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Последние обновлённые книги и справочники в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
4521-4530 из 13647
Иконка для La Estrella Plateada 1.4.1

La Estrella Plateada (v. 1.4.1)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

Audiolibro Sherlock Holmes y la Estrella Plateada.
Ha muerto un hombre y ha desparecido un caballo de carreras, por el que todos los expertos apostaban, era seguro que iba a ser el ganador del próximo Derby.
Su nombre es Estrella Plateada y su propietario el Coronel Ross, que no confia demasiado en la habilidad de Scotland Yard para resolver el caso y ha preferido llamar a Sherlock Holmes, para que le ayude a resolver el misterio

Иконка для La Liga de los Pelirrojos 1.4.1

La Liga de los Pelirrojos (v. 1.4.1)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

Audiolibro Sherlock Holmes y la Liga de los Pelirrojos.
¿Qué diría usted, si sólo por el hecho de ser pelirrojo, le ofrecieran un magnífico trabajo, fácil de hacer y bien pagado?
Probablemente sospecharíamos que nos estaban intentando engañar. La pregunta sería ¿Cómo?
Algo parecido le pasa al protagonista de nuestra historia, el Sr. Wilson, pero éste, decidido a no dejarse engañar, acude al gran Sherlock Holmes para que averigue qué es lo que hay de verdad y de falsedad en el asunto.

Иконка для Dicionário Priberam 1.0.6

Dicionário Priberam (v. 1.0.6)

Priberam опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

O Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa é um dicionário de português contemporâneo que contém mais de 100 000 entradas e que permite a consulta de definições, com sinónimos e antónimos por acepção, subentradas e locuções. Em alguns casos é também possível consultar informação sobre a origem da palavra e a sua pronúncia.

A consulta do dicionário requer a ligação à Internet podendo ser feita com ou sem as alterações gráficas previstas pelo Acordo Ortográfico de 1990. A versão oficial do Dicionário Priberam para Android é a primeira a permitir a selecção da norma europeia ou brasileira na apresentação das entradas.

Tal como a versão para a Web do Dicionário Priberam esta aplicação para o Android permite consultar a palavra do dia e as palavras mais pesquisadas.

O Dicionário Priberam, com mais de um milhão de páginas vistas por dia, é o dicionário de língua portuguesa mais consultado na Internet, sendo regularmente actualizado.

Quaisquer sugestões ou correcções devem ser enviadas para dicionario@priberam.pt.

Иконка для E-ained 1.1

E-ained (v. 1.1)

Animato опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

Database of food additives in Estonian language.

E-ainete andmebaas, kus on ära toodud nende nimetused, toimeained, kasutusalad ja võimalikud kõrvalmõjud nende tarbimisel.

Käepärane abivahend kõigile, keda huvitab, mida meile sisse söödetakse.

Иконка для Running Free 1.0

Running Free (v. 1.0)

Books to Go Now опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

John Greed lived up to his name, so he took up jogging, unaware that his life would drastically change in the coming weeks of sweat and toil.

He would meet an inquisitive fox one morning, but what then? Would it run or stay?

The answer is opaque, the journey paranormal, but one thing is sure - John will take a pigeon-step towards Nature.

Running Free
Tim Reed
Genre: Paranormal
Word Count: 3,899 Short Story

paranormal, shapeshifter, fox, paranormal romance, Books to Go Now, eBook Publsiher, ebook, Romance, phone apps, Droid, authors, short stories, short story, author, writers, writing,  AmazonPDF, wwwbookstogonow.com, digital publisher, Seattle, romance, romantic, sensual, story, stories, ebook, e-book, pdf, lit, html, buy, buy here, purchase, sale, cart, shop, shopping, download, read, reads, reader, reading,  royalty, royalties, contract, author, authors, digital, electronic, book, books, romance, romantic, best seller, bestseller, recommended read, award, award winning, free, links,antasies, mobi pocket, fictionwise, contemporary, action, adventure,  comedy, humour, contemporary, marketing, yahoo, myspace, bebo, uk, usa, american, britain,  british, au, australia

Иконка для NJLaw - Civil Rights -Title 10 2.2

NJLaw - Civil Rights -Title 10 (v. 2.2)

Kaboserv.com опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

NJLAW Series - Civil Rights - Title 10

A complete list of the laws listed within Title 10, the New Jersey Code of Civil Rights.

This app is designed for police and law enforcement professionals but could be beneficial to those who want to learn more about the laws of the State of New Jersey.

List screen covers all statutes with details and language from the law books of the State of New Jersey.

PLEASE NOTE: This is MORE than just a list, if your select one of the statues listed on the main screen you will see the full text for that listed statute. Search feature is active and can be accessed by pressing the magnifying glass on your android device. Please contact me with any questions.

This is a first release as of 06-06-2011. It is written by a police officer for other police officers and lawyers for ease of use. Please feel free to email any suggestions for improvement!

**ATTN: Users WITHOUT MAGNIFYING GLASS ON PHONE, You can access the search feature by LONG CLICKING on any item on the main screen

Thanks for looking!

Иконка для Heart of Deception 1.0

Heart of Deception (v. 1.0)

Books to Go Now опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

Celinda Graham—young, naïve, and passionate—is head-over-heels in love with Andrew Finley, Viscount Hurston and insists on marrying him. Unfortunately, Andrew’s family has been feuding with Celinda’s for generations.  

When her father refuses to allow the marriage, Andrew proposes a scandalous way to get his approval.  But Andrew has a secret that may spell disaster to his plans if Celinda finds out he is not what he seems.

Heart of Deception
Genre: Historical Romance
Word Count: 3,069 Short Story

Historical Romance, royal wedding, England, romance, sexy, Books to Go Now, eBook Publsiher, ebook, Romance, phone apps, Droid, authors, short stories, short story, author, writers, writing,  Amazon, PDF, wwwbookstogonow.com, digital publisher, Seattle, romance, romantic, sensual, story, stories, ebook, e-book, pdf, lit, html, buy, buy here, purchase, sale, cart, shop, shopping, download, read, reads, reader, reading,  royalty, royalties, contract, author, authors, digital, electronic, book, books, romance, romantic, best seller, bestseller, recommended read, award, award winning, free, links,antasies, mobi pocket, fictionwise, contemporary, action, adventure,  comedy, humour, contemporary, marketing, yahoo, myspace, bebo, uk, usa, american, britain,  british, au, australia

Иконка для The Ambassadors 1.0.2

The Ambassadors (v. 1.0.2)

Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

Preface-Nothing is more easy than to state the subject of "The Ambassadors," which first appeared in twelve numbers of The North American Review (1903) and was published as a whole the same year. The situation involved is gathered up betimes, that is in the second chapter of Book Fifth, for the reader's benefit, into as few words as possible—planted or "sunk," stiffly and saliently, in the centre of the current, almost perhaps to the obstruction of traffic. Never can a composition of this sort have sprung straighter from a dropped grain of suggestion, and never can that grain, developed, overgrown and smothered, have yet lurked more in the mass as an independent particle. The whole case, in fine, is in Lambert Strether's irrepressible outbreak to little Bilham on the Sunday afternoon in Gloriani's garden, the candour with which he yields, for his young friend's enlightenment, to the charming admonition of that crisis. The idea of the tale resides indeed in the very fact that an hour of such unprecedented ease should have been felt by him AS a crisis, and he is at pains to express it for us as neatly as we could desire. The remarks to which he thus gives utterance contain the essence of "The Ambassadors," his fingers close, before he has done, round the stem of the full-blown flower; which, after that fashion, he continues officiously to present to us. "Live all you can; it's a mistake not to. It doesn't so much matter what you do in particular so long as you have your life. If you haven't had that what HAVE you had? I'm too old—too old at any rate for what I see. What one loses one loses; make no mistake about that. Still, we have the illusion of freedom; therefore don't, like me to-day, be without the memory of that illusion. I was either, at the right time, too stupid or too intelligent to have it, and now I'm a case of reaction against the mistake. Do what you like so long as you don't make it. For it WAS a mistake. Live, live!" Such is the gist of Strether's appeal to the impressed youth, whom he likes and whom he desires to befriend; the word "mistake" occurs several times, it will be seen, in the course of his remarks—which gives the measure of the signal warning he feels attached to his case.

           *** QUALITY DIGITIZED BOOKS  ***
This Ebook can be placed on the SDCARD with Android 2.2 and above.

This is the full length digitised ebook version of a classic book and is supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.

Each  book  is packaged  with an advanced EBOOK  reader. Simply download the App and read the book – you do not need other software or Apps to enjoy this book.

Where available, pages in the book can be turned using the phone's volume keys.
If the App is closed, the book will reopen at the place where you left off reading the book.
Sections/chapters of the book are accessible directly from the  Table of Contents.
Book marks can be saved at any point within the book.
Use the MENU/BOOK MARK to mark any text to return to later.
You can search for any text within the book.
For your reading comfort, the book has two reading modes, DAY and NIGHT.
Where appropriate, the books contents are cross referenced, and linked.
Footnotes within the original book are maintained and linked within the book.
You can select font size for the book using the books menu options.
You can select font colour for the book using the books menu options
You can select background colour for the book using the books menu options
By default, the phone will not turn off whilst you are reading the book. This option can be turned off in MENU/SETTINGS.

A quality full length book in ebook format supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.
More quality classic ebook titles can be found on Android market – search “digimediaapps”
Goto www.digimediaapps.com for a full searchable catalogue of available books from Digi-Media-Apps.

Иконка для The Medallic History of the U 1.0.2

The Medallic History of the U (v. 1.0.2)

Digi-Media-Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

Introduction-Although our political history measures but a hundred years, it records so many memorable deeds, and the names of so many illustrious citizens, that our medals form, even now, an historically valuable collection, to say nothing of the great artistic merit of some of them. During the War of Independence alone, how many exploits, how many heroes do we find worthy of being thus honored! How numerous would have been our medals if Congress had not been imbued with the conviction that only the very highest achievements are entitled to such a distinction, and that the value of a reward is enhanced by its rarity! In voting those struck after the War of 1812-'15 with Great Britain, and after that of 1846-'47 with Mexico, the same discretion was shown. There was still greater necessity for reserve during the late Civil War, and only two were presented during that painful period: one to Ulysses S. Grant, then a major-general, for victories, and another to Cornelius Vanderbilt, in acknowledgment of his free gift of the steamship which bore his name.

           *** QUALITY DIGITIZED BOOKS  ***
This Ebook can be placed on the SDCARD with Android 2.2 and above.

This is the full length digitised ebook version of a classic book and is supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.

Each  book  is packaged  with an advanced EBOOK  reader. Simply download the App and read the book – you do not need other software or Apps to enjoy this book.

Where available, pages in the book can be turned using the phone's volume keys.
If the App is closed, the book will reopen at the place where you left off reading the book.
Sections/chapters of the book are accessible directly from the  Table of Contents.
Book marks can be saved at any point within the book.
Use the MENU/BOOK MARK to mark any text to return to later.
You can search for any text within the book.
For your reading comfort, the book has two reading modes, DAY and NIGHT.
Where appropriate, the books contents are cross referenced, and linked.
Footnotes within the original book are maintained and linked within the book.
You can select font size for the book using the books menu options.
You can select font colour for the book using the books menu options
You can select background colour for the book using the books menu options
By default, the phone will not turn off whilst you are reading the book. This option can be turned off in MENU/SETTINGS.

A quality full length book in ebook format supplied by Digi-Media-Apps.
More quality classic ebook titles can be found on Android market – search “digimediaapps”
Goto www.digimediaapps.com for a full searchable catalogue of available books from Digi-Media-Apps.

Иконка для Syracuse Vineyard 0.11.13073

Syracuse Vineyard (v. 0.11.13073)

JRB Marketing опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

In  1991  John  and  Gwen  Elmer  felt  called  by  God  to  move  back  to  Syracuse  to  start  a  Vineyard  church.  They  wanted  to  develop  a  church  that  had  a  "come  as  you  are  and  be  loved"  atmosphere.  The  church  started  with  a  small  group  of  six  meeting  in  the  Elmer's  living  room.  In  February  1992  they  had  their  first  public  service  in  a  rented  space  at  a  local  church.  In  1995  the  church  rented  its  own  space  over  a  pizzeria  in  the  village  of  Camillus.

1999  brought  about  a  big  change;  the  purchase  of  our  own  building  in  Lakeland  near  the  New  York  State  Fairgrounds.  In  this  building  the  church  has  prospered  and  grown  from  one  service  to  four  per  weekend.

We  have  opened  a  new  campus  in  Auburn  to  better  serve  Central  New  York.

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