Make Money $3000 A Deal (v. 0.21.13223)
Разработано Loco-Man
Make Money
Direct Sales marketing is a simple and effective way to market products or services direct to the consumer. It involves the sale of a consumer product or service, person-to-person, away from a fixed retail location by an independent salesperson. Products are sold through in-home product demonstrations, parties, group meetings or demonstrations, over the telephone, over the Internet and through one-on-one selling.
Direct selling is a growing industry with sales in the U.S. having doubled in the last decade to nearly $25 billion and are now more than $82 billion worldwide*.
Do people purchase products from Direct Sales representatives?
Yes. Direct selling is a rapidly growing industry. U.S. sales totaled $28.7 billion in 2011, up from 26.7 billion in 2010, with more than 55 percent of the American public having purchased goods or services through direct selling. That's more than the number who have purchased through television shopping and on-line computer services combined. People value the products available through direct selling and 45 percent of Americans want to buy from direct sellers. Those who have purchased by direct selling are exceeded only by the percentage of those who have purchased via retail stores (96%) or through mail order catalogs (83%). As mentioned, worldwide sales are also strong with nearly $85 billion in sales.*