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Последние обновлённые книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
4741-4750 из 13647
Иконка для Learn Chinese 2.5

Learn Chinese (v. 2.5)

RealSimpleEdu.Com опубликовал приложение 2012-05-15
(обновлено 2012-05-15)

Learn to speak in Chinese via phrasebook, tutorials, quizzes and flashcards. Fast, easy and fun way to learn Chinese.

App is continuously updated based on your feedback. Your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed.

App Tools include search, bookmark and facebook integration.

Designed for English Speakers. Tap a phrase and it will be spoken for YOU in Chinese. Anytime, Anywhere

Meeting friends and co-workers from China could be much more fun with this app.

Focus is on every day phrases and words and app is categorized by following topics:

Includes following phrases books:
Greetings and General words,

Phrases for courtesy,

Food, Drink and Going out,

Places, People and Family,

Sports And the Outdoors,


Travelling Around,

General Questions,

Police Emergency,

Medical and Disaster Emergency,


Numbers and Measures


Our Vision: Provide on-the-go references that enable our customers to refer, learn and remember; easy to learn, more engaging and most complete.

Our Mission: A RealSimpleEDU app in every pocket.

Please write to us. We would love improve this app.

Иконка для 證主 1.1

證主 (v. 1.1)

Xtown Mobile Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2012-05-15
(обновлено 2012-05-15)


【證主】軟體是由已成立四十周年的「福音證主協會」所研發, 內容除包含好書試讀的每天「靈修小品」外, 還有精選的基督教家庭雜誌《天倫樂》、關心神州信徒的《展望中華》、了解「證主」動向的《證主心》等, 務求讓你每天可在短時間內獲取屬靈資訊, 建立健康人生。

1. 每天更新資料,免費高速閱覽;
2. 分類清晰,閱覽方便;
3. 高清閱讀,支援Retina高解像顯示,可調節字體大小;
4. 支持離線閱讀,不受網路限制,讓你可隨處閱讀;
5. 此軟體適用於Android作業系統手機及平板電腦。另備有iOS版本,適用於iPhone、iPod Touch及iPad。

歡迎大家下載使用 。如你想提出意見令軟體更貼近你的需要,或在使用軟體時遇到技術問題,請電郵至ehk@ccl.org.hk



© 2011 福音證主協會
© 2011 Christian Communications Ltd.

本軟件由Xtown Mobile開發及製作。

Иконка для Xiaoma Hanzi Chinese Character 1.1.0

Xiaoma Hanzi Chinese Character (v. 1.1.0)

Xiaoma Cidian опубликовал приложение 2011-02-03
(обновлено 2012-05-15)

A simplified Chinese characters reference dictionary and study tool.
- Full English definition (CC-CEDICT)
- Mandarin pinyin
- Lists of most frequent and HSK characters
- Search characters by radical, character or pinyin, including a list of characters hard to find
- Traditional variant
- Optional display of frequent compounds (requires network)
- Mark characters as favorite
- Pick up random characters
- Quiz mode
- Optional tone colors
- No advertisement!

Иконка для Jobs Aggregrator 1.2

Jobs Aggregrator (v. 1.2)

Canny Technologies опубликовал приложение 2011-02-02
(обновлено 2012-05-15)

Now you don't have to spend hours searching thousands of individual job boards, career sites, local newspapers, and corporate sites.

Jobs Aggregrator helps you to find millions of jobs from thousands of company web sites, job boards and newspapers in your mobile.

Иконка для Dream of Red Chambers(hong lou 1.2

Dream of Red Chambers(hong lou (v. 1.2)

JohnYan опубликовал приложение 2012-05-15
(обновлено 2012-05-15)

Hong Lou Meng: dream of red chambers. One of the four classics in Chinese literature. 红楼梦,四大名著之一。必读之作。里面的人物 林黛玉、贾宝玉、薛宝钗、王熙凤甚至刘姥姥都是家喻户晓。

Иконка для U.S. Army Combat Leaders Guide 1.0

U.S. Army Combat Leaders Guide (v. 1.0)

Bob Ibanez опубликовал приложение 2012-05-15
(обновлено 2012-05-15)

This is the official U.S. Army Combat Leaders Guide it is principally designed as a pocket refrence guide and memory jogger.
It is a compilation of techniques and procedures used by the U.S. Army in the training of all of its combat officers.This manual is over 226 pages long and is a must have for anyone serving in the military today.
Keywords:US Army Navy Marine Corps.
Survival How-To Pdf.Shooting Manuals

Иконка для Tao Te Ching-Lao Tzu(Bilingual 1.50

Tao Te Ching-Lao Tzu(Bilingual (v. 1.50)

babu.book опубликовал приложение 2012-05-15
(обновлено 2012-05-15)

Lao Tzu(Chinese: 老子,also Laozi ,Lao Tse, Lao Tu, Lao-Tzu, Lao-Tsu, Laotze, Laosi, Lao Zi, Laocius, and other variations)
Lao Tzu was a mystic philosopher of ancient China, and best known as the author of the Tao Te Ching(道德經).
"Tao" is mean a way.

Иконка для Chinese Bible 1.1

Chinese Bible (v. 1.1)

serulia опубликовал приложение 2012-05-14
(обновлено 2012-05-14)

中文 圣经 聖經 和合本
bible simplified traditional chinese aceBible CUV

Bible CUV (Chinese Union Version)

Read the Bible in Chinese on your Android phone. Old and New Testaments.

目 录

旧 约 全 书

创 世 纪, 传 道 书
出 埃 及 记, 雅 歌
利 未 记, 以 赛 亚 书
民 数 记, 耶 利 米 书
申 命 记, 耶 利 米 哀 歌
约 书 亚 记, 以 西 结 书
士 师 记, 但 以 理 书
路 得 记, 何 西 阿 书
撒 母 耳 记 上, 约 珥 书
撒 母 耳 记 下, 阿 摩 司 书
列 王 记 上, 俄 巴 底 亚 书
列 王 记 下, 约 拿 书
历 代 志 上, 弥 迦 书
历 代 志 下, 那 鸿 书
以 斯 拉 记, 哈 巴 谷 书
尼 希 米 记, 西 番 雅 书
以 斯 帖 记, 哈 该 书
约 伯 记, 撒 迦 利 亚
诗 篇, 玛 拉 基 书, 箴 言

新 约 全 书

马 太 福 音, 提 摩 太 前 书
马 可 福 音, 提 摩 太 后 书
路 加 福 音, 提 多 书
约 翰 福 音, 腓 利 门 书
使 徒 行 传, 希 伯 来 书
罗 马 书, 雅 各 书
歌 林 多 前 书, 彼 得 前 书
歌 林 多 后 书, 彼 得 后 书
加 拉 太 书, 约 翰 一 书
以 弗 所 书, 约 翰 二 书
腓 利 比 书, 约 翰 三 书
歌 罗 西 书, 犹 大 书
帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 前 书, 启 示 录, 帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 后 书

Keywords: Chinese Bible, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Gospels, Old Testament, New Testament, Beijing

Иконка для LDS Hymns with Notes FREE 1.5.2

LDS Hymns with Notes FREE (v. 1.5.2)

LDS Dudes опубликовал приложение 2012-05-14
(обновлено 2012-05-14)

Now includes all of the features of the paid version, which is now a "donate" version. If you enjoy this app, feel free to donate!

It's like having a mini hymn book in the palm of your hand!

Features both English and Spanish Hymns!

This app allows you to view the Mormon Church's hymns - either as lyrics alone or full sheet music! Find a hymn either by number or title / first line, switch between languages at the press of a button, zoom in/out for better viewing, and stream hymn music from LDS.org!

Don't need to see notes with the hymns? Just use the menu and switch to "Lyrics Only" mode! Simple, clean, and fast. Data is saved to SD card to save space for your other applications.

List of Features:
- Search by hymn number
- Search by title / first line
- Includes English and Spanish hymns
- Easy language cross-referencing
- Navigation buttons for browsing hymns
- Zoom and text-size functionality
- Stream hymn MP3s from LDS.org!

Hymn Languages:
- English
- Spanish

I am planning on adding Portuguese and French hymns in the near future.

*NOTE: Due to copyright restrictions, some hymns may not be available.

Иконка для SIFMA TECH 1.8.5

SIFMA TECH (v. 1.8.5)

Core-apps опубликовал приложение 2012-05-14
(обновлено 2012-05-14)

The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) brings together the shared interests of hundreds of securities firms, banks and asset managers.
SIFMA's mission is to develop policies and practices which strengthen financial markets and which encourage capital availability, job creation and economic growth while building trust and confidence in the financial industry. SIFMA, with offices in New York and Washington, D.C., is the U.S. regional member of the Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA).

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