怎樣解決的?
39. 你做過的哪件事最令自己感到驕傲?
40. 你新到一個部門,一天一個客戶來找你解決問題,你努力想讓他滿意,可是始終達不到群眾得滿意,他投訴你們部門工作效率低,你這個時候怎麽作?
41. 對這項工作,你有哪些可預見的困難?
42. 如果我錄用你,你將怎樣開展工作?
43. 你希望與什麽樣的上級共事?
44. 你有什麼業餘愛好?
45. 與上級意見不一是,你將怎麽辦?
46. 你工作經驗欠缺,如何能勝任這項工作?
47. 您在前一家公司的離職原因是什麽?
48. 你最崇拜誰?
49. 為了做好你工作份外之事,你該怎樣獲得他人的支持和幫助?
50. 如果你在這次面試中沒有被錄用,你怎麽打算?


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