Book-30,000 Locked Out (v. 1.0.2)
Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-08-16
30,000 Locked Out. The Great Strike of the Building Trades in Chicago by James C. Beeks chronicles the causes and consequences of the great strike of 1887. Lots of background information about the employers, unions and employees is included in this book.' |
Dragons of the Air-Book (v. 1.0.2)
Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-08-16
Harry G. Seeley was assistant to the famous palaeontologist, Adam Sedgwick, at the Woodwardian Museum, Cambridge. He believed the fossil pterosaurs (and many dinosaurs) must have been warm blooded in order to function effectively in their environment. The text contained what is considered to be the first sensible reconstructed diagrams of fossil pterosaurs. The illustrations are good quality and relevant to the text, which provide facinating reading.' |
The French Impressionists (186 (v. 1.0.0)
Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-08-16
The French Impressionists (1860-1900). Banished from the salons, exhibited in private galleries and sold direct to art lovers, the Impressionist works have been but little seen, this illustrated book gives examples from the best of the impressionist artists, as well as a wealth of background information regarding the period and the artists. Chapters on Manet, Degas, Monet, Renoir and others. ' |
Roses and Rose Growing' (v. 1.0.0)
Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-08-16
Roses and Rose Growing by Rose Georgina Kingsley. All you need to know about growing roses for cutting, the garden or exhibitions. Includes chapters on making a traditional rose garden, propagation and pruning, how to deal with pests and disease, and preparing roses for exhibition. Great background information about this favourite flower.' |
完美怀孕完全知识手册 (v. 1.0)
smallpest опубликовал приложение 2011-08-16
父母的血型会影响新生儿的健康,你知道吗? |
脑筋急转弯3600题 (v. 1.0)
smallpest опубликовал приложение 2011-08-16
招聘中常会被问到的问题 无语 |
三体科幻小说全集(一、二、三) (v. 7.000)
win16 опубликовал приложение 2011-08-15
《地球往事三部曲》是刘慈欣的新作,现在已经写出2部《三体》为该系列的第一部,可以看做一个更长的故事的开始。这《三体I》是一个关于背叛的故事,也是一个生存与死亡的故事,有时候,比起生存还是死亡来,忠诚与背叛可能更是一个问题。疯狂与偏执,最终将在人类文明的内部异化出怎样的力量?冷酷的星空将如何拷问心中道德?作者试图讲述一部在光年尺度上重新演绎的中国现代史,讲述一个文明二百次毁灭与重生的传奇。小说《三体》与三体问题有关,其中描述了一种在半人马座三星(应该是指半人马座α星: 这是一颗三合星,是距离太阳最近的恒星)生存的三体人及其三体文明。同时《三体》也是小说中的一个模拟三体文明在一个有三颗太阳的星系中挣扎生存并发展的网络游戏,应该是由希望三体文明降临地球介入人类文明的三体组织开发的。该小说已经在《科幻世界》上连载完毕,第二部已经出版,并名为《黑暗森林》。科幻世界杂志社已出版了《三体》和《黑暗森林》单行本。 |
都市小说连载 ---《九阶骇客》 (v. 1.0)
kid опубликовал приложение 2011-08-15
踩着神秘的脚步,让指尖飞舞, 顾盼回眸间,网络风云骤起灰飞烟灭, 这就是骇客的身影。 在被玩家虐杀了九千九百九十九次后,寄身在五十级黄金BOSS身上的黑客高手林潜竟然意外的回到了十年前,那个改变他命运的事件的前几天。 不管是上帝善意的玩笑还是死神的玩弄。 林潜只知道曾经错过的﹑被夺走的,都要重新拿回来;那些迫害过自己的﹑那些即将可能的威胁,都要十倍还之! 王者回归,带着后世积累的宝贵经验,成就网络修行界绝无仅有的传说---- 九阶骇客! |
HFRS Rota 2011 (v. 1.0.2)
Beavo опубликовал приложение 2011-08-15
Hertfordshire Fire & Rescue Rota For 2011. |
玄幻连载 --《战天》 (v. 1.1)
kid опубликовал приложение 2011-08-15
软件自动在线连载玄幻小说《战天》 ---自动更新最新章节(有网络的情况下),智能书签功能,更多连载书籍推荐 |