EC Global Mobile App (v. 1.2)
Разработано EC Global
In this EC Global App provides transit card products information and QR code based business card service are available.
We manufacture the T-money tsansit cards of accessary type and provide distribution business for those RFID transit cards.
Also, we have "Barunhangul" solution the most developed software for Korean spell check and grammar correction.
Especally, ECG(EC Global) is specialized in industrial design, web / mobile software and services and system development related with Intellectual Property fields.
We've got lot's of technologies related with RFID transit card design/developement and QR code based mobile app/web design skills and references are very famous.
EC Global Corp.(www.ecglobal.co.kr) is a Korea goverment certified Technology Innovation Venture comapny(InnoBiz).
Beside we doing our business more then decade in this field.
Our major customers are KIPO(Korean Intellectural Property Office), KIPI(Korea Institute of Patent Information), KIPA(Korea Invention Promotion Association) and KSCC(Korea Smart Card Company).