重生之仕途风云 (v. 2.0.02)
ZuiKong.com 最空网的小说、视频和游戏最给力 опубликовал приложение 2011-08-31
人生都会有些遗憾,有些会使人遗憾终生。在上天赋予柳原第二次生命的同时,他决定改变命运。 |
黑水玄蛇 (v. 2.0.02)
http://apk.zuikong.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-31
康摩言穿越之后,现自己来到了西游的世界。作为一名有着深厚仙佛情结的家伙,他自然不会放过,利用穿越的身份,大获好处的机会。只不过,新生活开始时,他的起步是一条蛇,这使得他穿越之后的人生,不,蛇生有了不小的难度…… |
穿越之异界君临天下 (v. 2.0.02)
http://apk.zuikong.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-31
在现实社会中苦苦挣扎的吴晓,标准的宅男,喜欢看书,喜欢看美女图片,喜欢没事就码码字,最大的愿望就是找个温柔体贴长的白的女孩,不需要多美丽,最重要的是勤劳善良。 |
荒唐神医 (v. 2.0.02)
http://apk.zuikong.com опубликовал приложение 2011-08-31
华佗中医学院学生欧阳七因为一场意外事故来到异界,糊里糊涂的被人认成了“七少爷”。凭借自身医术,这个冒牌“七少爷”在异界中开始了他荒唐而又精彩的传奇之旅…… |
无赖金仙 (v. 2.0.02)
ZuiKong.com 最空网的小说、视频和游戏最给力 опубликовал приложение 2011-08-31
林峰本是一个无门无派的小瘪三,只因为得到了一样东西而被人追杀,最后流落到一个魔法世界,重修玄功,凝炼成八宝金身,纵横不倒,且看主角如何在异界扬威。QQ书友群1:36230185(满员)QQ书友群2:35592526(满员)QQ书友群3:36480547(满员)无赖金仙群1:27288168(满员)无赖金仙群2:20819136(满员)无赖金仙群3:18536051(满员)无赖金仙4:5199966起点作家梁湛隆重推荐下列起点作品: |
PHP Reference (v. 1.0)
whawhawhat studio опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
At PHP Reference you will find complete references of all PHP functions and constants. |
Holy Rosary (v. 1.2)
Jorge Panayotti опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
Rosary for Android is an inspiring way to reflect upon the Mysteries from the life of Jesus Christ. This app is perfect for catechism students who have trouble remembering all of their prayers, or for your own personal daily worship. With all of the Rosary prayers from the official Vatican website inside, and the easy to use controls, you can see every day with colorful prayer chains formed to your liking. Adjust the font size to accommodate your visual preference. |
DC Dental Society (v. 1.6.5)
Core-apps опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
Follow Me is the official application for the 79th Annual Nation’s Capital Dental Meeting, March 31st through April 2nd, in Washington, DC. Navigate like a pro with our interactive app, search the exhibitor directory, or create your show schedule by choosing sessions you want to attend and speakers you want to hear. Enjoy the show! |
2011 APhA Annual Meeting (v. 1.7.2)
Core-apps опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
Follow Me is the official application for the APhA2011 Annual Meeting and Exposition, March 25-28, 2011, in Seattle, Wa. Navigate like a pro with our interactive maps, search the exhibitor directory, or create your show schedule by choosing sessions you want to attend and speakers you want to hear. Enjoy the show! |
Billiger Telefonieren (v. 1.2.1)
appcoholic опубликовал приложение 2011-08-30
Finden Sie mit im Nu die für Sie günstigsten Telefontarife. |