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4361-4370 из 13647
Иконка для Grace Mobile Bible Studio App 2.6.1

Grace Mobile Bible Studio App (v. 2.6.1)

Grace Software опубликовал приложение 2011-02-16
(обновлено 2012-06-05)

The best of the bible and more in the palm of your hand!
20 Translations (See Images)
Spoken Bibles
Prayer Requests
Private Messaging
Daily Grace Text
Advanced Search Engine
Full Multi-Touch Zoom Support
Customizable Look & Feel
Verse Highlighting

Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/GraceSoftware

For the latest new visit us on FaceBook http://facebook.com/GraceSoftware

Need a feature? Just ask!
Version 2.6.1 Changes:
Fixed Whats New screen always showing.

Version 2.6 Changes:
Swipe to change chapters.
Spoken Bible continuous play mode.
Screen stays on while listening to music, radio, spoken bibles, and reading.
Fixed multiple posting issue.

Version 2.5 Changes:
Integrated Radio Player
Fixed Music Going To Sleep

Version 2.4 Changes:
Private Messaging Bug Fixes
Network Timeout Increased
Preparation for Radio & Video Resources
Minor Layout Changes

Version 2.3 Changes:
Added Private Messaging
Force Close Fixes

Version 2.2 Changes:
Minor crash fix

Version 2 Changes:
Complete overhaul!

Иконка для American Wordspeller 1.7

American Wordspeller (v. 1.7)

i.m. Press опубликовал приложение 2011-02-16
(обновлено 2012-06-05)

American Wordspeller © & Phonetic Dictionary
"Find Word by the Way it Sounds"

Simply type in 3-4 letters of your word by "how it sounds to you".  Find any word in the dictionary phonetically. NO spelling RULES required. It is frustrating when you have a misspelled word, then the spellcheckers only suggestion is...no matches found...?!?! We are working hard to make sure we have a match for your misspelled word!

Remember, just type the first 2-3 letters that YOU THINK your word starts with into the search bar. If there are too many choices...add a 4th or 5th letter to narrow your search.


•Very brief definitions to help you quickly understand the meaning of the word.

•If your word sounds or is spelled like another word those words will be Cross-Referenced.  Examples:

•petal/ pedal/ peddle
•carrot/ caret/ karat/ carat
•immigrant/ emigrant

•Suffix Speller - root word spelled out with all suffix endings attached.
Example: 'mad':
mad = madder, maddest, madden, maddening, maddeningly, madly, madness

•Prefixes listed along with their definition. Example:
satisfied =  dis (for dissatisfied) / un (unsatisfied)

*This app does not require internet connection!

*This app will receive constant updates resultant of user feedback. Please submit your requests for changes to our support team or contact us if you have questions or problems


*Phonetic misspellings also includes Japanese vowel sounds, suitable for Japanese ESL.
*Spanish edition to be released June, 2011, please check website for updates.

Author: Diane Frank
App Designer:Clark Rinker

Иконка для 清新的歷史 (本 ebook 书) 1.0

清新的歷史 (本 ebook 书) (v. 1.0)

Sty'll fish co., ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

T978161177850#novel,classics,bestseller,Magazine,ebooks,ebook,digital books,digital book,books,book,the books,the book,novels,小说,文学,武侠,言情,爱情,杂志,书,小説,文庫,ライトノベルス,ラノベ,ノンフィクション,おすすめ,話題,最新,人気,メジャー,有名,ランキング,名作,ヒット,ベストセラー,雑誌,電子書籍,書籍,本

摘要:不斷地尋覓、追問、探索人類對心靈、靈魂、生命的答案,卻遍尋不到,於是羅恩開始進入這完全未知的領域──這場演講是唯一詳述這個探險之旅的故事。這裡描述了羅恩如何踏上這條路徑,解開了人類長久追尋的謎團,把人從他過去痛苦經驗的桎梏中解放出來。這場演講說明了這個歷史性的成就,也就是這個宇宙中前所未知的狀態──清新者狀態。完整敘述:我們的路,帶你到達觀察的平台,從那裡一個人可以觀察,而他透過這些觀察來做出決定。而那個觀察的平台,我們稱之為清新者。── L. 羅恩 賀伯特. 不斷地尋覓、追問、探索人類對心靈、靈魂、生命的答案,卻遍尋不到,於是羅恩開始進入這完全未知的領域──這場演講是唯一詳述這個探險之旅的故事。這裡描述了L. 羅恩 賀伯特如何踏上這條路徑,解開了人類長久追尋的謎團,把人從他過去痛苦經驗的桎梏中解放出來。故事一開始,羅恩全心投入充滿靈性與傳統的亞洲。在那裡,羅恩與許多專家結交為友,其中包括一位偉大的末代魔術師,這位魔術師的祖先,曾在皇宮中服侍蒙古皇帝忽必烈。即便擁有神奇的力量,這塊大陸的人將智慧看得非常神聖──事實上,這些東方聖哲將智慧看得如此神聖,因而拒絕將他們過人的能力,用以解決生活上真實迫切的問題。賀伯特先生回到美國後,面對與東方世界截然不同,但卻一樣不切實際的西方學術界。西方世界在自然科學的主導下,僅致力於研究物質、能量、空間的互動,在這樣的世界裡,靈魂完全不被納入考量。賀伯特先生瞭解到,這兩個互不相容的學派都沒有提供答案,於是,展開了艱辛的探索之旅,要使人從桎梏中獲得釋放,得以享受幸福。他體認到,人既是精神個體,也是物質個體,因而做出突破性的發現,並由此得出更多資料。他在演講中,敘述這條研究路上的各個里程碑,體現出不同凡響的卓越成就──福澤廣被全人類。以下記錄說明了這個勝利以及歷史性的成就,也就是這個宇宙中前所未知的狀態──清新者狀態。

Иконка для Crochet 101 1.2

Crochet 101 (v. 1.2)

Metzger Apps опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

Crochet 101 is a comprehensive application that describes how to crochet.  It is an excellent teaching tool for novices as well as a great reference for intermediate crafters.  Features include the following:

Instructional videos
Original graphics
Guide to reading patterns
Original sample pattern for beginners
Tables of yarn types and sizes
Tables of hook sizes
Table of clothing sizes
List of online resources

Download this fantastic multimedia app and start crocheting today!

Иконка для Dislexicon 1.5

Dislexicon (v. 1.5)

Robobunny опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

The Dislexicon is a word generator that creates new words both nonsensical and profound by combining prefixes and suffixes with any root word you provide. It will define the word for you so you can amaze your friends with your enormous, though fictional, vocabulary. It will even read the word for you, so you can pronounce it if you're illiterate!

It's never too soon to begin the largeification of your wordscape!

Иконка для La NocheBuena. Julia de Asensi 1.4.1

La NocheBuena. Julia de Asensi (v. 1.4.1)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2011-02-16
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

Eran las ocho de la noche del 24 de Diciembre de 1867. Las calles de Madrid llenas de gente alegre y bulliciosa, con sus tiendas iluminadas, asombro de los lugareños que vienen a pasar las Pascuas en la capital, presentaban un aspecto bello y animado. En muchas casas se empezaban a encender las luces de los nacimientos, que habían de ser el encanto de una gran parte de los niños de la corte, y en casi todas se esperaba con impaciencia la cena, compuesta, entre otras cosas, de la sabrosa sopa de almendra y del indispensable besugo

Иконка для 心靈的機械 (本 ebook 书) 1.0

心靈的機械 (本 ebook 书) (v. 1.0)

Sty'll fish co., ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

T978161177835#novel,classics,bestseller,Magazine,ebooks,ebook,digital books,digital book,books,book,the books,the book,novels,小说,文学,武侠,言情,爱情,杂志,书,小説,文庫,ライトノベルス,ラノベ,ノンフィクション,おすすめ,話題,最新,人気,メジャー,有名,ランキング,名作,ヒット,ベストセラー,雑誌,電子書籍,書籍,本

摘要:但如果有人把他在某方面的思考與行為都變成「自動化」,那會是什麼情形呢?或者甚至他的整個生活?這場演講介紹各種心靈機制,它們如何破壞一個人的決定力,以及如何在自己和他人身上偵測出來。這是一個非常重要的能力。正如一台真正的機器可能會失控,心靈機制也是一樣。幸運的是,個人可以控制心靈的機制,並藉此真正掌控他自己的生活。完整敘述:如果你想要把一些生命放回這個社會,如果你想要把整個社會拼回去,好讓它希望生存下去,如果你要讓生活更好一點,其實你要做的,只是讓人們能夠有更多一些對自己的行動和反應的掌控。── L. 羅恩 賀伯特 每個人都會以自動化的方式去處理某些日常生活事物。假如開車時都得把每一個細微的程序再想一遍,開車就會變得笨手笨腳。但如果有人把他在某方面的思考與行為都變成「自動化」,那會是什麼情形呢?比方說,教育?或是工作?或者甚至他的整個生活?所有的解答全都在這裡,這讓我們對心靈有了全新的視野。當一個人從生活的某個領域中退縮到某個程度時,他會建立一個自動化的心靈機制來代替他自己。演講中會介紹各種心靈機制,以及它們究竟如何破壞一個人的決定力。為了恢復個人的決定力,L. 羅恩 賀伯特詳細說明如何辨識出一個人思想、行為及對話中的自動機制,藉此得以察覺自己和他人的這些機制。這是一個非常重要的能力。正如一台真正的機器可以脫離操作者而失控,同樣地,心靈機制也可以有相同效果。發生那樣的事情時──小心!一旦「機器」控制了整個行為模式,它會剝奪這個人替自己思考或行動的能力,而且他甚至絲毫都沒有感覺。幸運的是,我們有辦法解決它,那就是賀伯特先生所說的「存在的核心」,那是每一個活的個體都擁有,而且心靈機制無法反抗的事物。因此,個人可以控制心靈的機制,並藉此真正掌控他自己的生活。

Иконка для O Mercador de Veneza 1.4.1

O Mercador de Veneza (v. 1.4.1)

Libro Movil опубликовал приложение 2011-02-16
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

Bassânio, um nobre veneziano, mas empobrecida pede a seu melhor amigo de Antônio, um comerciante abastado, que lhe emprestasse 3000 ducados para que possa cortejar a herdeira Portia. Antonio, que tem todo o dinheiro gasto nos seus navios no exterior, decidiu emprestar o montante de Shylock, o usurário judeu. Shylock aceita emprestar dinheiro sob a condição de que, se o montante não for pago na data devida, Antonio terá de dar um quilo de carne da parte do corpo que Shylock disponível

Иконка для Memorable Quotes 1.8

Memorable Quotes (v. 1.8)

XStudio Technologies опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

NOTE: In case you face any problems do send us an email with information about your phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fix it immediately.

A collection of inspirational Quotes by Famous People.

This application lets you browse quotes by Categories or Authors, mark them as Favorite, send them through SMS, Email, or publish them on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Also, do try out our new widget !

Some of the categories supported are wisdom, friendship, humor, life....and many more!

Please get back to our developer Email id if you face any issues, or want additional features. Your feedback is always welcome !

-Facebook publishing might not work on a few phones, including Droid, myTouch 3G, and a few versions of Samsung Galaxy.
-Do check out our new widget and tell us what you think of it.

Иконка для Book Quotes 1.8

Book Quotes (v. 1.8)

Frenys опубликовал приложение 2012-06-04
(обновлено 2012-06-04)

Hundreds of handpicked quotes from great books from a great variety of authors. Enjoy the words from Jane Austen, James Joyce, J.R.R tolkien and many more fantasctic authors.
The app is feature rich, yet extremely intuitive and easy to navigate.

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