Wiki Dictionary +Ebook, Portal (v. 1.5.8)
Разработано Hoon's Inc.
This app is not Wikipedia's official app.
* 11/17 On Web, advertising has been removed from the screen.
Welcome! The world of Wiki Dictionary+.
Wiki Dictionary+ serves ten millions Wikipedia Article(Information).
Wiki Dictionary+ serves thousands Wikipedia Books.
Wiki Dictionary+ serves hundreds Wikipedia Portals.
Articles, portals, books, and Wikipedia search results, all web pages can be saved as the Favorite.
If you use this Favorite very useful.
Wikepedia has vast information on politics, economics, culture, society, history, art, every area, and that information is still being expanded.
I hope that this app is useful to you.
Some of the revenue from the app will become a donation to Wikepedia.
Thank you.
[Other Apps]
* Dictionary+ 1800+ Ebook, Portal
* Economic & Finance