Greek keyboard on demand (v.
Разработано probey
Here fastest touch keyboard with layouts:
Greek EL with άέήίόύώΐΰϊϋ
[English QWERTY/Z EN]
[Cyrillic Russian/Ukrainian/Belarusian (RU/UK/BE)]
[] optional!
Any optional layouts can be disabled via activating settings menu item "Disable XX layout",
here XX - optional layout id, like EN.
Ideal for fast switching between layouts, switch between layouts using swipe left/right or click "EL/EN/RU/UK/BE" button.
After LONG KEY PRESS the appropriate key of EL layout keyboard showed Greek diacriticals characters:
Α: ά
Ε: έ
Η: ή
Ι: ί ΐ ϊ
Ο: ό
Υ: ύ ΰ ϋ
Ω: ώ
´: ά έ ή ί ό ύ ώ
΅¨: ΐ ϊ ΰ ϋ
΅: ΐ ΰ (compact EL only)*
¨: ϊ ϋ (compact EL only)*
* compact layout have 2 letters per key,
enable if activated all listed options:
"Expert mode" (first option),
"Compact portrait(landscape)" (orientation specific)
"Enabled EL compact" (layout specific)
After LONG KEY PRESS or repeatable press the appropriate key of RU/UK/BE layout keyboard showed all Ukrainian/Russian characters:
Г: ґ
І: ï ы (UK/BE only)*
Ы: і ï (RU only)*
Э: є (RU/BE only)*
Є: э (UK only)*
*UK layout activated with option "UK instead of RU"
*BE layout activated with both options "UK instead of RU" and "BE instead of UK".
After LONG KEY PRESS or repeatable press appropriate key of EN layout keyboard showed accent LATIN characters (Icelandic, Romanian, Lithuanian,
A: ąäàáâăæǽãåǻā
C: čçćċĉ
D: ďđð
E: ęėëèéêěē
G: ġĝğģ
H: ĥħ
I į ı ì í î ï ĩ ī ij
J: ĵ
K: ĸķ
L: ł ĺ ŀ ľ ļ
N: ñńňņʼnŋ
O: öøǿœõòóőôō
R: ŕřŗ
S: ߧśŝšşș
R: ŕřŗ
T: ťţțþŧ
U: üųūũùúűŭûů
W: ŵ
Y: ýŷÿ
Z: žźż
NEW features:
*Enhanced layout: added smiles with pop-up
*Added option 'Next layout label':
if option deactivated showed current layout label RU/EN
otherwise showed label of next layout after button click EN/RU
*bigger buttons for pop-ups
Compact layout option can be activated for portrait/landscape independently,
for this option every key have 2 letters,
therefore key are bigger, usefull for small monitors, turned on by default for portrait layout. Pop-up of compact layout have second letter, therefore is possible have big second letter after long press.
Also all accent letters showed for both compact layout key letters together.
For example
DE layout key "AS" have pop-up of A and S and letter S:
ą ä à á â ă æ ǽ ã å ǻ ā s ß § ś ŝ š ş ș
With aid of options can be switched different layouts, some of layout options behaves differently for portrait and landscape orientation.
Small buttons and some layout specific options active only if compact mode deactivated:
For deactivation of compact mode after activation
of 'Expert mode' please deactivate appropriate option "Enabled XX compact",
here XX layout name EN/DE/EL/RU/LT,
Compact mode can be turned of/on also with aid of orientation specific options
"Compact portrait"
/"Compact landscape"
Separately for RU keyboard implemented "5 rows mode" option, by default deactivated, this layout have one letter per key.
'Extended mode' for RU/UK/BE:
12 key per row, no more 2 letters per key
'5 rows mode' and 'Extended mode' can be disabled for landscape or portrait orientation separately with
deactivation of 'Enable 5 rows mode' and
'Enable extended mode' options